Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart ULGROTHA pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Cabal Torturer Faceless Butcher Chainer's Edict Shambling Swarm Fiery Temper Fiery Temper ---- Violent Eruption
1 - 2 Soul Scourge Skywing Aven Cabal Torturer Basking Rootwalla Cabal Torturer Mind Sludge ---- Llawan, Cephalid Empress
1 - 3 Crippling Fatigue Mutilate Tainted Isle Carrion Wurm Crippling Fatigue Tainted Wood ---- Soul Scourge
1 - 4 Hydromorph Gull Waste Away Acorn Harvest Organ Grinder Mystic Familiar Compulsion ---- Skywing Aven
1 - 5 Waste Away Strength of Lunacy Zombie Trailblazer Pyromania Equal Treatment Boneshard Slasher ---- Crippling Fatigue
1 - 6 Skywing Aven Organ Grinder Longhorn Firebeast Tainted Isle Gravegouger Aven Trooper ---- Acorn Harvest
1 - 7 Skywing Aven Petravark Carrion Rats Aven Trooper Cabal Ritual Crazed Firecat ---- Aquamoeba
1 - 8 Shade's Form Ichorid Psychotic Haze Zombie Trailblazer Petravark Centaur Veteran ---- Crackling Club
1 - 9 Insist Spirit Flare Putrid Impfoil Zombie Trailblazer Enslaved Dwarf Nantuko Calmer ---- Pardic Lancer
1 - 10 Liquify Psychotic Haze Zombie Trailblazer Cabal Coffers Gravegouger Mortiphobia ---- Petravark
1 - 11 Flash of Defiance Cephalid Snitch Centaur Veteran Turbulent Dreams Accelerate Liquify ---- Sickening Dreams
1 - 12 Ghostly Wings Ghostly Wings Aven Trooper Spirit Flare Krosan Constrictor Sonic Seizure ---- Teroh's Faithful
1 - 13 Krosan Constrictor Teroh's Faithful Invigorating Falls Coral Net Shade's Form Far Wanderings ---- Ghostly Wings
1 - 14 Kamahl's Sledge Morningtide Sonic Seizure Pay No Heed Cephalid Aristocrat Krosan Constrictor ---- Frantic Purification
1 - 15 Cephalid Aristocrat Cleansing Meditation Cephalid Aristocrat Crackling Club Tainted Field Kamahl's Sledge ---- Nantuko Calmer
2 - 1 Parallel Evolution Violent Eruption Carrion Wurm Insidious Dreams Laquatus's Champion Narcissism ---- Breakthrough
2 - 2 Dawn of the Dead Arrogant Wurm Ghostly Wings Tainted Peak Basking Rootwalla Arrogant Wurm ---- Flaming Gambit
2 - 3 Nantuko Shade Pardic Arsonist Aven Trooper Sickening Dreams Reborn Hero Floating Shield ---- Aven Trooper
2 - 4 Soul Scourge Skywing Aven Accelerate Slithery Stalker Teroh's Vanguard Aquamoeba ---- Carrion Rats
2 - 5 Cabal Torturer Organ Grinder Skywing Aven Tainted Wood Sonic Seizure Basking Rootwalla ---- Tainted Peak
2 - 6 Sonic Seizure Basking Rootwalla Mutilate Aven Trooper Krosan Restorer Grotesque Hybrid ---- Aquamoeba
2 - 7 Obsessive Search Petravark Teroh's Vanguard Balshan Collaborator Soul Scourge Aven Trooper ---- Cephalid Snitch
2 - 8 Deep Analysis Militant Monk Cephalid Snitch Liquify Churning Eddy Carrion Rats ---- Waste Away
2 - 9 Barbarian Outcast Acorn Harvest Gravegouger Liquify Organ Grinder Turbulent Dreams ---- Liquify
2 - 10 Mystic Familiar Putrid Impfoil Cephalid Snitch Teroh's Vanguard Crackling Club Churning Eddy ---- Crackling Club
2 - 11 Sonic Seizure Pardic Lancer Cephalid Snitch Unhinge Ghostly Wings Teroh's Faithful ---- Barbarian Outcast
2 - 12 Cabal Coffers Tainted Isle Far Wanderings Invigorating Falls Unhinge Enslaved Dwarf ---- Churning Eddy
2 - 13 Centaur Veteran Mesmeric Fiend Pay No Heed Flash of Defiance Hydromorph Guardian Spirit Flare ---- Crackling Club
2 - 14 Cleansing Meditation Far Wanderings Invigorating Falls Kamahl's Sledge Flash of Defiance Centaur Veteran ---- Invigorating Falls
2 - 15 Stern Judge Coral Net Coral Net Kamahl's Sledge Acorn Harvest Frantic Purification ---- Frantic Purification
3 - 1 Chainer's Edict Faceless Butcher Violent Eruption Strength of Isolation Nantuko Shade Liquify ---- Strength of Isolation
3 - 2 Faceless Butcher Balthor the Stout Accelerate Strength of Lunacy Anurid Scavenger Cabal Ritual ---- Arrogant Wurm
3 - 3 Strength of Isolation Pardic Arsonist Equal Treatment Temporary Insanity Arrogant Wurm Floating Shield ---- Cabal Torturer
3 - 4 Aquamoeba Strength of Lunacy Breakthrough Flaming Gambit Basking Rootwalla Nantuko Cultivator ---- Faceless Butcher
3 - 5 Longhorn Firebeast Slithery Stalker Cephalid Snitch Accelerate Aquamoeba Cabal Torturer ---- Arrogant Wurm
3 - 6 Carrion Rats Fiery Temper Tainted Wood Krosan Restorer Aquamoeba Obsessive Search ---- Basking Rootwalla
3 - 7 Skywing Aven Restless Dreams Seton's Scout Retraced Image Aquamoeba Fiery Temper ---- Krosan Restorer
3 - 8 Cephalid Snitch Shade's Form Accelerate Soul Scourge Mystic Familiar Ichorid ---- Mystic Familiar
3 - 9 Centaur Veteran Aven Trooper Mesmeric Fiend Krosan Restorer Aquamoeba Acorn Harvest ---- Gravegouger
3 - 10 Barbarian Outcast Mesmeric Fiend Unhinge Krosan Constrictor Aquamoeba Liquify ---- Rancid Earth
3 - 11 Centaur Veteran Invigorating Falls Liquify Pyromania Pay No Heed Basking Rootwalla ---- Churning Eddy
3 - 12 Enslaved Dwarf Krosan Constrictor Hydromorph Guardian Invigorating Falls Crippling Fatigue Unhinge ---- Flash of Defiance
3 - 13 Deep Analysis Cephalid Aristocrat Nantuko Calmer Kamahl's Sledge Flash of Defiance Circular Logic ---- Centaur Veteran
3 - 14 Pardic Lancer Crippling Fatigue Pay No Heed Frantic Purification Pay No Heed Teroh's Faithful ---- Cabal Surgeon
3 - 15 Cephalid Aristocrat Teroh's Faithful Krosan Constrictor Mesmeric Fiend Cephalid Aristocrat Frantic Purification ---- Far Wanderings