Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Andybug153 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Bloodghast Celestial Mantle ---- Beastmaster Ascension Terra Stomper Greenweaver Druid Devout Lightcaster Halo Hunter
1 - 2 Adventuring Gear Disfigure ---- Eldrazi Monument Steppe Lynx Murasa Pyromancer Into the Roil Disfigure
1 - 3 Harrow Hedron Crab ---- Geyser Glider Shepherd of the Lost Kor Aeronaut Grazing Gladehart Murasa Pyromancer
1 - 4 Pyromancer Ascension Burst Lightning ---- Kor Aeronaut Burst Lightning Reckless Scholar Goblin Bushwhacker Plated Geopede
1 - 5 Goblin Shortcutter Ior Ruin Expedition ---- Akoum Refuge Sejiri Refuge Hedron Crab Murasa Pyromancer Living Tsunami
1 - 6 Kor Cartographer Merfolk Seastalkers ---- Kazandu Refuge Sunspring Expedition Teetering Peaksfoil Crypt Ripper Marsh Casualties
1 - 7 Guul Draz Vampire Arrow Volley Trap ---- Magma Rift Explorer's Scope Magma Rift Blood Seeker Stonework Puma
1 - 8 Spreading Seas Ior Ruin Expedition ---- Expedition Mapfoil Nissa's Chosen Teetering Peaksfoil Nimana Sell-Sword Summoner's Bane
1 - 9 Hellfire Mongrel Paralyzing Grasp ---- Arrow Volley Trap Caller of Gales Shatterskull Giant Crypt Ripper Giant Scorpion
1 - 10 Bladetusk Boar Crypt Ripper ---- Narrow Escape Goblin Shortcutter Living Tsunami Mindless Null Bog Tatters
1 - 11 Spidersilk Net Soaring Seacliff ---- Caravan Hurda Makindi Shieldmate Vampire Lacerator Kor Sanctifiers Soaring Seacliff
1 - 12 Trapfinder's Trick Kor Outfitter ---- Piranha Marsh Vampire Lacerator Magma Rift Cliff Threader Trapfinder's Trick
1 - 13 Kabira Crossroads Cancel ---- Bold Defense Nimbus Wings Bog Tatters Seismic Shudder Spidersilk Net
1 - 14 Caravan Hurda Seismic Shudder ---- Brave the Elements Lethargy Trap Caravan Hurda Pitfall Trap Pillarfield Ox
1 - 15 Welkin Tern Goblin War Paint ---- Caravan Hurda Demolish Tempest Owl Kor Hookmaster Goblin War Paint
2 - 1 Tuktuk Scrapper Smoldering Spires ---- Smoldering Spires Novablast Wurm Smoldering Spires Creeping Tar Pit Roiling Terrain
2 - 2 Shoreline Salvager Feral Contest ---- Roiling Terrain Leatherback Baloth Permafrost Trap Talus Paladin Razor Boomerang
2 - 3 Jwari Shapeshifter Roiling Terrain ---- Razor Boomerang Slingbow Trap Sejiri Steppe Agadeem Occultist Grotag Thrasher
2 - 4 Goliath Sphinx Sejiri Steppe ---- Surrakar Banisher Quest for Renewal Groundswell Chain Reaction Bloodhusk Ritualist
2 - 5 Deathforge Shaman Feral Contest ---- Battle Hurda Arbor Elf Caustic Crawler Tomb Hex Tectonic Edge
2 - 6 Shoreline Salvager Battle Hurda ---- Spell Contortion Walking Atlas Slavering Nulls Scrib Nibblers Kor Firewalker
2 - 7 Vastwood Animist Kitesail Apprentice ---- Nemesis Trap Snapping Creeper Razor Boomerang Pilgrim's Eye Agadeem Occultist
2 - 8 Everflowing Chalice Battle Hurda ---- Dead Reckoning Rest for the Weary Canopy Cover Graypelt Hunter Searing Blaze
2 - 9 Ruthless Cullblade Halimar Depths ---- Hedron Rover Khalni Garden Claws of Valakut Claws of Valakut Wind Zendikon
2 - 10 Dead Reckoning Mire's Toll ---- Dead Reckoning Guardian Zendikon Crusher Zendikon Vastwood Animist Wind Zendikon
2 - 11 Kitesail Apprentice Halimar Depths ---- Corrupted Zendikon Explore Grappler Spider Claws of Valakut Enclave Elite
2 - 12 Dread Statuary Mire's Toll ---- Treasure Hunt Guardian Zendikon Dead Reckoning Claws of Valakut Mysteries of the Deep
2 - 13 Ruthless Cullblade Bojuka Bog ---- Marsh Threader Snapping Creeper Fledgling Griffin Jagwasp Swarm Brink of Disaster
2 - 14 Treasure Hunt Brink of Disaster ---- Cosi's Ravager Explore Twitch Battle Hurda Bojuka Brigand
2 - 15 Nature's Claim Goblin Roughrider ---- Calcite Snapper Kitesail Goblin Roughrider Goblin Roughrider Twitch
3 - 1 Grozoth Rain of Embers ---- Golgari Guildmage Faith's Fetters Goblin Fire Fiend Surge of Zeal Transluminant
3 - 2 Shambling Shell Caregiver ---- Crown of Convergence Molten Sentry Vedalken Entrancer Sabertooth Alley Cat Firemane Angel
3 - 3 Pollenbright Wings Glass Golem ---- Loxodon Gatekeeper Watchwolf Indentured Oaf Smash Faith's Fetters
3 - 4 Empty the Catacombs Barbarian Riftcutter ---- Pollenbright Wings Cleansing Beam Sabertooth Alley Cat Goblin Spelunkers Stone-Seeder Hierophant
3 - 5 Dimir Guildmage Incite Hysteria ---- Life from the Loam Courier Hawk Stasis Cell Smash Boros Garrison
3 - 6 Consult the Necrosages Blockbuster ---- Selesnya Evangel Boros Recruit Necromantic Thirst Sabertooth Alley Cat Last Gasp
3 - 7 Centaur Safeguard Skyknight Legionnaire ---- Sunhome Enforcer Psychic Drain Dogpile Votary of the Conclave Elves of Deep Shadow
3 - 8 Consult the Necrosages Svogthos, the Restless Tomb ---- Conclave Phalanx Boros Garrison Goblin Fire Fiend War-Torch Goblin Stone-Seeder Hierophant
3 - 9 Thundersong Trumpeter Golgari Rotwurm ---- Lurking Informant Brainspoil Thundersong Trumpeter Wojek Siren Seeds of Strength
3 - 10 Seismic Spike Grayscaled Gharial ---- Boros Signet Sundering VItae Woodwraith Strangler Wizened Snitches Siege Wurm
3 - 11 Sell-Sword Brute Golgari Rotwurm ---- Putrefy Stinkweed Imp Wojek Siren Seismic Spike Roofstalker Wight
3 - 12 Dimir Aqueduct Smash ---- Brainspoil Auratouched Mage Boros Fury-Shield Dimir House Guard Autochthon Wurm
3 - 13 Clinging Darkness Drake Familiar ---- Grayscaled Gharial Selesnya Signet Mortipede Conclave Equenaut Peel from Reality
3 - 14 Ethereal Usher Sadistic Augermage ---- Mortipede Bathe in Light Nightmare Void Sewerdreg Infectious Host
3 - 15 Reroute Gate Hound ---- Rolling Spoil Drooling Groodion Leashling Coalhauler Swine Peel from Reality