Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart nbr pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Bygone Bishop ---- Drogskol Cavalry Burn from Within
1 - 2 Spectral Shepherd ---- Kindly Stranger  Flip Angelic Purge
1 - 3 Village Messenger  Flip ---- Town Gossipmonger  Flip Dead Weight
1 - 4 Erdwal Illuminator ---- Ghoulsteed Rancid Rats
1 - 5 Niblis of Dusk ---- Pore Over the Pages Crow of Dark Tidings
1 - 6 Just the Wind ---- Confront the Unknown Ulrich's Kindred
1 - 7 Niblis of Dusk ---- Crawling Sensation Sanguinary Mage
1 - 8 Broken Concentration ---- Vessel of Nascency Pyre Hound
1 - 9 Drownyard Explorers ---- Militant Inquisitor Hulking Devil
1 - 10 Jace's Scrutiny ---- Rush of Adrenaline Uncaged Fury
1 - 11 Deny Existence ---- Pick the Brain Catalog
1 - 12 Furtive Homunculus ---- Fork in the Road Hulking Devil
1 - 13 Ghostly Wings ---- Equestrian Skill Root Out
1 - 14 Open the Armory ---- Vessel of Volatility Macabre Waltz
2 - 1 Rise from the Tides ---- Odric, Lunarch Marshal Flameblade Angel
2 - 2 Westvale Abbey  Flip ---- Neglected Heirloom  Flip Kessig Forgemaster  Flip
2 - 3 Trail of Evidence ---- Veteran Cathar Village Messenger  Flip
2 - 4 Rise from the Tides ---- Hope Against Hope Stone Quarry
2 - 5 Stormrider Spirit ---- Watcher in the Web Olivia's Bloodsworn
2 - 6 Fleeting Memories ---- Moorland Drifter Bloodmad Vampire
2 - 7 Jace's Scrutiny ---- Game Trail Howlpack Wolf
2 - 8 Howlpack Wolf ---- Inspiring Captain Howlpack Wolf
2 - 9 Furtive Homunculus ---- Foul Orchard Aim High
2 - 10 Niblis of Dusk ---- Stoic Builder Wicker Witch
2 - 11 Aim High ---- Intrepid Provisioner Sanitarium Skeleton
2 - 12 Wicker Witch ---- Watcher in the Web Equestrian Skill
2 - 13 Pieces of the Puzzle ---- Tormenting Voice Inquisitor's Ox
2 - 14 Wicker Witch ---- Structural Distortion Aim High
3 - 1 Rise from the Tides ---- Stonewing Antagonizer  Flip Bloodmad Vampire
3 - 2 Veteran Cathar ---- Stensia Masquerade Mindwrack Demon
3 - 3 Daring Sleuth  Flip ---- Traverse the Ulvenwald Senseless Rage
3 - 4 Uninvited Geist  Flip ---- Autumnal Gloom  Flip Neglected Heirloom  Flip
3 - 5 Niblis of Dusk ---- Silverstrike Throttle
3 - 6 Ongoing Investigation ---- Weirding Wood Fiery Temper
3 - 7 Quilled Wolf ---- Ulrich's Kindred Rush of Adrenaline
3 - 8 Just the Wind ---- Choked Estuary Alms of the Vein
3 - 9 Stitched Mangler ---- Ember-Eye Wolf True-Faith Censer
3 - 10 Magnifying Glass ---- Drownyard Explorers Explosive Apparatus
3 - 11 Manic Scribe ---- Gloomwidow Sanitarium Skeleton
3 - 12 Fleeting Memories ---- Nagging Thoughts Moldgraf Scavenger
3 - 13 Furtive Homunculus ---- Jace's Scrutiny Silburlind Snapper
3 - 14 Chaplain's Blessing ---- Catalog Clip Wings