M19 / DOM / GTC

Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart JeskaiWay99 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Doomed Dissenter Infectious Horror Field Creeper Rabid Bite ---- Electrify Rupture Spire Druid of the Cowl
1 - 2 Daggerback Basilisk Lightning Strike Inspired Charge Knightly Valor ---- Boggart Brute Lightning Strike Manalith
1 - 3 Oakenform Foul Orchard Field Creeper Tezzeret, Artifice Master ---- Bone to Ash Fire Elemental Cinder Barrens
1 - 4 Ghostform Infectious Horror Ghostform Thornhide Wolves ---- Walking Corpse Macabre Waltz Crash Through
1 - 5 Walking Corpse Infectious Horror Recollect Child of Night ---- Regal Bloodlord Highland Lake Luminous Bonds
1 - 6 Transmogrifying Wand Lava Axe Infernal Scarring Omenspeaker ---- Lava Axe Havoc Devils Dismissive Pyromancer
1 - 7 Gallant Cavalry Strangling Spores Blanchwood Armor Take Vengeance ---- Regal Bloodlord Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire Strangling Spores
1 - 8 Epicure of Blood Departed Deckhand Skyscanner Duress ---- Pegasus Courser Skyscanner Exclusion Mage
1 - 9 Skyscanner Goblin Motivator Onakke Ogre Gearsmith Guardian ---- Gallant Cavalry Goblin Motivator Meteor Golem
1 - 10 Goblin Motivator Viashino Pyromancer Uncomortable Chill Abnormal Endurance ---- Daybreak Chaplain Strangling Spores Invoke the Divine
1 - 11 Goblin Instigator Aven Wind Mage Onakke Ogre Salvager of Secrets ---- Two-Headed Zombie Fountain of Renewal Skeleton Archer
1 - 12 Psychic Corrosion Dragon Egg Uncomortable Chill Aven Wind Mage ---- Wall of Mist Fiery Finish Hired Blade
1 - 13 Marauder's Axe Dragon's Hoard Macabre Waltz Psychic Symbiont ---- Fiery Finish Skilled Animator Gearsmith Prodigy
1 - 14 Tolarian Scholar Brawl-Bash Ogre Thud Inspired Charge ---- Wall of Mist Trusty Packbeast Uncomortable Chill
2 - 1 Baird, Steward of Argive Muldrotha, the Gravetide Opt Tragic Poet ---- Icy Manipulator Forest Grand Warlord Radha
2 - 2 Rona, Disciple of Gix Aesthir Glider Fall of the Thran Josu Vess, Lich Knight ---- Kwende, Pride of Femeref Skittering Surveyor Isolated Chapel
2 - 3 Cast Down Grunn, the Lonely King Knight of Grace Forest ---- Fight with Fire Fire Elemental Saproling Migration
2 - 4 Whisper, Blood Liturgist Knight of Grace Llanowar Elves The Antiquities War ---- Academy Drake Baloth Gorger Haphazard Bombardment
2 - 5 Rona, Disciple of Gix Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp Firefist Adept Lingering Phantom ---- Memorial to Glory Garna, the Bloodflame Memorial to Glory
2 - 6 Tiana, Ship's Caretaker Call the Cavalry Memorial to Glory Amaranthine Wall ---- Chainer's Torment Stronghold Confessor Fungal Plots
2 - 7 Ghitu Lavarunner Blessed Light Academy Journeymage Blessed Light ---- Mammoth Spider Saproling Migration Shivan Fire
2 - 8 Jousting Lance Aven Sentry Howling Golem Call the Cavalry ---- Aven Sentry Memorial to Unity Cloudreader Sphinx
2 - 9 Diligent Excavator Mammoth Spider Windgrace Acolyte Short Sword ---- Knight of New Benalia The Flame of Keld Pardic Wanderer
2 - 10 Sergeant-at-Arms Blessing of Belzenlok Windgrace Acolyte Keldon Overseer ---- Dub Artificer's Assistant Dub
2 - 11 Arbor Armament Adamant Will Ghitu Journeymage Blessing of Belzenlok ---- Ghitu Chronicler Dark Bargain Windgrace Acolyte
2 - 12 Feral Abomination Powerstone Shard Broken Bond Arbor Armament ---- Broken Bond Benalish Honor Guard Tolarian Scholar
2 - 13 Healing Grace Divest Radiating Lightning Keldon Raider ---- Frenzied Rage Fervent Strike Gaea's Protector
2 - 14 Keldon Warcaller Tolarian Scholar Keldon Warcaller Excavation Elephant ---- Rampaging Cyclops Befuddle Keldon Warcaller
3 - 1 Foundry Champion Sylvan Primordial Miming Slime Obzedat, Ghost Council ---- Legion Loyalist Skarrg Guildmage Gyre Sage
3 - 2 Truefire Paladin Pit Fight Pit Fight Grisly Spectacle ---- Aurelia's Fury Kingpin's Pet Diluvian Primordial
3 - 3 Madcap Skills Basilica Screecher Ghor-Clan Rampager Beckon Apparition ---- Beckon Apparition Killing Glare Homing Lightning
3 - 4 Daring Skyjek Crocanura Ivy Lane Denizen Ember Beast ---- Madcap Skills Sunhome Guildmage Madcap Skills
3 - 5 Assault Griffin Dinrova Horror Wasteland Viper Devour Flesh ---- Sunhome Guildmage Deathcult Rogue Basilica Guards
3 - 6 Ivy Lane Denizen Angelic Edict Angelic Edict Warmind Infantry ---- Angelic Edict Assault Griffin Ember Beast
3 - 7 Wojek Halberdiers Corpse Blockade Massive Raid Warmind Infantry ---- Scorchwalker Mindeye Drake Scorchwalker
3 - 8 Gruul Guildgate Urban Evolution Frenzied Tilling Dutiful Thrull ---- Dimir Guildgate Agoraphobia Wight of Precinct Six
3 - 9 Court Street Denizen Bane Alley Broker Furious Resistance Zarichi Tiger ---- Bomber Corps Shadow Slice Aerial Maneuver
3 - 10 Towering Thunderfist Executioner's Swing Shielded Passage Shadow Slice ---- Gift of Orzhova Slate Street Ruffian Slate Street Ruffian
3 - 11 Metropolis Sprite Gutter Skulk Martial Glory Last Thoughts ---- Aerial Maneuver Skyblinder Staff Frilled Oculus
3 - 12 Simic Guildgate Mortus Strider Slate Street Ruffian Guildscorn Ward ---- Adaptive Snapjaw Paranoid Delusions Midnight Recovery
3 - 13 Primal Visitation Adaptive Snapjaw Guildscorn Ward Psychic Strike ---- Razortip Whip Slate Street Ruffian Guildscorn Ward
3 - 14 Towering Thunderfist Naturalize Bioshift Gruul Charm ---- Razortip Whip Bioshift Naturalize