Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Sampai2798 pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Ulrich of the Krallenhorde  Flip Hanweir Garrison  Meld Niblis of Frost Nahiri's Wrath Collective Defiance Ulvenwald Observer Niblis of Frost ----
1 - 2 Faith Unbroken Eldritch Evolution Nebelgast Herald Murder Somberwald Stag Incendiary Flow Savage Alliance ----
1 - 3 Sanctifier of Souls Ulvenwald Captive  Flip Unsubstantiate Choking Restraints Somberwald Stag Blessed Alliance Drownyard Behemoth ----
1 - 4 Blessed Alliance Shrill Howler  Flip Abundant Maw Insatiable Gorgers Advanced Stitchwing Tangleclaw Werewolf  Flip Kessig Prowler  Flip ----
1 - 5 Sigardian Priest Tangleclaw Werewolf  Flip Midnight Scavengers  Meld Drag Under Primal Druid Geist of the Archives Boon of Emrakul ----
1 - 6 Wretched Gryff Desperate Sentry Desperate Sentry Dusk Feaster Take Inventory Backwoods Survivalists Wretched Gryff ----
1 - 7 Sigardian Priest Guardian of Pilgrims Ingenious Skaab Steadfast Cathar Terrarion Faithbearer Paladin Guardian of Pilgrims ----
1 - 8 Extricator of Sin  Flip Wolfkin Bond Turn Aside Borrowed Grace Primal Druid Graf Harvest Backwoods Survivalists ----
1 - 9 Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip Fiend Binder Ingenious Skaab Bloodbriar Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip Prey Upon Convolute ----
1 - 10 Gavony Unhallowed Borrowed Hostility Drag Under Crossroads Consecrator Falkenrath Reaver Wolfkin Bond Backwoods Survivalists ----
1 - 11 Campaign of Vengeance Wolfkin Bond Long Road Home Lunarch Mantle Thraben Foulbloods Thraben Foulbloods Borrowed Malevolence ----
1 - 12 Thraben Foulbloods Bold Impaler Slayer's Cleaver Waxing Moon Exultant Cultist Crop Sigil Borrowed Hostility ----
1 - 13 Whispers of Emrakul Shreds of Sanity Turn Aside Soul Separator Wolfkin Bond Prophetic Ravings Wailing Ghoul ----
1 - 14 Emrakul's Influence Stensia Banquet Skirsdag Supplicant Field Creeper Borrowed Hostility Cemetery Recruitment Borrowed Hostility ----
2 - 1 Arlinn Kord  Flip Loam Dryad Accursed Witch  Flip Sigarda, Heron's Grace Uninvited Geist  Flip Inexorable Blob Nahiri, the Harbinger ----
2 - 2 Stensia Masquerade Sinister Concoction Manic Scribe Angelic Purge Incorrigible Youths Ravenous Bloodseeker Rattlechains ----
2 - 3 Spiteful Motives Briarbridge Patrol Gisa's Bidding Village Messenger  Flip Thraben Inspector Avacynian Missionaries  Flip Topplegeist ----
2 - 4 Town Gossipmonger  Flip Puncturing Light Creeping Dread Village Messenger  Flip Graf Mole Nahiri's Machinations Silverstrike ----
2 - 5 Twins of Maurer Estate Crow of Dark Tidings Ember-Eye Wolf Byway Courier Engulf the Shore Murderous Compulsion Cryptolith Rite ----
2 - 6 Uncaged Fury Angelic Purge Liliana's Indignation Apothecary Geist Sleep Paralysis Gryff's Boon Stitched Mangler ----
2 - 7 Mad Prophet Voldaren Duelist Niblis of Dusk Spectral Shepherd Voldaren Duelist Dauntless Cathar Morkrut Necropod ----
2 - 8 Rush of Adrenaline Moldgraf Scavenger Prized Amalgam Moldgraf Scavenger Reduce to Ashes Insolent Neonate Farbog Revenant ----
2 - 9 Vampire Noble Apothecary Geist Vessel of Malignity Kessig Dire Swine Murderer's Axe Explosive Apparatus Dead Weight ----
2 - 10 Twins of Maurer Estate Uncaged Fury Woodland Stream Brain in a Jar Gone Missing Wicker Witch Woodland Stream ----
2 - 11 Vampire Noble Equestrian Skill Rush of Adrenaline Strength of Arms Drunau Corpse Trawler Senseless Rage Trail of Evidence ----
2 - 12 Dual Shot Structural Distortion Inquisitor's Ox Shard of Broken Glass Dual Shot Macabre Waltz Explosive Apparatus ----
2 - 13 Rottenheart Ghoul Groundskeeper Ghostly Wings Hulking Devil Might Beyond Reason Sanitarium Skeleton Wicker Witch ----
2 - 14 Alms of the Vein Dual Shot Hound of the Farbogs Shard of Broken Glass Strength of Arms Seagraf Skaab Cathar's Companion ----
3 - 1 Olivia's Dragoon Somberwald Stag Collective Brutality Spell Queller Somberwald Stag Niblis of Frost Noosegraf Mob ----
3 - 2 Stromkirk Occultist Tangleclaw Werewolf  Flip Ulrich of the Krallenhorde  Flip Faithbearer Paladin Galvanic Bombardment Nebelgast Herald Savage Alliance ----
3 - 3 Ulrich of the Krallenhorde  Flip Extricator of Sin  Flip Imprisoned in the Moon Impetuous Devils Grizzled Angler  Flip Markov Crusader Sigardian Priest ----
3 - 4 Docent of Perfection  Flip Liliana's Elite Extricator of Sin  Flip Blessed Alliance Noose Constrictor Markov Crusader Enlightened Maniac ----
3 - 5 Stromkirk Condemned Ulvenwald Captive  Flip Grizzled Angler  Flip It of the Horrid Swarm Drag Under Furyblade Vampire Lashweed Lurker ----
3 - 6 Dusk Feaster Primal Druid Lashweed Lurker Faithbearer Paladin Markov Crusader It of the Horrid Swarm Primal Druid ----
3 - 7 Certain Death Ulvenwald Captive  Flip Curious Homunculus  Flip Primal Druid Take Inventory Ruthless Disposal Exultant Cultist ----
3 - 8 Thraben Foulbloods Backwoods Survivalists Displace Succumb to Temptation Guardian of Pilgrims Olivia's Dragoon Midnight Scavengers  Meld ----
3 - 9 Thraben Foulbloods Woodland Patrol Enlightened Maniac Backwoods Survivalists Take Inventory Grapple with the Past Terrarion ----
3 - 10 Succumb to Temptation Mournwillow Cryptolith Fragment  Flip Bloodbriar Lunarch Mantle Falkenrath Reaver Cultist's Staff ----
3 - 11 Furyblade Vampire Grapple with the Past Bloodbriar Borrowed Grace Guardian of Pilgrims Whispers of Emrakul Cultist's Staff ----
3 - 12 Crossroads Consecrator Woodcutter's Grit Otherworldly Outburst Backwoods Survivalists Swift Spinner Rise from the Grave Prey Upon ----
3 - 13 Stensia Banquet Lunar Force Cultist's Staff Borrowed Hostility Thermo-Alchemist Cultist's Staff Distemper of the Blood ----
3 - 14 Make Mischief Crossroads Consecrator Ironwright's Cleansing Wailing Ghoul Distemper of the Blood Whispers of Emrakul Slayer's Cleaver ----