Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart HollucinatioN pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Startled Awake  Flip ---- Pious Evangel  Flip Always Watching Bound by Moonsilver Sinister Concoction Sin Prodder Rattlechains
1 - 2 Graf Mole ---- Accursed Witch  Flip Incorrigible Youths Pack Guardian Ever After Sleep Paralysis Topplegeist
1 - 3 Neglected Heirloom  Flip ---- Topplegeist Nearheath Chaplain Engulf the Shore Erdwal Illuminator Cult of the Waxing Moon Rabid Bite
1 - 4 Gatstaf Arsonists  Flip ---- Angelic Purge Avacynian Missionaries  Flip Malevolent Whispers Triskaidekaphobia Sleep Paralysis Village Messenger  Flip
1 - 5 Stormrider Spirit ---- Wild-Field Scarecrow Ravenous Bloodseeker Triskaidekaphobia Bloodmad Vampire Silent Observer Thraben Inspector
1 - 6 Gatstaf Arsonists  Flip ---- Twins of Maurer Estate Puncturing Light Autumnal Gloom  Flip Nahiri's Machinations Press for Answers Nahiri's Machinations
1 - 7 Rancid Rats ---- Sanguinary Mage Uncaged Fury Ulrich's Kindred Byway Courier Moorland Drifter Vessel of Ephemera
1 - 8 Expose Evil ---- Drownyard Explorers Inspiring Captain Inspiring Captain True-Faith Censer Press for Answers Howlpack Wolf
1 - 9 Unruly Mob ---- Ember-Eye Wolf Fork in the Road Press for Answers Corrupted Grafstone Press for Answers Vessel of Nascency
1 - 10 Groundskeeper ---- Crawling Sensation Moldgraf Scavenger Dissension in the Ranks Devilthorn Fox Not Forgotten Vessel of Nascency
1 - 11 Intrepid Provisioner ---- Confront the Unknown Loam Dryad Howlpack Wolf Chaplain's Blessing Seagraf Skaab Stoic Builder
1 - 12 Highland Lake ---- Root Out Farbog Revenant Militant Inquisitor Farbog Revenant Furtive Homunculus Loam Dryad
1 - 13 Pick the Brain ---- Senseless Rage Structural Distortion Stone Quarry Root Out Survive the Night Might Beyond Reason
1 - 14 Silburlind Snapper ---- Deny Existence Ethereal Guidance Pieces of the Puzzle Cathar's Companion Seagraf Skaab Behind the Scenes
2 - 1 Rattlechains ---- Sinister Concoction Ulvenwald Mysteries Forgotten Creation Elusive Tormentor  Flip Elusive Tormentor  Flip Mindwrack Demon
2 - 2 Briarbridge Patrol ---- Tamiyo's Journal Neglected Heirloom  Flip Rabid Bite Pale Rider of Trostad Daring Sleuth  Flip Briarbridge Patrol
2 - 3 Compelling Deterrence ---- Olivia's Bloodsworn Town Gossipmonger  Flip Veteran Cathar Gryff's Boon Rise from the Tides Thraben Gargoyle  Flip
2 - 4 Neglected Heirloom  Flip ---- Thraben Inspector Inspiring Captain Hope Against Hope Hinterland Logger  Flip Murderous Compulsion Kindly Stranger  Flip
2 - 5 Puncturing Light ---- Harvest Hand  Flip Intrepid Provisioner Throttle Veteran Cathar Traverse the Ulvenwald Spectral Shepherd
2 - 6 Ravenous Bloodseeker ---- Haunted Cloak Vessel of Nascency Dauntless Cathar Dead Weight Stitched Mangler Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
2 - 7 Quilled Wolf ---- Reduce to Ashes Epiphany at the Drownyard Puncturing Light Crow of Dark Tidings Deny Existence Quilled Wolf
2 - 8 Stormrider Spirit ---- Moldgraf Scavenger Spiteful Motives Stone Quarry Pyre Hound Weirding Wood Devilthorn Fox
2 - 9 True-Faith Censer ---- Vessel of Nascency Wicker Witch Haunted Cloak Manic Scribe Senseless Rage Grotesque Mutation
2 - 10 Watcher in the Web ---- Vampire Noble Kessig Dire Swine Kessig Dire Swine Loam Dryad Ghostly Wings Not Forgotten
2 - 11 True-Faith Censer ---- Vampire Noble Clip Wings Tormenting Voice Howlpack Wolf Devilthorn Fox Stern Constable
2 - 12 Strength of Arms ---- Vessel of Malignity Stern Constable Warped Landscape Militant Inquisitor Vessel of Paramnesia Alms of the Vein
2 - 13 Seagraf Skaab ---- Harness the Storm Sanitarium Skeleton Alms of the Vein Inquisitor's Ox Silburlind Snapper Stern Constable
2 - 14 Merciless Resolve ---- Wicker Witch Hulking Devil Magmatic Chasm Structural Distortion Might Beyond Reason Vessel of Volatility
3 - 1 Breakneck Rider  Flip ---- Grotesque Mutation Nahiri, the Harbinger Devils' Playground Bound by Moonsilver Rise from the Tides Flameblade Angel
3 - 2 Kindly Stranger  Flip ---- Liliana's Indignation Autumnal Gloom  Flip Spiteful Motives Heir of Falkenrath  Flip Ever After Lambholt Pacifist  Flip
3 - 3 Forgotten Creation ---- Grotesque Mutation Village Messenger  Flip Dance with Devils Rancid Rats Stitched Mangler Aberrant Researcher  Flip
3 - 4 Gibbering Fiend ---- Inspiring Captain Ulvenwald Mysteries Biting Rain Game Trail Catalog Rabid Bite
3 - 5 Gloomwidow ---- Vessel of Malignity Rabid Bite Rabid Bite Apothecary Geist Niblis of Dusk Watcher in the Web
3 - 6 Howlpack Wolf ---- Grotesque Mutation Dauntless Cathar Dead Weight Dead Weight Just the Wind Vessel of Ephemera
3 - 7 Vessel of Nascency ---- Ulrich's Kindred Intrepid Provisioner Uncaged Fury Geistblast Uncaged Fury Thornhide Wolves
3 - 8 Catalog ---- Forsaken Sanctuary Fork in the Road Rush of Adrenaline Drownyard Explorers Just the Wind Sanguinary Mage
3 - 9 Brain in a Jar ---- Crawling Sensation Dual Shot Morkrut Necropod Stromkirk Mentor Stormrider Spirit Insolent Neonate
3 - 10 Vessel of Malignity ---- Explosive Apparatus Loam Dryad Behind the Scenes Cathar's Companion Essence Flux Militant Inquisitor
3 - 11 Sanguinary Mage ---- Fork in the Road Root Out Cathar's Companion Stern Constable Alms of the Vein Strength of Arms
3 - 12 Shamble Back ---- Inquisitor's Ox Militant Inquisitor Rottenheart Ghoul Ethereal Guidance Alms of the Vein Merciless Resolve
3 - 13 Shamble Back ---- Thornhide Wolves Open the Armory Behind the Scenes Ghostly Wings Vessel of Paramnesia Vessel of Paramnesia
3 - 14 Vessel of Volatility ---- Pieces of the Puzzle Trail of Evidence Chaplain's Blessing Vessel of Paramnesia Invasive Surgery Pieces of the Puzzle