Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart west pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Urza's Blueprints Delusions of Mediocrity Darkwatch Elves Blessed Reversal Thran Lens ---- Urza's Blueprints Bone Shredder
1 - 2 Radiant's Judgment Tinker Ghitu Encampment Radiant's Judgment Bloated Toad ---- Purify Radiant's Judgment
1 - 3 Unearth Forbidding Watchtower Miscalculation Slow Motion Rancor ---- Intervene Jhoira's Toolbox
1 - 4 Simian Grunts Frantic Search Unearth Ghitu Slinger Viashino Cutthroat ---- Miscalculation Viashino Cutthroat
1 - 5 Snap Sustainer of the Realm Thran War Machine Viashino Cutthroat Granite Grip ---- Phyrexian Plaguelord Multani's Acolyte
1 - 6 Ostracize Miscalculation Vigilant Drake Fog of Gnats Simian Grunts ---- Yavimaya Wurm Swat
1 - 7 Yavimaya Granger Devout Harpist Vigilant Drake Silk Net Devout Harpist ---- Tethered Skirge Miscalculation
1 - 8 Engineered Plague Phyrexian Broodlings Yavimaya Scion Ostracize Sleeper's Guile ---- Molten Hydra Fog of Gnats
1 - 9 Phyrexian Debaser About Face Phyrexian Debaser Opal Champion Engineered Plague ---- Sick and Tired Multani's Acolyte
1 - 10 Thornwind Faeries Spawning Pool Parch Avalanche Riders Bouncing Beebles ---- Lava Axe Ticking Gnomes
1 - 11 Ghitu War Cry Lava Axe Parch Weatherseed Elf Giant Cockroach ---- Giant Cockroach Crop Rotation
1 - 12 Burst of Energy Phyrexian Denouncer Weatherseed Elf Sick and Tired Pygmy Pyrosaur ---- Angelic Curator Parch
1 - 13 Pygmy Pyrosaur Goblin Medics Goblin Medics Burst of Energy Pygmy Pyrosaur ---- Iron Will Pygmy Pyrosaur
1 - 14 Rebuild Phyrexian Denouncer Tragic Poet Tragic Poet Viashino Sandscout ---- Erase Viashino Bey
2 - 1 Thran Lens Blessed Reversal Darkwatch Elves Wheel of Torture Brink of Madness ---- Grim Monolith Hope and Glory
2 - 2 Viashino Heretic Defense of the Heart Tethered Skirge Rack and Ruin Ring of Gix ---- Radiant's Judgment Forbidding Watchtower
2 - 3 Rancor Vigilant Drake Rancor Peace and Quiet Radiant's Judgment ---- Slow Motion Rancor
2 - 4 Aura Flux Slow Motion Radiant's Judgment Gang of Elk Gang of Elk ---- Yavimaya Wurm Ghitu Slinger
2 - 5 Knighthood Ghitu Slinger Slow Motion Shivan Phoenix Knighthood ---- Frantic Search Treefolk Mystic
2 - 6 Fog of Gnats Frantic Search Ostracize Multani's Acolyte Multani's Acolyte ---- Wing Snare Yavimaya Wurm
2 - 7 Fog of Gnats Weatherseed Faeries Devout Harpist Phyrexian Broodlings Yavimaya Granger ---- Sustainer of the Realm Treefolk Mystic
2 - 8 Opal Champion Treefolk Mystic Phyrexian Reclamation Multani's Acolyte Bouncing Beebles ---- Treacherous Link Defender of Law
2 - 9 Angelic Curator Sleeper's Guile Yavimaya Scion Treacherous Link Bouncing Beebles ---- Treefolk Mystic Bouncing Beebles
2 - 10 Defender of Chaos Avalanche Riders About Face Angelic Curator Giant Cockroach ---- About Face Spawning Pool
2 - 11 Silk Net Defender of Chaos Iron Will Sluggishness Angelic Curator ---- Giant Cockroach Ticking Gnomes
2 - 12 Weatherseed Elf Viashino Sandscout Parch Sluggishness Parch ---- Repopulate Treacherous Link
2 - 13 Goblin Medics Pygmy Pyrosaur Rebuild Pygmy Pyrosaur Weatherseed Elf ---- Plague Beetle Viashino Bey
2 - 14 Ghitu War Cry Tragic Poet Repopulate Sick and Tired Viashino Bey ---- Tragic Poet Tragic Poet
3 - 1 Purify Multani's Presence Tinker Impending Disaster Darkwatch Elves ---- Thran Lens Bone Shredder
3 - 2 Intervene Sustainer of the Realm Peace and Quiet Intervene Ghitu Encampment ---- Urza's Blueprints Bone Shredder
3 - 3 Ghitu Encampment Simian Grunts Ghitu Slinger Defense Grid Rivalry ---- Intervene Rack and Ruin
3 - 4 Intervene Slow Motion Ghitu Slinger Swat Ghitu Slinger ---- Intervene Unearth
3 - 5 Miscalculation Unearth Yavimaya Wurm Fleeting Image Raven Familiar ---- Ghitu Slinger Rancor
3 - 6 Simian Grunts Granite Grip Aura Flux Frantic Search Vigilant Drake ---- Phyrexian Broodlings Yavimaya Granger
3 - 7 Phyrexian Debaser Yavimaya Wurm Cloud of Faeries Phyrexian Debaser Cloud of Faeries ---- Fog of Gnats Silk Net
3 - 8 Bouncing Beebles Engineered Plague Opal Champion Phyrexian Broodlings Yavimaya Scion ---- Engineered Plague Yavimaya Scion
3 - 9 Sleeper's Guile About Face Harmonic Convergence Sleeper's Guile Defender of Law ---- Avalanche Riders Harmonic Convergence
3 - 10 Sleeper's Guile Bouncing Beebles Defender of Chaos Bouncing Beebles Lava Axe ---- Sluggishness Crop Rotation
3 - 11 Weatherseed Elf Angelic Curator Spawning Pool Erase Thornwind Faeries ---- Phyrexian Debaser Ticking Gnomes
3 - 12 Repopulate Expendable Troops Defender of Chaos Giant Cockroach Burst of Energy ---- Sluggishness Engineered Plague
3 - 13 Defender of Chaos Burst of Energy Erase Repopulate Crop Rotation ---- Crop Rotation Ghitu War Cry
3 - 14 Phyrexian Denouncer Parch Viashino Sandscout Goblin Medics Goblin Medics ---- Goblin Medics Repopulate