Ivan's Cube

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart ivanrod83 pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Primeval Titan Sword of Feast and Famine Swords to Plowshares ----
1 - 2 Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld Skullclamp Cultivator's Caravan ----
1 - 3 Path to Exile Swords to Plowshares Pacifism ----
1 - 4 Chandra, Flamecaller Flooded Strand Lightning Bolt ----
1 - 5 Mortify Thing in the Ice  Flip Spiritmonger ----
1 - 6 Hangarback Walker Polukranos, World Eater Pelakka Wurm ----
1 - 7 Thunderbreak Regent Sigarda, Host of Herons Soulfire Grand Master ----
1 - 8 Warden of the First Tree Baneslayer Angel Stoneforge Mystic ----
1 - 9 Blood Cryptfoil Hero's Downfall Isochron Scepter ----
1 - 10 Flame Slash Clan Defiance Talrand, Sky Summoner ----
1 - 11 Godless Shrinefoil Devil's Play Underworld Connections ----
1 - 12 Read the Bones Wall of Omens Stormbreath Dragon ----
1 - 13 Outpost Siege Faithless Looting Temple Gardenfoil ----
1 - 14 Selesnya Charm Gather the Townsfolk Stomping Groundfoil ----
1 - 15 Bituminous Blast Needle Spires Crater's Claws ----
2 - 1 Channeler Initiate Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip Aetherspouts ----
2 - 2 Vendilion Clique Thragtusk Primeval Titan ----
2 - 3 AEtherling Sorin, Grim Nemesis Smuggler's Copter ----
2 - 4 Prognostic Sphinx Sorin, Solemn Visitor Preordain ----
2 - 5 Izzet Guildmage Liliana, Death's Majesty Bloodgift Demon ----
2 - 6 Scalding Tarn Austere Command Lightning Bolt ----
2 - 7 Go for the Throat Path to Exile Manamorphose ----
2 - 8 Keranos, God of Storms Think Twice Go for the Throat ----
2 - 9 Mercurial Chemister Stoke the Flames Inferno Titan ----
2 - 10 Detention Sphere Secure the Wastes Dragonlord Atarka ----
2 - 11 Reverberate Detention Sphere Flames of the Firebrand ----
2 - 12 Fiendslayer Paladin Prairie Stream Palace Siege ----
2 - 13 Smoldering Marsh Blightning Raise the Alarm ----
2 - 14 Garruk, Apex Predator Mizzium Mortars Cinder Glade ----
2 - 15 Tumble Magnet Falkenrath Aristocrat Shambling Vent ----
3 - 1 Sword of War and Peace Archangel Avacyn  Flip Griselbrand ----
3 - 2 Ob Nixilis Reignited Skirsdag High Priest Glorybringer ----
3 - 3 Elspeth, Knight-Errant Verdurous Gearhulk Hallowed Fountainfoil ----
3 - 4 Snapcaster Mage Mana Leak Restoration Angel ----
3 - 5 Mother of Runes Sword of Body and Mind Arid Mesa ----
3 - 6 Sun Titan Desecration Demon Farseek ----
3 - 7 Rune-Scarred Demon Oblivion Ring Elvish Visionary ----
3 - 8 Marsh Flats Anger of the Gods Sigarda, Heron's Grace ----
3 - 9 Dissolve Green Sun's Zenith Read the Bones ----
3 - 10 Lingering Souls Dissolve Sakura-Tribe Elder ----
3 - 11 Bloodbraid Elf Ajani, Caller of the Pride Izzet Charm ----
3 - 12 Ojutai's Command Serra Avenger Canopy Vista ----
3 - 13 Golgari Rot Farm Mentor of the Meek Seeker of the Way ----
3 - 14 Skinrender Sacred Foundryfoil Hammer of Purphoros ----
3 - 15 Gurmag Angler Browbeat Isolated Chapel ----
4 - 1 Vizier of Many Faces Bruna, the Fading Light  Flip  Meld Chromatic Lantern ----
4 - 2 Remand Batterskull Chandra, Torch of Defiance ----
4 - 3 Prophet of Kruphix Goblin Rabblemaster Dragonlord Kolaghan ----
4 - 4 Jace Beleren Frontier Siege Cut / Ribbons ----
4 - 5 Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip Kolaghan's Command Monastery Mentor ----
4 - 6 Young Pyromancer Citadel Siege End Hostilities ----
4 - 7 Azorius Charm Brainstorm Treasure Cruise ----
4 - 8 Jace, Architect of Thought Deathrite Shaman Young Pyromancer ----
4 - 9 Phyrexian Arena Fatal Push Obzedat, Ghost Council ----
4 - 10 Blade Splicer Supreme Verdict Oblivion Ring ----
4 - 11 Inquisition of Kozilek Inquisition of Kozilek Bloodstained Mire ----
4 - 12 Duress Lingering Souls Overgrown Tombfoil ----
4 - 13 Drowned Catacomb Magma Jet Dragonskull Summit ----
4 - 14 Seeker of the Way Rescue from the Underworld Wall of Omens ----
4 - 15 War Priest of Thune Tidehollow Sculler Treasured Find ----
5 - 1 Bounty of the Luxa Yahenni's Expertise Elspeth, Sun's Champion ----
5 - 2 Polluted Delta Thalia, Heretic Cathar Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet ----
5 - 3 Grave Titan Hedron Archivefoil Dragonlord Ojutai ----
5 - 4 Hangarback Walker Mulldrifter Whip of Erebos ----
5 - 5 Wrath of God Ajani, Mentor of Heroes Izzet Guildmage ----
5 - 6 Geist of Saint Traft Steam Ventsfoil Obelisk of Alara ----
5 - 7 Sublime Archangel Ajani Vengeantfoil Vraska the Unseen ----
5 - 8 Stoke the Flames Languish Think Twice ----
5 - 9 Shaman of the Great Hunt Watery Gravefoil Putrefy ----
5 - 10 Avacyn's Pilgrim Flametongue Kavu Tasigur, the Golden Fang ----
5 - 11 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker Sulfur Falls Vampire Nighthawk ----
5 - 12 Goblin Dark-Dwellers Murderous Cut Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip ----
5 - 13 Wall of Omens Den Protector Incinerate ----
5 - 14 Sin Collector Ajani Goldmane Fleecemane Lion ----
5 - 15 Izzet Boilerworks Sweltering Suns Pernicious Deed ----