Ended 1 year ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Whibsy pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Plains Mardu Charm Mountain Swamp Plains Mer-Ek Nightblade Mountain Swamp
1 - 2 Mardu Roughrider Utter End Hardened Scales Highspire Mantis Pearl Lake Ancient Kin-Tree Invocation Kheru Spellsnatcher Tuskguard Captain
1 - 3 Armament Corps Feat of Resistance Icefeather Aven Debilitating Injury Tuskguard Captain Longshot Squad Icy Blast Winterflame
1 - 4 Mystic of the Hidden Way Frontier Bivouac Riverwheel Aerialists Burn Away Death Frenzy Archers' Parapet Nomad Outpost Bellowing Saddlebrute
1 - 5 Pine Walker Temur Charger Feat of Resistance Snowhorn Rider Kill Shot Rush of Battle Dragon Throne of Tarkir Burn Away
1 - 6 Savage Punch Savage Punch Woolly Loxodon Disowned Ancestor Retribution of the Ancients Longshot Squad Arrow Storm Throttle
1 - 7 Snowhorn Rider Riverwheel Aerialists Mardu Skullhunter Bring Low Altar of the Brood Abzan Banner Treasure Cruise Tranquil Cove
1 - 8 Bloodfell Caves Bloodfire Expert Mystic of the Hidden Way Jeskai Student Monastery Flock Defiant Strike Highland Game Arrow Storm
1 - 9 Sultai Scavenger Rugged Highlands Unyielding Krumar Abzan Guide Bitter Revelation Jungle Hollow Throttle Cancel
1 - 10 Quiet Contemplation Dragon Grip Shambling Attendants Dismal Backwater Alabaster Kirin Kin-Tree Warden Whirlwind Adept Embodiment of Spring
1 - 11 Crippling Chill Barrage of Boulders Glacial Stalker Sidisi's Pet Awaken the Bear Trumpet Blast Swiftwater Cliffs Thornwood Falls
1 - 12 Crippling Chill Barrage of Boulders Tormenting Voice Swiftwater Cliffs Molting Snakeskin Heart-Piercer Bow Act of Treason Awaken the Bear
1 - 13 Molting Snakeskin Molting Snakeskin Abzan Banner Jeskai Banner Sage-Eye Harrier Briber's Purse Sidisi's Pet Leaping Master
1 - 14 Canyon Lurkers Firehoof Cavalry Bloodfire Mentor Wetland Sambar Smoke Teller Molting Snakeskin Jeskai Banner Sultai Banner
1 - 15 Rotting Mastodon Tormenting Voice Kheru Dreadmaw Island Kheru Dreadmaw Erase Rotting Mastodon Forest
2 - 1 Mountain Mountain Mountain Plains Mountain Sandsteppe Outcast Arcbond Swamp
2 - 2 Whisperwood Elemental Jeskai Infiltrator Crucible of the Spirit Dragon Sandsteppe Mastodon Wooded Foothills Abzan Runemark Monastery Siege Flamewake Phoenix
2 - 3 Sandblast Lotus Path Djinn Elite Scaleguard Bloodfire Enforcers Valorous Stance Abzan Advantage Whisperer of the Wilds Hunt the Weak
2 - 4 Map the Wastes Hunt the Weak Whisperer of the Wilds Hunt the Weak Wild Slash Honor's Reward Winds of Qal Sisma Jeskai Barricade
2 - 5 Channel Harm Battlefront Krushok Ruthless Instincts Shockmaw Dragon Sandblast Ainok Guide Goblin Heelcutter Fruit of the First Tree
2 - 6 Gurmag Angler Whisk Away Marang River Prowler Jeskai Sage Frontier Mastodon Ancestral Vengeance Lotus-Eye Mystics Winds of Qal Sisma
2 - 7 Mardu Scout Temur Battle Rage Winds of Qal Sisma Hooded Assassin Winds of Qal Sisma Dragon Bell Monk Whisk Away Reach of Shadows
2 - 8 Sandsteppe Outcast Ugin's Construct Harsh Sustenance Harsh Sustenance Mardu Runemark Map the Wastes Grave Strength Frontier Mastodon
2 - 9 Douse in Gloom Dragon Bell Monk Ainok Guide Neutralizing Blast Ethereal Ambush Harsh Sustenance Arashin Cleric Gurmag Angler
2 - 10 Dark Deal Ethereal Ambush Jeskai Runemark War Flare Mardu Scout Return to the Earth Jeskai Sage Dragon Bell Monk
2 - 11 Shifting Loyalties Collateral Damage Temur Runemark Aven Surveyor Grim Contest Return to the Earth Aven Skirmisher Aven Surveyor
2 - 12 Ambush Krotiq Refocus Jeskai Runemark Goblin Boom Keg Sultai Runemark Grim Contest Collateral Damage Fierce Invocation
2 - 13 Pressure Point Refocus Alesha's Vanguard Sibsig Host Refocus Soul Summons Collateral Damage Gore Swine
2 - 14 Will of the Naga Enhanced Awareness Feral Krushok Soul Summons Frost Walker Great-Horn Krushok Defiant Ogre Defiant Ogre
2 - 15 Forest Ambush Krotiq Defiant Ogre Sibsig Host Gore Swine Enhanced Awareness Will of the Naga Forest
3 - 1 Mountain Berserkers' Onslaught Radiant Purge Stormwing Dragon Swamp Arashin Sovereign Mountain Mountain
3 - 2 Arashin Foremost Collected Company Warbringer Echoes of the Kin Tree Assault Formation Lightwalker Mountain Harbinger of the Hunt
3 - 3 Shieldhide Dragon Acid-Spewer Dragon Silumgar Sorcerer Marang River Skeleton Youthful Scholar Servant of the Scale Silumgar's Command Ultimate Price
3 - 4 Dromoka Monument Strongarm Monk Ambuscade Shaman Belltoll Dragon Screamreach Brawler Sandcrafter Mage Ojutai Monument Savage Ventmaw
3 - 5 Qal Sisma Behemoth Blood-Chin Rager Screamreach Brawler Herald of Dromoka Sarkhan's Rage Pinion Feast Hand of Silumgar Guardian Shield-Bearer
3 - 6 Sabertooth Outrider Palace Familiar Twin Bolt Atarka Pummeler Press the Advantage Duress Sarkhan's Rage Dragon Fodder
3 - 7 Evolving Wilds Kolaghan Skirmisher Stampeding Elk Herd Palace Familiar Sandcrafter Mage Naturalize Dragon Fodder Kolaghan Aspirant
3 - 8 Surge of Righteousness Sheltered Aerie Lightwalker Enduring Victory Sprinting Warbrute Evolving Wilds Sheltered Aerie Atarka Beastbreaker
3 - 9 Draconic Roar Vulturous Aven Servant of the Scale Lurking Arynx Ainok Survivalist Gravepurge Kolaghan Aspirant Defeat
3 - 10 Guardian Shield-Bearer Reduce in Stature Spidersilk Net Enduring Victory Volcanic Rush Vial of Dragonfire Impact Tremorsfoil Enduring Victory
3 - 11 Artful Maneuver Atarka Efreet Ojutai Interceptor Ainok Artillerist Coat with Venom Ancestral Statue Sidisi's Faithful Lose Calm
3 - 12 Monastery Loremaster Monastery Loremaster Lightwalker Kolaghan Skirmisher Gravepurge Forest Kindled Fury Conifer Strider
3 - 13 Elusive Spellfist Shambling Goblin Student of Ojutai Tread Upon Elusive Spellfist Ancestral Statue Ojutai Interceptor Keeper of the Lens
3 - 14 Magmatic Chasm Sandstorm Charger Spidersilk Net Glint Foul-Tongue Shriek Custodian of the Trove Summit Prowler Qarsi Deceiver
3 - 15 Volcanic Rush Island Kindled Fury Dirgur Nemesis Marsh Hulk Wandering Tombshell Ancestral Statue Island
4 - 1 Swamp Swamp Jeering Instigator See the Unwritten Mountain Ivorytusk Fortress Bloodstained Mire Swamp
4 - 2 Mantis Rider Ainok Bond-Kin Timely Hordemate Flying Crane Technique Mountain Defiant Strike Mantis Rider Bellowing Saddlebrute
4 - 3 Kill Shot Nomad Outpost Tuskguard Captain War-Name Aspirant War-Name Aspirant Feat of Resistance Mystic Monastery Monastery Swiftspear
4 - 4 Dead Drop Bear's Companion Warden of the Eye Temur Charm Seeker of the Way Abzan Guide Disowned Ancestor Riverwheel Aerialists
4 - 5 Horde Ambusher Kheru Bloodsucker Horde Ambusher Tuskguard Captain Jeskai Charm Highland Game Disowned Ancestor Abzan Guide
4 - 6 Arrow Storm Ponyback Brigade Pine Walker Rakshasa Vizier Alpine Grizzly Brave the Sands Ponyback Brigade Smite the Monstrous
4 - 7 Arrow Storm Mardu Skullhunter Smite the Monstrous Mardu Hateblade Throttle Jungle Hollow Alabaster Kirin Abomination of Gudul
4 - 8 Bloodfire Expert Force Away Longshot Squad Despise Alabaster Kirin Feed the Clan Bitter Revelation Mardu Warshrieker
4 - 9 Bloodfire Expert Embodiment of Spring Jeskai Student Valley Dasher Mardu Hateblade Scoured Barrens Alabaster Kirin Act of Treason
4 - 10 Krumar Bond-Kin Glacial Stalker Whirlwind Adept Snowhorn Rider Krumar Bond-Kin Lens of Clarity Salt Road Patrol Rush of Battle
4 - 11 Dismal Backwater Cancel Singing Bell Strike Wind-Scarred Crag Longshot Squad Rush of Battle Bitter Revelation Tranquil Cove
4 - 12 Rakshasa's Secret Bitter Revelation Crippling Chill Valley Dasher Embodiment of Spring Krumar Bond-Kin Quiet Contemplation Rite of the Serpent
4 - 13 Crippling Chill Trumpet Blast Thornwood Falls Jungle Hollow Thornwood Falls Windstorm Feed the Clan Jeskai Banner
4 - 14 Sagu Archer Shambling Attendants Disdainful Stroke Sagu Archer Sage-Eye Harrier Mardu Banner Scaldkin Scout the Borders
4 - 15 Island Shatter Jeskai Banner Swift Kick Forest Forest Scaldkin Molting Snakeskin
5 - 1 Temur War Shaman Plains Swamp Plains Mountain Valorous Stance Mountain Archfiend of Depravity
5 - 2 Battle Brawler Reality Shift Mastery of the Unseen Dragonscale General Dromoka, the Eternal Abzan Runemark Flamerush Rider Atarka, World Render
5 - 3 Cloudform Bathe in Dragonfire Sultai Emissary Lightform Battle Brawler Abzan Skycaptain Alesha, Who Smiles at Death Bathe in Dragonfire
5 - 4 Orc Sureshot Whisperer of the Wilds Sandblast Lightning Shrieker Bathe in Dragonfire Ainok Guide Wardscale Dragon Lightform
5 - 5 Mardu Woe-Reaper Lotus Path Djinn Sandblast Sultai Emissary Friendly Fire Diplomacy of the Wastes Temur Battle Rage Vaultbreaker
5 - 6 Gurmag Angler Bathe in Dragonfire Sultai Emissary Lotus Path Djinn Winds of Qal Sisma Hooded Assassin Qarsi High Priest Lotus Path Djinn
5 - 7 Wandering Champion Dragon Bell Monk Rageform Reach of Shadows Frontier Mastodon Douse in Gloom Qarsi High Priest Harsh Sustenance
5 - 8 Aven Skirmisher Mardu Scout Aven Surveyor Temur Battle Rage Jeskai Sage Fruit of the First Tree Friendly Fire Aven Skirmisher
5 - 9 Fierce Invocation Write into Being Frontier Mastodon Ethereal Ambush Lotus Path Djinn Ancestral Vengeance Harsh Sustenance Hooded Assassin
5 - 10 Dragon Bell Monk Soul Summons Grim Contest Dark Deal Neutralizing Blast Hooded Assassin Mardu Scout Write into Being
5 - 11 Temur Runemark Mardu Runemark Return to the Earth Fierce Invocation Mardu Runemark Ancestral Vengeance Whisk Away Ainok Guide
5 - 12 Jeskai Runemark Goblin Boom Keg Pressure Point Feral Krushok Formless Nurturing Pressure Point Temur Runemark Write into Being
5 - 13 Jeskai Runemark Fierce Invocation Formless Nurturing Ambush Krotiq Defiant Ogre Great-Horn Krushok Soul Summons Refocus
5 - 14 Return to the Earth Refocus Frost Walker Sultai Skullkeeper Enhanced Awareness Forest Soul Summons Gore Swine
5 - 15 Enhanced Awareness Tasigur's Cruelty Smoldering Efreet Forest Tasigur's Cruelty Island Sultai Skullkeeper Will of the Naga
6 - 1 Swamp Ojutai Exemplars Mountain Den Protector Swamp Death Wind Gleam of Authority Sunscorch Regent
6 - 2 Screamreach Brawler Sunbringer's Touch Stormcrag Elemental Illusory Gains Mountain Champion of Arashin Youthful Scholar Narset Transcendent
6 - 3 Kolaghan Forerunners Skywise Teachings Youthful Scholar Myth Realized Swift Warkite Inspiring Call Lightning Beserker Stampeding Elk Herd
6 - 4 Sandcrafter Mage Strongarm Monk Dromoka Captain Warbringer Warbringer Evolving Wilds Deadly Wanderings Misthoof Kirin
6 - 5 Screamreach Brawler Flatten Sprinting Warbrute Atarka Beastbreaker Hardened Berserker Guardian Shield-Bearer Hardened Berserker Sheltered Aerie
6 - 6 Screamreach Brawler Defeat Servant of the Scale Skywise Teachings Surge of Righteousness Inspiring Call Servant of the Scale Evolving Wilds
6 - 7 Encase in Ice Ojutai Interceptor Tail Slash Silumgar Monument Sandcrafter Mage Sandsteppe Scavenger Silumgar Spell-Eater Epic Confrontation
6 - 8 Dragon-Scarred Bear Sprinting Warbrute Artful Maneuver Sarkhan's Rage Rending Volley Champion of Arashin Palace Familiar Glint
6 - 9 Vulturous Aven Dromoka Warrior Atarka Beastbreaker Impact Tremorsfoil Ojutai Interceptor Glaring Aegis Qarsi Sadist Tread Upon
6 - 10 Center Soul Void Squall Ojutai Interceptor Monastery Loremaster Silumgar Butcher Colossodon Yearling Gurmag Drowner Silumgar Butcher
6 - 11 Foul-Tongue Shriek Tread Upon Sandsteppe Scavenger Dragon's Eye Sentry Summit Prowler Gravepurge Void Squall Monastery Loremaster
6 - 12 Gravepurge Volcanic Rush Aven Tactician Updraft Elemental Contradict Dutiful Attendant Keeper of the Lens Dutiful Attendant
6 - 13 Tormenting Voice Lurking Arynx Keeper of the Lens Negate Ojutai's Breath Resupply Volcanic Rush Segmented Krotiq
6 - 14 Keeper of the Lens Vandalize Ancient Carp Gurmag Drowner Ancestral Statue Revealing Wind Updraft Elemental Keeper of the Lens
6 - 15 Forest Island Gravepurge Island Summit Prowler Forest Mystic Meditation Fate Forgotten