Ended 1 year ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart TehLolman pie chart Alicefoxx pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Mountain Swamp Mountain Coalition Relic Baru, Fist of Krosa Seht's Tiger Swamp Swamp
1 - 2 Delay Foresee Skizzik Surger Rites of Flourishing Llanowar Reborn Blade of the Sixth Pride Spin into Myth Magus of the Vineyard
1 - 3 Pooling Venom Sliversmith Frenzy Sliver Spellwild Ouphe Sprout Swarm Riddle of Lightning Mountain Whip-Spine Drake
1 - 4 Thornweald Archer Delay Bridge from Below Ramosian Revivalist Thornweald Archer Knight of Sursi Death Rattle Bonded Fetch
1 - 5 Llanowar Reborn Grinning Ignus Sprout Swarm Infiltrator il-Kor Imperiosaur Foresee Stronghold Rats Homing Sliver
1 - 6 Cryptic Annelid Quiet Disrepair Sporoloth Ancient Virulent Sliver Sporoloth Ancient Augur il-Vec Delay Storm Entity
1 - 7 Frenzy Sliver Augur of Skulls Arcanum Wings Llanowar Empath Thornweald Archer Logic Knot River of Tears Death Rattle
1 - 8 Leaden Fists Skirk Ridge Exhumer Edge of Autumn Lumithread Field Riftsweeper Blade of the Sixth Pride Judge Unworthy Leaden Fists
1 - 9 Keldon Megaliths Grinning Ignus Mesmeric Sliver Oblivion Crown Vedalken Aethermage Chronomantic Escape Death Rattle Mesmeric Sliver
1 - 10 Oblivion Crown Sporoloth Ancient Sporoloth Ancient Logic Knot Fatal Attraction Lucent Liminid Fomori Nomad Whip-Spine Drake
1 - 11 Soultether Golem Street Wraith Oblivion Crown Sarcomite Myr Putrid Cyclops Dust of Moments Fatal Attraction Marshaling Cry
1 - 12 Samite Censer-Bearer Henchfiend of Ukor Bogardan Lancer Grave Scrabbler Unblinking Bleb Lumithread Field Lost Hours Emberwilde Augur
1 - 13 Unblinking Bleb Emberwilde Augur Aven Augur Marshaling Cry Blind Phantasm Patrician's Scorn Sarcomite Myr Aven Augur
1 - 14 Saltskitter Gathan Raiders Unblinking Bleb Gathan Raiders Cutthroat il-Dal Rift Elemental Flowstone Embrace Samite Censer-Bearer
1 - 15 Deepcavern Imp Island Rift Elemental Island Saltskitter Patrician's Scorn Cutthroat il-Dal
2 - 1 Plains Swamp Mountain Arc Blade Sprout Swarm Blade of the Sixth Pride Plains Plains
2 - 2 Shah of Naar Isle Goldmeadow Lookout Magus of the Abyss Mountain Sprout Swarm Venser, Shaper Savant Grove of the Burnwillows Tarox Bladewing
2 - 3 Foresee Death Rattle Skizzik Surger Swamp Centaur Omenreader Logic Knot Death Rattle Sprout Swarm
2 - 4 Cryptic Annelid Utopia Mycon Slaughter Pact Ichor Slick Llanowar Empath Zoetic Cavern Imperiosaur Blade of the Sixth Pride
2 - 5 Reality Strobe Llanowar Reborn Lymph Sliver Mistmeadow Skulk Wrap in Vigor Whip-Spine Drake Cyclical Evolution Leaden Fists
2 - 6 Foresee Grave Peril Skirk Ridge Exhumer Leaden Fists Kavu Primarch Narcomoeba Grinning Ignus Death Rattle
2 - 7 Boldwyr Intimidator Augur of Skulls Fleshwrither Fleshwrither Llanowar Empath Chronomantic Escape Ichor Slick Lymph Sliver
2 - 8 Edge of Autumn Grinning Ignus Logic Knot Leaden Fists Nessian Courser Lucent Liminid Judge Unworthy Logic Knot
2 - 9 Nessian Courser Petrified Plating Sporoloth Ancient Sporoloth Ancient Grave Scrabbler Marshaling Cry Venser's Diffusion Quiet Disrepair
2 - 10 Riftsweeper Nessian Courser Logic Knot Mesmeric Sliver Edge of Autumn Aven Augur Llanowar Augur Festering March
2 - 11 Marshaling Cry Petrified Plating Sarcomite Myr Quiet Disrepair Bloodshot Trainee Samite Censer-Bearer Lost Hours Samite Censer-Bearer
2 - 12 Fomori Nomad Henchfiend of Ukor Festering March Samite Censer-Bearer Saltskitter Samite Censer-Bearer Unblinking Bleb Gift of Granite
2 - 13 Putrid Cyclops Riftsweeper Henchfiend of Ukor Dakmor Salvage Fomori Nomad Gift of Granite Blind Phantasm Samite Censer-Bearer
2 - 14 Mass of Ghouls Vedalken Aethermage Deepcavern Imp Emberwilde Augur Gathan Raiders Rift Elemental Deepcavern Imp Cutthroat il-Dal
2 - 15 Unblinking Bleb Cutthroat il-Dal Blind Phantasm Putrid Cyclops Forest Rift Elemental
3 - 1 Magus of the Abyss Mountain Plains Swamp Virulent Sliver Chronomantic Escape Coalition Relic Mountain
3 - 2 Magus of the Vineyard Tolaria West Bonded Fetch Tarmogoyf Llanowar Mentor Cloudseeder Slaughter Pact Spellwild Ouphe
3 - 3 Reality Strobe Spellwild Ouphe Zoetic Cavern Second Wind Sprout Swarm Foresee Plains Stronghold Rats
3 - 4 Sprout Swarm Blade of the Sixth Pride Sliversmith Thornweald Archer Wrap in Vigor Mistmeadow Skulk Pact of the Titan Foresee
3 - 5 Ichor Slick Frenzy Sliver Knight of Sursi Foresee Llanowar Augur Lucent Liminid Virulent Sliver Riddle of Lightning
3 - 6 Ghostfire Whip-Spine Drake Ghostfire Char-Rumbler Thornweald Archer Logic Knot Jhoira of the Ghitufoil Frenzy Sliver
3 - 7 Riddle of Lightning Wrap in Vigor Boldwyr Intimidator Thornweald Archer Petrified Plating New Benalia Lymph Sliver Homing Sliver
3 - 8 Infiltrator il-Kor Ghostfire Quiet Disrepair Edge of Autumn Petrified Plating Venser's Diffusion Augur of Skulls Fleshwrither
3 - 9 Sporoloth Ancient Mesmeric Sliver Skirk Ridge Exhumer Oblivion Crown Soultether Golem Lumithread Field Samite Censer-Bearer Leaden Fists
3 - 10 Judge Unworthy Wrap in Vigor Edge of Autumn Mesmeric Sliver Llanowar Augur Unblinking Bleb Keldon Megaliths Grave Scrabbler
3 - 11 Henchfiend of Ukor Llanowar Empath Quiet Disrepair Logic Knot Nessian Courser Even the Odds Barren Glory Samite Censer-Bearer
3 - 12 Grave Scrabbler Putrid Cyclops Fatal Attraction Vedalken Aethermage Petrified Plating Vedalken Aethermage Lost Hours Fatal Attraction
3 - 13 Grave Scrabbler Gathan Raiders Flowstone Embrace Aven Augur Blind Phantasm Even the Odds Henchfiend of Ukor Venser's Diffusion
3 - 14 Mass of Ghouls Emberwilde Augur Patrician's Scorn Saltskitter Mass of Ghouls Island Mass of Ghouls Emberwilde Augur
3 - 15 Dakmor Salvage Dust of Moments Deepcavern Imp Island Island Vedalken Aethermage Emberwilde Augur Cutthroat il-Dal