Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart jpeyster pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Aethergeode Miner Ridgescale Tusker ---- Baral, Chief of Compliance Merchant's Dockhand Inspiring Statuary Wind-Kin Raiders Aethersphere Harvester
1 - 2 Tezzeret's Touch Reckless Racer ---- Skyship Plunderer Shock Felidar Guardian Shielded Aether Thief Heroic Intervention
1 - 3 Tezzeret's Touch Peema Aether-Seer ---- Caught in the Brights Scrounging Bandar Skyship Plunderer Aether Poisoner Aeronaut Admiral
1 - 4 Irontread Crusher Prey Upon ---- Druid of the Cowl Disallow Aether Poisoner Scrounging Bandar Tezzeret's Touch
1 - 5 Prey Upon Bastion Inventor ---- Unbridled Growth Unbridled Growth Scrounging Bandar Peema Aether-Seer Aether Poisoner
1 - 6 Consulate Dreadnought Aetherstream Leopard ---- Implement of Ferocity Bastion Inventor Aerial Modification Weldfast Engineer Implement of Ferocity
1 - 7 Sly Requisitioner Invigorated Rampage ---- Ice Over Fen Hauler Highspire Infusion Gremlin Infestation Cogwork Assembler
1 - 8 Highspire Infusion Countless Gears Renegade ---- Lifecraft Awakening Highspire Infusion Augmenting Automaton Implement of Malice Metallic Rebuke
1 - 9 Implement of Examination Silkweaver Elite ---- Implement of Ferocity Gremlin Infestation Silkweaver Elite Conviction Implement of Examination
1 - 10 Watchful Automaton Universal Solvent ---- Bastion Inventor Ice Over Ghirapur Osprey Implement of Examination Leave in the Dust
1 - 11 Filigree Crawler Universal Solvent ---- Alley Strangler Watchful Automaton Implement of Malice Augmenting Automaton Leave in the Dust
1 - 12 Embraal Gear-Smasher Resourceful Return ---- Natural Obsolescence Implement of Malice Leave in the Dust Universal Solvent Aether Inspector
1 - 13 Filigree Crawler Reservoir Walker ---- Filigree Crawler Resourceful Return Fen Hauler Shipwreck Moray Filigree Crawler
1 - 14 Implement of Improvement Natural Obsolescence ---- Dispersal Technician Lathnu Sailback Dispersal Technician Renegade's Getaway Prizefighter Construct
2 - 1 Yahenni's Expertise Winding Constrictor ---- Maverick Thopterist Paradox Engine Pacification Array Aetherwind Basker Battle at the Bridge
2 - 2 Call for Unity Ajani Unyielding ---- Aether Chaser Thopter Arrest Lifecraft Awakening Gifted Aetherborn Shock
2 - 3 Aether Chaser Chandra's Revolution ---- Maulfist Revolutionary Implement of Ferocity Shock Enraged Giant Maverick Thopterist
2 - 4 Heroic Intervention Lifecrafter's Gift ---- Sly Requisitioner Chandra's Revolution Aetherstream Leopard Reckless Racer Trophy Mage
2 - 5 Cruel Finality Cruel Finality ---- Renegade Map Cruel Finality Shock Aetherstream Leopard Aether Poisoner
2 - 6 Unbridled Growth Ice Over ---- Sly Requisitioner Aether Chaser Bastion Inventor Lifecraft Cavalry Aerial Modification
2 - 7 Gremlin Infestation Tezzeret's Touch ---- Chandra's Revolution Decommission Restoration Specialist Welder Automaton Welder Automaton
2 - 8 Aetherstream Leopard Bastion Inventor ---- Night Market Guard Cruel Finality Aether Herder Highspire Infusion Verdant Automaton
2 - 9 Hinterland Drake Mobile Garrison ---- Hidden Herbalists Ice Over Alley Strangler Implement of Combustion Weldfast Engineer
2 - 10 Implement of Ferocity Universal Solvent ---- Indomitable Creativity Implement of Combustion Watchful Automaton Dawnfeather Eagle Alley Strangler
2 - 11 Filigree Crawler Leave in the Dust ---- Filigree Crawler Conviction Planar Bridge Implement of Malice Verdant Automaton
2 - 12 Embraal Gear-Smasher Watchful Automaton ---- Foundry Assembler Decommission Metallic Rebuke Alley Evasion Natural Obsolescence
2 - 13 Alley Evasion Natural Obsolescence ---- Negate Salvage Scuttler Shipwreck Moray Salvage Scuttler Reservoir Walker
2 - 14 Fourth Bridge Prowler Negate ---- Renegade's Getaway Aegis Automaton Take into Custody Resourceful Return Resourceful Return
3 - 1 Unlicensed Disintegration Combustible Gearhulk ---- Welding Sparks Lathnu Hellion Skyship Stalker Architect of the Untamed Essence Extraction
3 - 2 Wispweaver Angel Thriving Rhino ---- Snare Thopter Sky Skiff Furious Reprisal Ovalchase Dragster Decoction Module
3 - 3 Maulfist Doorbuster Riparian Tiger ---- Weaponcraft Enthusiast Renegade Freighter Aetherborn Marauder Malfunction Servo Exhibition
3 - 4 Propeller Pioneer Embraal Bruiser ---- Consul's Shieldguard Whirler Virtuoso Weaponcraft Enthusiast Restoration Gearsmith Aether Theorist
3 - 5 Trusty Companion Self-Assembler ---- Embraal Bruiser Narnam Cobra Eddytrail Hawk Welding Sparks Speedway Fanatic
3 - 6 Inspiring Vantage Eddytrail Hawk ---- Aether Theorist Dhund Operative Eager Construct Impeccable Timing Armorcraft Judge
3 - 7 Narnam Cobra Dhund Operative ---- Inventor's Goggles Wind Drake Fateful Showdown Inventor's Goggles Maulfist Squad
3 - 8 Thriving Rats Aradara Express ---- Weldfast Monitor Bastion Mastodon Live Fast Live Fast Ambitious Aetherborn
3 - 9 Appetite for the Unnatural Prakhata Pillar-Bug ---- Impeccable Timing Prakhata Pillar-Bug Cogworker's Puzzleknot Bastion Mastodon Workshop Assistant
3 - 10 AEther Tradewinds Select for Inspection ---- Metalspinner's Puzzleknot Weldfast Monitor Lawless Broker Engineered Might Glassblower's Puzzleknot
3 - 11 Hightide Hermit Larger Than Life ---- Spontaneous Artist Pressure Point Bastion Mastodon Dukhara Peafowl Larger Than Life
3 - 12 Hightide Hermit Revolutionary Rebuff ---- Lost Legacy Lawless Broker Torch Gauntlet Ninth Bridge Patrol Diabolic Tutor
3 - 13 Prakhata Club Security Take Down ---- Cowl Prowler Torch Gauntlet Built to Last Demolish Night Market Lookout
3 - 14 Renegade Tactics Demolish ---- Prakhata Club Security Failed Inspection Mind Rot Tezzeret's Ambition Failed Inspection