A25 / M19 / IMA / XLN

Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart kodyz pie chart
Seat 1 2
1 - 1 Cinder Storm ----
1 - 2 Cinder Storm ----
1 - 3 Fetid Heath ----
1 - 4 Assembly-Worker ----
1 - 5 Hordeling Outburst ----
1 - 6 Crimson Mage ----
1 - 7 Brine Elemental ----
1 - 8 Loyal Sentry ----
1 - 9 Geist of the Moors ----
1 - 10 Borrowing 100,000 Arrows ----
1 - 11 Dragon's Eye Savants ----
1 - 12 Act of Heroism ----
1 - 13 Renewed Faith ----
1 - 14 Disenchant ----
2 - 1 Colossal Dreadmaw ----
2 - 2 Diregraf Ghoul ----
2 - 3 Crash Through ----
2 - 4 Fire Elemental ----
2 - 5 Totally Lost ----
2 - 6 Explosive Apparatus ----
2 - 7 Leonin Vanguard ----
2 - 8 Liliana's Contract ----
2 - 9 Epicure of Blood ----
2 - 10 Knight's Pledge ----
2 - 11 Salvager of Secrets ----
2 - 12 Wall of Mist ----
2 - 13 Novice Knight ----
2 - 14 Bogstomper ----
3 - 1 Bogbrew Witch ----
3 - 2 Assault Formation ----
3 - 3 Restoration Angel ----
3 - 4 Jhessian Thief ----
3 - 5 Noxious Dragon ----
3 - 6 Survival Cache ----
3 - 7 Survival Cache ----
3 - 8 Virulent Swipe ----
3 - 9 Dissolve ----
3 - 10 Elusive Spellfist ----
3 - 11 Frost Lynx ----
3 - 12 Repeal ----
3 - 13 Infantry Veteran ----
3 - 14 Eternal Thirst ----
4 - 1 Savage Stomp ----
4 - 2 Dowsing Dagger  Flip ----
4 - 3 Vanquish the Weak ----
4 - 4 Bonded Horncrest ----
4 - 5 Adanto Vanguard ----
4 - 6 Vineshaper Mystic ----
4 - 7 Skyblade of the Legion ----
4 - 8 Unclaimed Territory ----
4 - 9 Kinjalli's Caller ----
4 - 10 Paladin of the Bloodstained ----
4 - 11 Queen's Bay Soldier ----
4 - 12 Skyblade of the Legion ----
4 - 13 Spell Pierce ----
4 - 14 Cancel ----