Pauper Duel Commander Cube

Ended 2 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Reeeee131 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Behold the Multiverse Uncharted Haven Jewel Thief Winter Eladrin Manor Gate Filigree Familiar Tormod's Cryptkeeper Cliffgate
1 - 2 Voldaren Epicure Clawing Torment Owlbear Cadira, Caller of the Small Azure Fleet Admiral Ironhoof Boar Loathsome Curator Traveling Minister
1 - 3 Jungleborn Pioneer You're Confronted by Robbers Shimmerdrift Vale Koll, the Forgemaster Peregrine Drake Mulldrifter Parcelbeast Lagrella, the Magpie
1 - 4 Scion of the Wild Conclave Cavalier Tourach's Canticle Basri's Acolyte Queen's Commission Mogg War Marshal Black Dragon Gate Sprout Swarm
1 - 5 Vendetta Goblin Wizardry Winged Words Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer Baleful Strix Snuff Out Thriving Bluff Striped Riverwinder
1 - 6 Hag Hedge-Mage Armadillo Cloak Fierce Witchstalker Feed the Swarmfoil Trumpeting Herd Tormenting Voice Exhumefoil Festering Mummy
1 - 7 Sunlance Soul Manipulation Crypt Rats Band Together Ram Through Fiery Temper Spiketail Drakeling Voracious Typhon
1 - 8 Mammoth Umbra Orcish Hellraiser First-Sphere Gargantua Blightning Treetop Ambusher Bloodwater Entity Savage Swipe Opal Palace
1 - 9 Crippling Fatigue Saproling Migration Dauthi Marauder Benthic Giant Stinkweed Imp Aven Eternal Galvanic Arc Spelleater Wolverine
1 - 10 Temporal Isolation Sparksmith Ephemerate Hissing Iguanar Fists of Ironwood Burning Prophet Segovian Angel Ephemeral Shields
1 - 11 Chatter of the Squirrel Negate Magma Jet Goblin Motivator Healer's Hawk Burning-Tree Vandal Frenzied Arynx Gluttonous Slug
1 - 12 Gift of Orzhova Skittering Crustacean Madcap Skills Custodi Squire Reprobation Mutagenic Growth Grapple with the Past Winds of Rebuke
1 - 13 Deep Freeze Dive Down Krosan Tusker Savage Gorger Temur Battle Rage Evolving Wilds Pulse of Murasa Ancestral Blade
1 - 14 Martyr of Dusk Infiltrator's Magemark Sentinel's Eyes Putrid Leech Black Cat Dead / Gone Sign in Blood Rancor
1 - 15 Apostle's Blessing Dragon Wings Cloudshift Kytheon's Tactics Death Denied Reaping the Graves Temporal Spring Gather the Townsfolk
1 - 16 Village Rites Dreg Mangler Brute Force Mogis's Favor Aether Chaser Ghazban Ogre Borrowed Grace Dauthi Horror
2 - 1 Deadly Dispute Staunch Throneguard Master's Rebuke Hard Evidence Citadel Gate Counterspell End the Festivities Sudden Breakthrough
2 - 2 Combat Professor Benevolent Blessing Sworn Companions Ambitious Assault Sarulf's Packmate Arcane Signet Celestial Unicorn Command Tower
2 - 3 Pestilence Cartouche of Knowledge Thriving Isle Bannerhide Krushok Unwilling Ingredient League Guildmage Watcher of the Spheres Treasure Cruise
2 - 4 Swift Response Cast Down Nimble Larcenist Bayou Groff Seraph of Dawn Electrickery Vampire Sovereign Ulamog's Crusher
2 - 5 Mana Leak Llanowar Visionary Thriving Moor Mist Raven Battle Screech Gitaxian Probe Sacred Cat Jhessian Thief
2 - 6 Triplicate Spirits Cloud of Faeries Falkenrath Noble Errant Ephemeron Silumgar Scavenger Dissolve Vault Skirge Clear Shot
2 - 7 Ghirapur Gearcrafter Phyrexian Rager Cloudkin Seer Viridian Emissary Attended Knight Forbidden Friendship Palace Sentinels Eldrazi Skyspawner
2 - 8 Magma Spray Vulshok Morningstar Scatter the Seeds Skull Prophet Soulherder Crackling Drake Aqueous Form Peema Outrider
2 - 9 Night's Whisper Thriving Heath Cadaver Imp Cartouche of Strength Impaler Shrike Archaeomancer Kozilek's Predator Dinrova Horror
2 - 10 Imperious Oligarch Answered Prayers Gryff Vanguard Snake Umbra Underworld Rage-Hound Ghostly Flicker Sandsteppe Outcast Audacious Thief
2 - 11 Thrill of Possibility Thraben Inspector Bonesplitter Exclude Excavating Anurid Staggershock Rush of Knowledge Aspect of Lamprey
2 - 12 Unexpected Fangs Invigorate Terramorphic Expanse Slippery Bogle Red Elemental Blast Raise the Alarm Tangle Hyena Umbra
2 - 13 Vines of Vastwood Coiling Oracle Lava Zombie Mnemonic Wall Lignify Goblin Chirurgeon Slaughterhorn Echoing Courage
2 - 14 Runes of the Deus Benevolent Bodyguard Duress Young Wolf Grumgully, the Generous Wrecking Beast Run Amok Distortion Strike
2 - 15 Ranger's Guile Cartel Aristocrat Grisly Salvage Blisterpod Porcelain Legionnaire Thunderclap Viscera Seer Gods Willing
2 - 16 Igneous Elemental Stirring Address Momentary Blink Murasa Behemoth Reckless Wurm Volatile Claws Wrench Mind Sprouting Thrinax
3 - 1 Fall from Favor Sea Gate Lose Focus Greatsword of Tyr Javelin of Lightning Solar Blast Cliffhaven Kitesail Snakeskin Veil
3 - 2 Mage Duel Field Surgeon Renegade Freighter Tuskeri Firewalker Killian, Ink Duelist Burst Lightning Feign Death Dauntless Unity
3 - 3 Burrenton Bombardier Miming Slime Vulshok Sorcerer Hooting Mandrills Crimson Fleet Commodore Lightning Bolt Dawnbringer Cleric Wardscale Crocodile
3 - 4 Moment of Craving Fire Prophecy Sigil Blessing Deep Analysis Spectral Reserves AEthersnipe Thriving Grove Spined Megalodon
3 - 5 Cartouche of Ambition Sea Gate Oracle Indulging Patrician Compulsive Research Evincar's Justice Clout of the Dominus Entourage of Trest Beetleback Chief
3 - 6 Consume Strength Rewind Whispersilk Cloak Silverback Shaman Divest Krenko's Command Thundersong Trumpeter Stormbound Geist
3 - 7 Condescend Thought Scour Into the Roil Unearth Suture Priest Fire / Ice Brindle Shoat Steel of the Godhead
3 - 8 Shadow Rift Oblivion Ring Lofty Denial Thorn of the Black Rose Bone Picker Empty the Warrens Elgaud Shieldmate Journey to Nowhere
3 - 9 Voltaic Brawler Defile Cavern Whisperer Heliod's Pilgrim Nest Invader Fiery Cannonade Repulse Flame Slash
3 - 10 Leaf Gilder Goblin War Party Secrets of the Golden City Silver Drake Wee Dragonauts Path of Ancestry Branching Bolt Hordeling Outburst
3 - 11 Repeal Liliana's Specter Wildsize Agony Warp Winding Way Augur of Bolas Sylvan Might Dead Revels
3 - 12 Shard of Broken Glass Gallant Cavalry Ashes to Ashes Dynacharge Wizard Replica Dragon Fodder Perilous Myr Supernatural Stamina
3 - 13 Orcish Cannonade Lone Missionary Goblin Instigator Diabolic Edict Seeker of the Way Wretched Anurid Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner Blade Juggler
3 - 14 Terminate Goblin Bushwhacker Azra Oddsmaker Ash Barrens Blazing Specter Gurmag Angler Skyknight Vanguard Castigate
3 - 15 Mana Tithe Satyr Wayfinder Sedraxis Specter Winged Coatl Selesnya Evangel Weapon Surge Pentarch Ward Tenth District Legionnaire
3 - 16 Standard Bearer Reckless Charge Rally the Peasants Carrion Feeder Kor Skyfisher Suffocating Fumes Guided Strike Squee's Embrace