Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart oroger pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Baffling End Winged Temple of Orazca  Flip Woodland Stream Jungle Creeper Crested Herdcaller Jadelight Ranger ---- Stone Quarry
1 - 2 Deeproot Elite Path of Mettle  Flip Deadeye Brawler Metzali, Tower of Triumph  Flip Forerunner of the Coalition Forerunner of the Heralds ---- Hadana's Climb  Flip
1 - 3 Impale Deadeye Brawler Impale Siegehorn Ceratops Crested Herdcaller Storm Fleet Swashbuckler ---- Forerunner of the Empire
1 - 4 Cherished Hatchling Needletooth Raptor Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Squire's Devotion Luminous Bonds Waterknot ---- Luminous Bonds
1 - 5 Knight of the Stampede Mist-Cloaked Herald Imperial Ceratops Exultant Skymarcher Storm Fleet Sprinter Curious Obsession ---- Kumena's Awakening
1 - 6 Jungleborn Pioneer Blood Sun Squire's Devotion Mutiny Moment of Triumph Jungleborn Pioneer ---- Exultant Skymarcher
1 - 7 Mist-Cloaked Herald Vampire Revenant Sanguine Glorifier Moment of Triumph Moment of Triumph Sanguine Glorifier ---- Sun-Collared Raptor
1 - 8 Spire Winder Stampeding Horncrest Sun Sentinel Vampire Revenant Grasping Scoundrel Stampeding Horncrest ---- Sanguine Glorifier
1 - 9 Vampire Revenant Aquatic Incursion Giltgrove Stalker Fathom Fleet Boarder Crashing Tide Arterial Flow ---- Soul of the Rapids
1 - 10 Giltgrove Stalker Giltgrove Stalker Secrets of the Golden City Crashing Tide Swaggering Corsair Sun-Crested Pterodon ---- Giltgrove Stalker
1 - 11 Gleaming Barrier Fathom Fleet Boarder Spire Winder Jadecraft Artisan Swaggering Corsair Hardy Veteran ---- Fathom Fleet Boarder
1 - 12 Tilonalli's Crown Gruesome Fate Vraska's Conquistador Pitiless Plunderer Orazca Frillback Hardy Veteran ---- Cleansing Ray
1 - 13 Canal Monitor Gleaming Barrier Orazca Raptor Orazca Frillback River Darter Orazca Raptor ---- Orazca Raptor
1 - 14 Orazca Relic Shake the Foundations Brazen Freebooter Strength of the Pack Cleansing Ray Gleaming Barrier ---- Orazca Frillback
2 - 1 Vona, Butcher of Magan Vance's Blasting Cannons  Flip Walk the Plank Raptor Hatchling Vraska's Contempt Conqueror's Galleon  Flip ---- Entrancing Melody
2 - 2 Raging Swordtooth Rowdy Crew Contract Killing Steadfast Armasaur Raging Swordtooth Unfriendly Fire ---- Snapping Sailback
2 - 3 Merfolk Branchwalker Air Elemental Vineshaper Mystic Wildgrowth Walker Drowned Catacomb Savage Stomp ---- Vanquish the Weak
2 - 4 Drowned Catacomb Pious Interdiction Opt Inspiring Cleric Bishop of the Bloodstained Sleek Schooner ---- Sky Terror
2 - 5 Inspiring Cleric Tilonalli's Knight Pillar of Origins Herald of Secret Streams Opt Pirate's Cutlass ---- Skymarch Bloodletter
2 - 6 Fathom Fleet Firebrand Tishana's Wayfinder Watertrap Weaver Spreading Rot Prosperous Pirates Prosperous Pirates ---- Shipwreck Looter
2 - 7 Dire Fleet Interloper Deeproot Warrior Commune with Dinosaurs Paladin of the Bloodstained Paladin of the Bloodstained Pirate's Cutlass ---- Skulduggery
2 - 8 Headstrong Brute Ixalli's Keeper Shaper Apprentice Watertrap Weaver Dire Fleet Hoarder Opt ---- Tilonalli's Knight
2 - 9 Rile Kinjalli's Caller Shore Keeper Dusk Legion Dreadnought Blight Keeper Prosperous Pirates ---- Brazen Buccaneers
2 - 10 Crushing Canopy Pterodon Knight Crushing Canopy Commune with Dinosaurs Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Opt ---- Crushing Canopy
2 - 11 Queen's Agent Looming Altisaur Gilded Sentinel Pterodon Knight Shore Keeper Pirate's Prize ---- Cancel
2 - 12 Gilded Sentinel Unknown Shores Grim Captain's Call Ancient Brontodon Encampment Keeper Sunrise Seeker ---- Cobbled Wings
2 - 13 Cancel Prying Blade Elaborate Firecannon Crushing Canopy Sentinel Totem Emergent Growth ---- Cobbled Wings
2 - 14 Sunrise Seeker Rummaging Goblin Hierophant's Chalice Demystify Jungle Delver Ritual of Rejuvenation ---- Rummaging Goblin
3 - 1 Slaughter the Strong Jungle Creeper Slaughter the Strong Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca Jungle Creeper Warkite Marauder ---- Woodland Stream
3 - 2 Jadelight Ranger Merfolk Mistbinder Seafloor Oracle Daring Buccaneer Pirate's Pillage Golden Guardian  Flip ---- Temple Altisaur
3 - 3 Luminous Bonds Baffling End Bombard Expel from Orazca Skymarcher Aspirant Curious Obsession ---- Skymarcher Aspirant
3 - 4 Luminous Bonds Expel from Orazca Impale Impale Jungleborn Pioneer Exultant Skymarcher ---- Merfolk Mistbinder
3 - 5 Crested Herdcaller Waterknot Mist-Cloaked Herald Dusk Legion Zealot Pride of Conquerors Thunderherd Migration ---- Exultant Skymarcher
3 - 6 Kitesail Corsair Dusk Legion Zealot Expel from Orazca Moment of Triumph Mist-Cloaked Herald Kitesail Corsair ---- Enter the Unknown
3 - 7 Kitesail Corsair Storm Fleet Sprinter Stampeding Horncrest Cherished Hatchling Jungleborn Pioneer Jungleborn Pioneer ---- Soul of the Rapids
3 - 8 Vampire Revenant Squire's Devotion Stampeding Horncrest Sun-Collared Raptor Frilled Deathspitter Soul of the Rapids ---- Riverwise Augur
3 - 9 Jungleborn Pioneer Deadeye Rig-Hauler Moment of Triumph Sun-Collared Raptor Crashing Tide Dinosaur Hunter ---- Sun-Crested Pterodon
3 - 10 Aquatic Incursion Goblin Trailblazer Crashing Tide Knight of the Stampede Deadeye Rig-Hauler Fathom Fleet Boarder ---- Giltgrove Stalker
3 - 11 Sun-Collared Raptor Gleaming Barrier Snubhorn Sentry Orazca Frillback Jungleborn Pioneer Snubhorn Sentry ---- River Darter
3 - 12 Hardy Veteran Blazing Hope Jadecraft Artisan Jade Bearer Gruesome Fate Orazca Raptor ---- Overgrown Armasaur
3 - 13 Orazca Frillback Overgrown Armasaur Fathom Fleet Boarder Cleansing Ray Dusk Charger Sea Legs ---- Jade Bearer
3 - 14 Sea Legs Jade Bearer Orazca Raptor Tilonalli's Crown Jade Bearer Canal Monitor ---- Snubhorn Sentry