Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart TedBilliams pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - 1 Elder of Laurels Undead Alchemist Invisible Stalker ---- Spider Spawning Morkrut Banshee
1 - 2 Hinterland Harbor Slayer of the Wicked Tribute to Hunger ---- Mausoleum Guard Bonds of Faith
1 - 3 Claustrophobia Vampire Interloper Thraben Sentry  Flip ---- Moan of the Unhallowed Hamlet Captain
1 - 4 Ambush Viper Heartless Summoning Travel Preparations ---- Elder Cathar Butcher's Cleaver
1 - 5 Voiceless Spirit Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Geistcatcher's Rig ---- Doomed Traveler Geistflame
1 - 6 Crossway Vampire Travel Preparations Moon Heron ---- Curiosity Silver-Inlaid Dagger
1 - 7 Village Bell-Ringer Tormented Pariah  Flip Smite the Monstrous ---- Darkthicket Wolf Dissipate
1 - 8 Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Gruesome Deformity Moment of Heroism ---- Selhoff Occultist Intangible Virtue
1 - 9 Abbey Griffin Armored Skaab Intangible Virtue ---- Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Ashmouth Hound
1 - 10 Markov Patrician Ghoulcaller's Chant Stromkirk Patrol ---- Wreath of Geists Frightful Delusion
1 - 11 Night Terrors Burning Vengeance Dream Twist ---- Unruly Mob Unruly Mob
1 - 12 Blazing Torch Orchard Spirit Cobbled Wings ---- Gnaw to the Bone Thraben Purebloods
1 - 13 Traveler's Amulet Forbidden Alchemy Maw of the Mire ---- Rotting Fensnake Skeletal Grimace
1 - 14 Curse of Oblivion Sensory Deprivation Dream Twist ---- Night Revelers Spidery Grasp
1 - 15 Forest Island Island ---- Sensory Deprivation Vampiric Fury
2 - 1 Gavony Township Devil's Play Invisible Stalker ---- Rotting Fensnake Ghoulcaller's Chant
2 - 2 Moan of the Unhallowed Garruk Relentless  Flip Bloodgift Demon ---- Ghoulcaller's Bell Lost in the Mist
2 - 3 Tribute to Hunger Brimstone Volley Kessig Cagebreakers ---- Memory's Journey Memory's Journey
2 - 4 Ambush Viper Elder Cathar Dead Weight ---- Somberwald Spider Thraben Purebloods
2 - 5 Voiceless Spirit Villagers of Estwald  Flip Vampire Interloper ---- Victim of Night Spare from Evil
2 - 6 Prey Upon Geistcatcher's Rig Victim of Night ---- Delver of Secrets  Flip Manor Skeleton
2 - 7 Curiosity Vampire Interloper Stitched Drake ---- Deranged Assistant Silent Departure
2 - 8 Trepanation Blade Chapel Geist Skaab Goliath ---- Rolling Temblor Geistflame
2 - 9 Sharpened Pitchfork Voiceless Spirit Grizzled Outcasts  Flip ---- Darkthicket Wolf Deranged Assistant
2 - 10 Caravan Vigil Geistcatcher's Rig Markov Patrician ---- Thraben Sentry  Flip Curse of the Pierced Heart
2 - 11 One-Eyed Scarecrow Hollowhenge Scavenger Spectral Flight ---- Somberwald Spider Traveler's Amulet
2 - 12 Cellar Door Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Stromkirk Patrol ---- Blazing Torch Crossway Vampire
2 - 13 Night Revelers Unruly Mob Spectral Flight ---- Abbey Griffin Moonmist
2 - 14 Traveler's Amulet Selfless Cathar Shimmering Grotto ---- Selfless Cathar Traveler's Amulet
2 - 15 Altar's Reap Night Revelers Bramblecrush ---- Fortress Crab Spidery Grasp
3 - 1 Greater Forgeling Dark Confidant Caregiver ---- Flame-Kin Zealot Watchwolf
3 - 2 Stasis Cell Selesnya Signet Rain of Embers ---- Dimir Signet Vedalken Entrancer
3 - 3 Conclave Phalanx Gather Courage Elvish Skysweeper ---- Mausoleum Turnkey Necromantic Thirst
3 - 4 Grayscaled Gharial Keening Banshee Rain of Embers ---- Vedalken Entrancer Cyclopean Snare
3 - 5 Selesnya Sanctuary Consult the Necrosages Fiery Conclusion ---- Seeds of Strength Lore Broker
3 - 6 Darkblast Last Gasp Fiery Conclusion ---- Galvanic Arc Boros Swiftblade
3 - 7 Boros Fury-Shield Moroii Siege Wurm ---- Moonlight Bargain Strands of Undeath
3 - 8 Sell-Sword Brute Stone-Seeder Hierophant Boros Recruit ---- Bathe in Light Fists of Ironwood
3 - 9 Scatter the Seeds Conclave Equenaut Golgari Brownscale ---- Copy Enchantment Stone-Seeder Hierophant
3 - 10 Lurking Informant Civic Wayfinder Elvish Skysweeper ---- Boros Fury-Shield Perplex
3 - 11 Dromad Purebred Surveilling Sprite Viashino Fangtail ---- Woodwraith Strangler Shred Memory
3 - 12 Veteran Armorer Rally the Righteous Muddle the Mixture ---- Thoughtpicker Witch Infectious Host
3 - 13 Induce Paranoia Surveilling Sprite Terraformer ---- Perplex Gate Hound
3 - 14 Dimir House Guard Benevolent Ancestor Muddle the Mixture ---- Gate Hound Surveilling Sprite
3 - 15 Benevolent Ancestor Light of Sanction Mortipede ---- Rolling Spoil Roofstalker Wight
4 - 1 Keldon Warlord Keldon Warlord Lightning Bolt ---- Sol Ring Icy Manipulator
4 - 2 Bad Moon Mind Twist Dark Ritual ---- Lightning Bolt Channel
4 - 3 Lifeforce Unholy Strength Psionic Blast ---- Personal Incarnation Red Elemental Blast
4 - 4 Llanowar Elves Sinkhole Dark Ritual ---- Terror Gray Ogre
4 - 5 Unholy Strength Warp Artifact Dark Ritual ---- Animate Dead Lifetap
4 - 6 Unholy Strength Terror Soul Net ---- Wall of Swords Drudge Skeletons
4 - 7 Pestilence Unholy Strength Wall of Air ---- Wall of Wood Circle of Protection: White
4 - 8 Giant Growth Drain Life Blue Elemental Blast ---- Hurricane Holy Armor
4 - 9 Creature Bond Raise Dead Paralyze ---- Orcish Artillery Wall of Wood
4 - 10 Fear Circle of Protection: White Drain Life ---- Frozen Shade Circle of Protection: Red
4 - 11 Guardian Angel Fear Wall of Wood ---- Fear Guardian Angel
4 - 12 Twiddle Drudge Skeletons Camouflage ---- Unsummon Fog
4 - 13 Jump Fog Wild Growth ---- Sea Serpent Regeneration
4 - 14 Twiddle Wall of Wood Scathe Zombies ---- Prodigal Sorcerer Disenchant
4 - 15 Fog Invisibility Tranquility ---- Regeneration Invisibility