EMN / SOI / M19 / DTK / CN2

Ended 6 years ago

Player hiIamtheultimate1noobintheworld pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- Cryptbreaker Noosegraf Mob Spreading Flames Decimator of the Provinces Faith Unbroken Distended Mindbender Imprisoned in the Moon
1 - 2 ---- Sanctifier of Souls Incendiary Flow Galvanic Bombardment Kessig Prowler  Flip Choking Restraints Haunted Dead Conduit of Storms  Flip
1 - 3 ---- Haunted Dead Smoldering Werewolf  Flip Kessig Prowler  Flip Drogskol Shieldmate Drownyard Behemoth Tangleclaw Werewolf  Flip Kessig Prowler  Flip
1 - 4 ---- Drownyard Behemoth Boon of Emrakul Alchemist's Greeting Boon of Emrakul Alchemist's Greeting Mausoleum Wanderer Sigardian Priest
1 - 5 ---- Sigardian Priest Ingenious Skaab Midnight Scavengers  Meld Thermo-Alchemist Drogskol Shieldmate Extricator of Sin  Flip Foul Emissary
1 - 6 ---- Olivia's Dragoon Stitcher's Graft Prey Upon Ulvenwald Captive  Flip Prey Upon Midnight Scavengers  Meld Thermo-Alchemist
1 - 7 ---- Dawn Gryff Steadfast Cathar Midnight Scavengers  Meld Steadfast Cathar Exultant Cultist Chilling Grasp Chilling Grasp
1 - 8 ---- Abundant Maw Gavony Unhallowed Graf Rats  Flip  Meld Wretched Gryff Dawn Gryff Distemper of the Blood Lashweed Lurker
1 - 9 ---- Desperate Sentry Dawn Gryff Certain Death Geist of the Lonely Vigil Woodland Patrol Tattered Haunter Guardian of Pilgrims
1 - 10 ---- Mockery of Nature Succumb to Temptation Exultant Cultist Swift Spinner Grapple with the Past Stensia Innkeeper Waxing Moon
1 - 11 ---- Make Mischief Backwoods Survivalists Falkenrath Reaver Borrowed Grace Wolfkin Bond Cathar's Shield Thraben Foulbloods
1 - 12 ---- Skirsdag Supplicant Laboratory Brute Lunarch Mantle Stensia Innkeeper Prophetic Ravings Skirsdag Supplicant Borrowed Hostility
1 - 13 ---- Thraben Standard Bearer Thirsting Axe Spontaneous Mutation Laboratory Brute Field Creeper Convolute Thraben Standard Bearer
1 - 14 ---- Crossroads Consecrator Ironwright's Cleansing Peace of Mind Lunar Force Contingency Plan Wailing Ghoul Displace
2 - 1 ---- Sinister Concoction Breakneck Rider  Flip Falkenrath Gorger Forgotten Creation Rabid Bite Westvale Abbey  Flip Inexorable Blob
2 - 2 ---- Obsessive Skinner Reaper of Flight Moonsilver Pack Guardian Nephalia Moondrakes Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip Pious Evangel  Flip Flameblade Angel
2 - 3 ---- Solitary Hunter  Flip Daring Sleuth  Flip Wild-Field Scarecrow Gisa's Bidding Thraben Inspector Breakneck Rider  Flip Gryff's Boon
2 - 4 ---- Ghoulcaller's Accomplice Hinterland Logger  Flip Reaper of Flight Moonsilver Gibbering Fiend Sinister Concoction Kindly Stranger  Flip Rabid Bite
2 - 5 ---- Rancid Rats Byway Courier Sanguinary Mage Bloodmad Vampire Nephalia Moondrakes Wild-Field Scarecrow Dauntless Cathar
2 - 6 ---- Cryptolith Rite Ongoing Investigation Forsaken Sanctuary Dance with Devils Thraben Inspector Ulrich's Kindred Apothecary Geist
2 - 7 ---- Inspiring Captain Branded Howler  Flip Bloodmad Vampire Humble the Brute Quilled Wolf Emissary of the Sleepless Humble the Brute
2 - 8 ---- Confront the Unknown Throttle Uncaged Fury Twins of Maurer Estate Intrepid Provisioner Compelling Deterrence Moorland Drifter
2 - 9 ---- Farbog Revenant Choked Estuary Vessel of Nascency Watcher in the Web Gloomwidow Militant Inquisitor Niblis of Dusk
2 - 10 ---- Intrepid Provisioner Farbog Revenant Senseless Rage Moldgraf Scavenger Wicker Witch Sleep Paralysis Explosive Apparatus
2 - 11 ---- Magnifying Glass Broken Concentration Stromkirk Mentor Jace's Scrutiny Stormrider Spirit Stallion of Ashmouth Clip Wings
2 - 12 ---- Clip Wings Watcher in the Web Alms of the Vein Hope Against Hope Stern Constable Vessel of Malignity Insolent Neonate
2 - 13 ---- Tormenting Voice Stonewing Antagonizer  Flip Hound of the Farbogs Magmatic Chasm Ethereal Guidance Macabre Waltz Equestrian Skill
2 - 14 ---- Inquisitor's Ox Structural Distortion Might Beyond Reason Lamplighter of Selhoff Survive the Night Hound of the Farbogs Woodland Stream
3 - 1 ---- Electrify Electrify Wall of Vines Reassembling Skeleton Highland Game Druid of the Cowl Electrify
3 - 2 ---- Tectonic Rift Gift of Paradise Sure Strike Walking Corpse Daggerback Basilisk Manalith Volcanic Dragon
3 - 3 ---- Skymarch Bloodletter Boggart Brute Explosive Apparatus Diregraf Ghoul Tormenting Voice Giant Spider Anticipate
3 - 4 ---- Centaur Courser Daggerback Basilisk Skyscanner Act of Treason Shock Chaos Wand Smelt
3 - 5 ---- Child of Night Reclamation Sage Ghostform Dwindle Tormenting Voice Ajani's Last Stand Sparktongue Dragon
3 - 6 ---- Lathliss, Dragon Queen Runic Armasaur Essence Scatter Field Creeper Divination Trumpet Blast Lich's Caress
3 - 7 ---- Druid of Horns Exclusion Mage Take Vengeance Explosive Apparatus Dragon Egg Oreskos Swiftclaw Mind Rot
3 - 8 ---- Gallant Cavalry Invoke the Divine Skeleton Archer Strangling Spores Giant Spider Sarkhan's Unsealing Make a Stand
3 - 9 ---- Blanchwood Armor Siegebreaker Giant Talons of Wildwood Epicure of Blood Talons of Wildwood Exclusion Mage Lich's Caress
3 - 10 ---- Ghostform Gallant Cavalry Dwindle Hired Blade Knight of the Tusk Loxodon Line Breaker Sparktongue Dragon
3 - 11 ---- Marauder's Axe Meandering River Cavalry Drillmaster Rustwing Falcon Knight of the Tusk Goblin Instigator Disperse
3 - 12 ---- Aven Wind Mage Psychic Symbiont Trusty Packbeast Elvish Rejuvenator Loxodon Line Breaker Thud Uncomfortable Chill
3 - 13 ---- Aerial Engineer Salvager of Secrets Uncomortable Chill Doublecast Scholar of Stars Dwarven Priest Fiery Finish
3 - 14 ---- Aerial Engineer Fiery Finish Uncomortable Chill Plummet Pendulum of Patterns Thud Tolarian Scholar
4 - 1 ---- Sidisi, Undead Vizier Dragonlord Atarka Ire Shaman Surrak, the Hunt Caller Foe-Razer Regent Arashin Foremost Sidisi, Undead Vizier
4 - 2 ---- Summit Prowler Battle Mastery Ultimate Price Dromoka Captain Evolving Wilds Roast Pacifism
4 - 3 ---- Obscuring Aether Atarka Monument Spidersilk Net Sight of the Scalelords Dromoka Warrior Volcanic Vision Roast
4 - 4 ---- Duress Magmatic Chasm Misthoof Kirin Aerie Bowmasters Dragon-Scarred Bear Rakshasa Gravecaller Herald of Dromoka
4 - 5 ---- Flatten Epic Confrontation Keeper of the Lens Champion of Arashin Sprinting Warbrute Epic Confrontation Summit Prowler
4 - 6 ---- Hand of Silumgar Evolving Wilds Student of Ojutai Skywise Teachings Hand of Silumgar Stormcrag Elemental Hand of Silumgar
4 - 7 ---- Tormenting Voice Mind Rot Artful Maneuver Artful Maneuver Herald of Dromoka Coat with Venom Strongarm Monk
4 - 8 ---- Silumgar Spell-Eater Keeper of the Lens Sight Beyond Sight Artful Maneuver Reckless Imp Foul-Tongue Invocation Blood-Chin Rager
4 - 9 ---- Monastery Loremaster Ojutai Interceptor Foul-Tongue Shriek Atarka Pummeler Champion of Arashin Monastery Loremaster Butcher's Glee
4 - 10 ---- Tread Upon Silumgar Monument Monastery Loremaster Center Soul Ainok Artillerist Tread Upon Draconic Roar
4 - 11 ---- Defeat Tormenting Voice Pinion Feast Sidisi's Faithful Center Soul Segmented Krotiq Sheltered Aerie
4 - 12 ---- Champion of Arashin Sibsig Icebreakers Wandering Tombshell Conifer Strider Ancestral Statue Revealing Wind Tapestry of the Ages
4 - 13 ---- Aven Tactician Resupply Contradict Conifer Strider Center Soul Custodian of the Trove Tread Upon
4 - 14 ---- Display of Dominance Display of Dominance Naturalize Segmented Krotiq Sibsig Icebreakers Ancient Carp Gurmag Drowner
5 - 1 ---- Sanctum Prelate Spectral Grasp Birds of Paradise Volatile Chimera Sphinx of Magosi Phyrexian Arena Capital Punishment
5 - 2 ---- Guul Draz Specter Pyretic Hunter Besmirch Sulfurous Blast Domesticated Hydra Noble Banneret Dismiss
5 - 3 ---- Prey Upon Vaporkin Dismiss Hamletback Goliath Menagerie Liberator Guttersnipe Vaporkin
5 - 4 ---- Keepsake Gorgon Opaline Unicorn Irresistible Prey Vaporkin Orchard Elemental Skittering Crustacean Smuggler Captain
5 - 5 ---- Orchard Elemental Windborne Charge Gods Willing Messenger Jays Ghostly Prison Leovold's Operative Kiln Fiend
5 - 6 ---- Jeering Homunculus Wings of the Guard Thorn of the Black Rose Public Execution Hired Heist Messenger Jays Driver of the Dead
5 - 7 ---- Thorn of the Black Rose Sinuous Vermin Skittering Crustacean Sinuous Vermin Besmirch Natural Unity Ravenous Leucrocota
5 - 8 ---- Hired Heist Farbog Boneflinger Cloaked Siren Thorn of the Black Rose Adriana's Valor Driver of the Dead Omenspeaker
5 - 9 ---- Sinuous Vermin Ballot Broker Lieutenants of the Guard Omenspeaker Doomed Traveler Assemble the Rank and Vile Garbage Fire
5 - 10 ---- Unnerve Unnerve Garrulous Sycophant Kill Shot Lace with Moonglove Carnage Gladiator Prey Upon
5 - 11 ---- Unnerve Adriana's Valor Cloaked Siren Netcaster Spider Goblin Tunneler Raise Dead Goblin Balloon Brigade
5 - 12 ---- Raise the Alarm Goblin Balloon Brigade Stoneshock Giant Goblin Balloon Brigade Ogre Sentry Nessian Asp Festergloom
5 - 13 ---- Akroan Hoplite Ill-Tempered Cyclops Netcaster Spider Raise the Alarm Ember Beast Nessian Asp Voyaging Satyr
5 - 14 ---- Traumatic Visions Divination Goblin Tunneler Strength in Numbers Traumatic Visions Traumatic Visions Raise Dead