Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart jensen4440 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Scavenger Grounds Rhonas's Last Stand Struggle / Survive Hope Tender Reason / Believe ---- Djeru, With Eyes Open Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
1 - 2 Struggle / Survive Desert's Hold Sifter Wurm Open Fire Bloodwater Entity ---- Devotee of Strength Dunes of the Dead
1 - 3 Hashep Oasis Sunset Pyramid Farm / Market Lethal Sting Aerial Guide ---- Eternal of Harsh Truths Chandra's Defeat
1 - 4 Dauntless Aven Oketra's Avenger Unsummon Fervent Paincaster Rhonas's Monument ---- Fraying Sanity Inferno Jet
1 - 5 Oasis Ritualist Firebrand Archer Rhonas's Stalwart Sidewinder Naga Dauntless Aven ---- Hostile Desert Bitterbow Sharpshooters
1 - 6 Ruin Rat Bitterbow Sharpshooters Shefet Dunes Ruin Rat Ruin Rat ---- Ruin Rat Blur of Blades
1 - 7 River Hoopoe Blur of Blades Sidewinder Naga Frontline Devastator Gift of Strength ---- Khenra Eternal Rampaging Hippo
1 - 8 Khenra Eternal Ifnir Deadlands Riddleform Gift of Strength Steadfast Sentinel ---- Manalith Manalith
1 - 9 Countervailing Winds Mummy Paramount Countervailing Winds Countervailing Winds Khenra Eternal ---- Frontline Devastator Countervailing Winds
1 - 10 Steadfast Sentinel Strategic Planning Desert of the True Mummy Paramount Proven Combatant ---- Mummy Paramount Desert of the True
1 - 11 Harrier Naga Desert of the True Survivors' Encampment Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Disposal Mummy ---- Traveler's Amulet Harrier Naga
1 - 12 Thorned Moloch Marauding Boneslasher Striped Riverwinder Granitic Titan Survivors' Encampment ---- Desert of the Mindful River Hoopoe
1 - 13 Beneath the Sands Disposal Mummy Scrounger of Souls Gilded Cerodon Tragic Lesson ---- Kindled Fury Life Goes On
1 - 14 Dutiful Servants Grisly Survivor Survivors' Encampment Life Goes On Graven Abomination ---- Defiant Khenra Djeru's Renunciation
2 - 1 Ammit Eternal Reason / Believe Djeru, With Eyes Open Desert's Hold Hour of Revelation ---- Merciless Eternal Hour of Revelation
2 - 2 Resolute Survivors God-Pharaoh's Gift Dunes of the Dead Torment of Scarabs Adorned Pouncer ---- Ramunap Ruins Nissa, Genesis Mage
2 - 3 Rhonas's Stalwart Aerial Guide Bitterbow Sharpshooters Unraveling Mummy Unraveling Mummy ---- Abrade Unsummon
2 - 4 Ruin Rat Appeal / Authority Dauntless Aven Sidewinder Naga Hope Tender ---- Frilled Sandwalla Ipnu Rivulet
2 - 5 Khenra Eternal Rhonas's Stalwart Rampaging Hippo Struggle / Survive Vizier of the True ---- Accursed Horde Rampaging Hippo
2 - 6 Aerial Guide Feral Prowler Sidewinder Naga Unraveling Mummy Shefet Dunes ---- Traveler's Amulet Blur of Blades
2 - 7 Ifnir Deadlands Rampaging Hippo Unsummon Carrion Screecher Bitterbow Sharpshooters ---- Carrion Screecher Wretched Camel
2 - 8 Wretched Camel Oasis Ritualist Aven of Enduring Hope Blur of Blades Steadfast Sentinel ---- Feral Prowler Desert of the Glorified
2 - 9 Rampaging Hippo Solitary Camel Ifnir Deadlands Oketra's Last Mercy Mummy Paramount ---- Steadfast Sentinel Desert of the Glorified
2 - 10 Lurching Rotbeast Proven Combatant Marauding Boneslasher Beneath the Sands Frilled Sandwalla ---- Countervailing Winds Wretched Camel
2 - 11 Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Proven Combatant Marauding Boneslasher Khenra Eternal Mummy Paramount ---- Khenra Scrapper Kindled Fury
2 - 12 Nissa's Defeat Kindled Fury Riddleform Imminent Doom Seer of the Last Tomorrow ---- Strategic Planning Act of Heroism
2 - 13 Saving Grace Survivors' Encampment Scrounger of Souls Scrounger of Souls Carrion Screecher ---- Grisly Survivor God-Pharaoh's Faithful
2 - 14 Granitic Titan Act of Heroism Graven Abomination Harrier Naga Cunning Survivor ---- Dutiful Servants Crash Through
3 - 1 Labyrinth Guardian Insult / Injury Trial of Zeal Dread Wanderer Nissa, Steward of Elements ---- Insult / Injury Archfiend of Ifnir
3 - 2 Trial of Strength Scattered Groves Trial of Zeal Bloodrage Brawler Compulsory Rest ---- Galestrike Stir the Sands
3 - 3 Bone Picker Vizier of Tumbling Sands Cursed Minotaur Cartouche of Strength Sheltered Thicket ---- Trial of Strength Evolving Wilds
3 - 4 Horror of the Broken Lands Emberhorn Minotaur Greater Sandwurm Horror of the Broken Lands Trueheart Duelist ---- Ruthless Sniper Trial of Knowledge
3 - 5 Cartouche of Ambition Sacred Cat Nef-Crop Entangler Essence Scatter Cartouche of Solidarity ---- Greater Sandwurm Censor
3 - 6 Emberhorn Minotaur Cartouche of Zeal Zenith Seeker Impeccable Timing Enigma Drake ---- Evolving Wilds Horror of the Broken Lands
3 - 7 Thresher Lizard Nef-Crop Entangler Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Tah-Crop Skirmisher Doomed Dissenter ---- Manticore of the Gauntlet Faith of the Devoted
3 - 8 Cartouche of Solidarity Pitiless Vizier Hekma Sentinels Pouncing Cheetah Desert Cerodon ---- Quarry Hauler Lay Bare the Heart
3 - 9 Initiate's Companion Desert Cerodon Dune Beetle Slither Blade Shed Weakness ---- Blighted Bat Supernatural Stamina
3 - 10 Giant Spider Pouncing Cheetah Gift of Paradise Djeru's Resolve Sixth Sense ---- Manglehorn Those Who Serve
3 - 11 Nimble-Blade Khenra Oashra Cultivator Sparring Mummy Fling Spidery Grasp ---- Bloodlust Inciter Dune Beetle
3 - 12 Djeru's Resolve Scarab Feast Painted Bluffs Sixth Sense Trespasser's Curse ---- Compelling Argument Supply Caravan
3 - 13 Pursue Glory Hyena Pack Scribe of the Mindful Hyena Pack Compelling Argument ---- Blazing Volley Decision Paralysis
3 - 14 Benefaction of Rhonas Embalmer's Tools Benefaction of Rhonas Protection of the Hekma Haze of Pollen ---- Compelling Argument Protection of the Hekma