Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart abruns23 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Highspire Mantis ---- Jeskai Elder Mardu Heart-Piercer
1 - 2 Venerable Lammasu ---- Witness of the Ages Death Frenzy
1 - 3 Waterwhirl ---- Mardu Blazebringer Blinding Spray
1 - 4 Mardu Roughrider ---- Debilitating Injury Ponyback Brigade
1 - 5 Smite the Monstrous ---- Act of Treason Sultai Soothsayer
1 - 6 Smite the Monstrous ---- Watcher of the Roost Rush of Battle
1 - 7 Jungle Hollow ---- Hooting Mandrills Jungle Hollow
1 - 8 Ponyback Brigade ---- Mardu Warshrieker Dragon's Eye Savants
1 - 9 Mardu Banner ---- Swiftwater Cliffs Jeskai Student
1 - 10 Abomination of Gudul ---- Singing Bell Strike Cancel
1 - 11 Feed the Clan ---- War Behemoth Krumar Bond-Kin
1 - 12 Crippling Chill ---- Scout the Borders Molting Snakeskin
1 - 13 Abzan Banner ---- War Behemoth Feed the Clan
1 - 14 Dutiful Return ---- War Behemoth Molting Snakeskin
2 - 1 Abzan Charm ---- Heir of the Wilds Hordeling Outburst
2 - 2 Abzan Charm ---- Gurmag Swiftwing Brave the Sands
2 - 3 Seeker of the Way ---- Temur Charm Highspire Mantis
2 - 4 Jeskai Charm ---- Retribution of the Ancients Kheru Lich Lord
2 - 5 Feat of Resistance ---- Mardu Skullhunter Smite the Monstrous
2 - 6 Jungle Hollow ---- Treasure Cruise Act of Treason
2 - 7 Crippling Chill ---- Alabaster Kirin Summit Prowler
2 - 8 Temur Banner ---- Rush of Battle Rakshasa's Secret
2 - 9 Singing Bell Strike ---- Scout the Borders Abzan Guide
2 - 10 Archers' Parapet ---- Ponyback Brigade Efreet Weaponmaster
2 - 11 Arrow Storm ---- Canyon Lurkers Unyielding Krumar
2 - 12 Rotting Mastodon ---- Swiftwater Cliffs Whirlwind Adept
2 - 13 Barrage of Boulders ---- Rite of the Serpent Sagu Archer
2 - 14 Sidisi's Pet ---- Scaldkin Naturalize
3 - 1 Warden of the Eye ---- Nomad Outpost Ruthless Ripper
3 - 2 Mistfire Weaver ---- Heir of the Wilds Bellowing Saddlebrute
3 - 3 Mer-Ek Nightblade ---- Sultai Soothsayer Ruthless Ripper
3 - 4 Sultai Flayer ---- Sultai Charm Master the Way
3 - 5 Savage Punch ---- Savage Punch Efreet Weaponmaster
3 - 6 Smite the Monstrous ---- Act of Treason Abzan Guide
3 - 7 Ponyback Brigade ---- Mystic of the Hidden Way Mardu Warshrieker
3 - 8 Dragonscale Boon ---- Mardu Hordechief Altar of the Brood
3 - 9 Arrow Storm ---- Retribution of the Ancients Thornwood Falls
3 - 10 Bloodfell Caves ---- Sidisi's Pet Summit Prowler
3 - 11 Salt Road Patrol ---- Rush of Battle Sagu Archer
3 - 12 Shambling Attendants ---- Tranquil Cove Krumar Bond-Kin
3 - 13 Disdainful Stroke ---- Whirlwind Adept Feed the Clan
3 - 14 Swift Kick ---- Siegecraft Kheru Dreadmaw