CN2 / CN2 / CNS

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart The_Everythingologist pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Exotic Orchard Skyline Despot Caller of the Untamed Burgeoning Avatar of Woe ---- Birds of Paradise Volatile Chimera
1 - 2 Kill Shot Guttersnipe Serum Visions Flame Slash Guardian of the Gateless ---- Hail of Arrows Overrun
1 - 3 Throne Warden Nessian Asp Covenant of Minds Omenspeaker Throne Warden ---- Dismiss Deadly Designs
1 - 4 Garrulous Sycophant Mausoleum Turnkey Ballot Broker Beast Within Custodi Peacekeeper ---- Mausoleum Turnkey Coordinated Assault
1 - 5 Voyaging Satyr Carnage Gladiator Gruul War Chant Havengul Vampire Lay of the Land ---- Prey Upon Repulse
1 - 6 Vaporkin Prey Upon Twin Bolt Repulse Palace Sentinels ---- Coiling Oracle Rogue's Passage
1 - 7 Ballot Broker Kiln Fiend Carnage Gladiator Ballot Broker Cloaked Siren ---- Grenzo's Ruffians Skittering Crustacean
1 - 8 Unnerve Brushstrider Gang of Devils Skittering Crustacean Raise Dead ---- Zealous Strike Skittering Crustacean
1 - 9 Caller of Gales Ill-Tempered Cyclops Cloaked Siren Lace with Moonglove Unnerve ---- Zealous Strike Fang of the Pack
1 - 10 Ravenous Leucrocota Stromkirk Patrol Irresistible Prey Goblin Balloon Brigade Disenchant ---- Vaporkin Skittering Crustacean
1 - 11 Disenchant Netcaster Spider Fiery Fall Lace with Moonglove Bonds of Quicksilver ---- Borderland Explorer Stromkirk Patrol
1 - 12 Ill-Tempered Cyclops Festergloom Fiery Fall Disenchant Disenchant ---- Trumpet Blast Natural Unity
1 - 13 Incendiary Dissent Shambling Goblin Hurly-Burly Natural Unity Mnemonic Wall ---- Altar's Reap Gleam of Resistance
1 - 14 Leovold's Operative Orchard Elemental Strength in Numbers Plummet Traumatic Visions ---- Goblin Tunneler Leovold's Operative
2 - 1 Ghostly Prison Throne of the High City Hedron Matrix Serum Visions Gratuitous Violencefoil ---- Pariah Murder
2 - 2 Stoneshock Giant Summoner's Bond Hold the Perimeter Death Wind Burning Wish ---- Show and Tell Protector of the Crown
2 - 3 Doomed Traveler Palace Jailer Juniper Order Ranger Guttersnipe Spectral Grasp ---- Keepsake Gorgon Voyaging Satyr
2 - 4 Juniper Order Ranger Omenspeaker Child of Night Regicide Flame Slash ---- Carnage Gladiator Merfolk Skyscout
2 - 5 Rogue's Passage Divination Omenspeaker Infest Child of Night ---- Nessian Asp Throne Warden
2 - 6 Cloaked Siren Animus of Predation Child of Night Carnage Gladiator Pyretic Hunter ---- Prey Upon Domesticated Hydra
2 - 7 Lay of the Land Rogue's Passage Blood-Toll Harpy Vaporkin Raise the Alarm ---- Blood-Toll Harpy Gang of Devils
2 - 8 Evolving Wilds Unnerve Canal Courier Divination Twin Bolt ---- Canal Courier Repulse
2 - 9 Ill-Tempered Cyclops Skittering Crustacean Cloaked Siren Messenger Jays Ravenous Leucrocota ---- Divination Domesticated Hydra
2 - 10 Kitesail Zealous Strike Goblin Balloon Brigade Unnerve Goblin Balloon Brigade ---- Messenger Jays Adriana's Valor
2 - 11 Copperhorn Scout Entourage of Trest Goblin Racketeer Ill-Tempered Cyclops Sinuous Vermin ---- Tormenting Voice Ravenous Leucrocota
2 - 12 Fleeting Distraction Hexplate Golem Borderland Explorer Skittering Crustacean Entourage of Trest ---- Natural Unity Shambling Goblin
2 - 13 Sylvan Bounty Fleeting Distraction Trumpet Blast Trumpet Blast Ghostly Possession ---- Menagerie Liberator Ogre Sentry
2 - 14 Festergloom Fade into Antiquity Incendiary Dissent Negate Orchard Elemental ---- Gleam of Resistance Altar's Reap
3 - 1 Terastodon Flamewright Grenzo, Dungeon Warden AEther Searcher Stifle ---- Spontaneous Combustion Unquestioned Authority
3 - 2 Dack's Duplicate Grenzo, Dungeon Warden Power Play Mirrodin's Core Double Stroke ---- Mortify AEther Searcher
3 - 3 Grenzo's Cutthroat Brago's Representative Reckless Scholar AEther Searcher Marchesa's Infiltrator ---- Predator's Howl Brimstone Volley
3 - 4 Cogwork Librarian *list* Minamo Scrollkeeper Peace Strider Typhoid Rats Smallpox ---- Vampire Hexmage Reckless Scholar
3 - 5 Muzzio's Preparations Sentinel Dispatch Typhoid Rats Assassinate Assassinate ---- Power of Fire Grenzo's Cutthroat
3 - 6 Custodi Squire Guardian Zendikon Minamo Scrollkeeper Pride Guardian Woodvine Elemental ---- Power of Fire Brago's Favor
3 - 7 Wrap in Vigor Vent Sentinel Brago's Favor Air Servant Vent Sentinel ---- Enclave Elite Infectious Horror
3 - 8 Charging Rhino Howling Wolf Warmonger's Chariot Infectious Horror Quag Vampires ---- Kor Chant Vent Sentinel
3 - 9 Woodvine Elemental Wakedancer Whispergear Sneak Grixis Illusionist Vow of Duty ---- Skitter of Lizards Stave Off
3 - 10 Valor Made Real Warmonger's Chariot Stave Off Cinder Wall Cogwork Spy ---- Skitter of Lizards Howling Wolf
3 - 11 Respite Copperhorn Scout Hunger of the Howlpack Syphon Soul Moment of Heroism ---- Fires of Yavimaya Wakedancer
3 - 12 Sporecap Spider Wood Sage Scaled Wurm Pitchburn Devils Turn the Tide ---- Trumpet Blast Trumpet Blast
3 - 13 Turn the Tide Necromantic Thirst Cogwork Tracker Nature's Claim Plagued Rusalka ---- Syphon Soul Plummet
3 - 14 Torch Fiend Pillarfield Ox Plummet Plummet Stronghold Discipline ---- Plated Seastrider Zombie Goliath