Ended 7 years ago

Player godp3 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart ultrali pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- Resilient Khenra Chaos Maw Open Fire Angel of Condemnation Champion of Wits Chaos Maw ----
1 - 2 ---- Open Fire Open Fire Desert's Hold Hour of Promise Banewhip Punisher Overcome ----
1 - 3 ---- Farm / Market Oasis Ritualist Puncturing Blow Eternal of Harsh Truths Unquenchable Thirst Open Fire ----
1 - 4 ---- Torment of Scarabs Bitterbow Sharpshooters Frontline Devastator Lethal Sting Rhonas's Stalwart Desert of the True ----
1 - 5 ---- Merciless Eternal Spellweaver Eternal Shefet Dunes Firebrand Archer Sunset Pyramid Oasis Ritualist ----
1 - 6 ---- Merciless Eternal Desert of the Glorified Blur of Blades Frontline Devastator Sidewinder Naga Magmaroth ----
1 - 7 ---- Ipnu Rivulet Oasis Ritualist Desert of the True Desert of the Mindful Khenra Eternal Appeal / Authority ----
1 - 8 ---- Unquenchable Thirst Saving Grace Desert of the Fervent Mummy Paramount Thorned Moloch Desert of the Mindful ----
1 - 9 ---- Survivors' Encampment Bitterbow Sharpshooters Aven Reedstalker Firebrand Archer Imaginary Threats Survivors' Encampment ----
1 - 10 ---- Aven Reedstalker Aven Reedstalker Unsummon Defiant Khenra Traveler's Amulet Lurching Rotbeast ----
1 - 11 ---- Manalith Tragic Lesson Strategic Planning Sidewinder Naga Dune Diviner Steadfast Sentinel ----
1 - 12 ---- Gilded Cerodon Survivors' Encampment Scrounger of Souls Lurching Rotbeast Manalith Kindled Fury ----
1 - 13 ---- Steadfast Sentinel Gideon's Defeat God-Pharaoh's Faithful Gideon's Defeat Disposal Mummy Solitary Camel ----
1 - 14 ---- Seer of the Last Tomorrow Djeru's Renunciation Djeru's Renunciation Life Goes On Jace's Defeat Grisly Survivor ----
2 - 1 ---- Grind / Dust Kefnet's Last Word Majestic Myriarch Ramunap Hydra Neheb, the Eternal Farm / Market ----
2 - 2 ---- Open Fire Sand Strangler Supreme Will Sand Strangler Lethal Sting Chaos Maw ----
2 - 3 ---- Banewhip Punisher Vizier of the Anointed Khenra Scrapper Khenra Scrapper Khenra Scrapper Sand Strangler ----
2 - 4 ---- Aerial Guide Rhonas's Stalwart Unquenchable Thirst Oasis Ritualist Ifnir Deadlands Open Fire ----
2 - 5 ---- Aerial Guide Resolute Survivors Bitterbow Sharpshooters Aerial Guide Bloodwater Entity Sinuous Striker ----
2 - 6 ---- Desert of the Indomitable Magmaroth Blur of Blades Accursed Horde Inferno Jet Inferno Jet ----
2 - 7 ---- Unsummon Hostile Desert Khenra Eternal Sandblast Spellweaver Eternal Blur of Blades ----
2 - 8 ---- Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Angel of the God-Pharaoh Desert of the Fervent Harrier Naga Traveler's Amulet Thorned Moloch ----
2 - 9 ---- Wretched Camel Firebrand Archer Thorned Moloch Manalith Gilded Cerodon Desert of the Fervent ----
2 - 10 ---- Khenra Eternal Aven Reedstalker Striped Riverwinder Claim / Fame Ruin Rat Imaginary Threats ----
2 - 11 ---- Scrounger of Souls Disposal Mummy Beneath the Sands Disposal Mummy Scrounger of Souls Imaginary Threats ----
2 - 12 ---- Jace's Defeat Steadfast Sentinel Grisly Survivor Kindled Fury Scrounger of Souls Gilded Cerodon ----
2 - 13 ---- Gideon's Defeat Jace's Defeat Crash Through Strategic Planning Act of Heroism Ipnu Rivulet ----
2 - 14 ---- Djeru's Renunciation Graven Abomination God-Pharaoh's Faithful Crash Through Mummy Paramount Life Goes On ----
3 - 1 ---- Trial of Strength Regal Caracal Oketra's Attendant Channeler Initiate Trial of Solidarity Vizier of Deferment ----
3 - 2 ---- Dusk / Dawn Trial of Solidarity Stir the Sands Devoted Crop-Mate Cartouche of Strength Trial of Knowledge ----
3 - 3 ---- Aven Wind Guide Soulstinger Synchronized Strike Trueheart Duelist Scattered Groves Decimator Beetle ----
3 - 4 ---- Binding Mummy Tah-Crop Elite Grim Strider Tah-Crop Elite Fan Bearer Cryptic Serpent ----
3 - 5 ---- Evolving Wilds Greater Sandwurm Minotaur Sureshot Doomed Dissenter Hooded Brawler Merciless Javelineer ----
3 - 6 ---- Compulsory Rest Illusory Wrappings Cryptic Serpent Illusory Wrappings Consuming Fervor Nef-Crop Entangler ----
3 - 7 ---- Essence Scatter Nef-Crop Entangler Desert Cerodon Pyramid of the Pantheon River Serpent Tah-Crop Skirmisher ----
3 - 8 ---- Hooded Brawler Cartouche of Zeal Enigma Drake Floodwaters Manticore of the Gauntlet Bontu's Monument ----
3 - 9 ---- Anointer Priest Blighted Bat Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Minotaur Sureshot Naga Oracle Wander in Death ----
3 - 10 ---- Supply Caravan Giant Spider Anointer Priest Consuming Fervor Vizier of Remedies Hazoret's Favor ----
3 - 11 ---- Stinging Shot Grasping Dunes Hazoret's Favor Brute Strength Naga Oracle Onward / Victory ----
3 - 12 ---- Forsake the Worldly Djeru's Resolve Forsake the Worldly Supply Caravan Compelling Argument Bloodlust Inciter ----
3 - 13 ---- Dune Beetle Scarab Feast Forsake the Worldly Blazing Volley Decision Paralysis Trespasser's Curse ----
3 - 14 ---- Luxa River Shrine Painted Bluffs Luxa River Shrine Gate to the Afterlife Decision Paralysis Dissenter's Deliverance ----