Ended 2 weeks ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Beralt pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Desertion Hold the Perimeter Duskmantle Seer Faith's Reward Hallowed Burial Faith's Reward Psychosis Crawler Leovold's Operative
1 - 2 Hymn of the Wilds Murder Explosive Vegetation Death Wind Serum Visions Murder Merfolk Looter Canal Courier
1 - 3 Merfolk Skyscout Explosive Vegetation Garrulous Sycophant Summoner's Bond Nessian Asp Death Wind Thorn of the Black Rose Canal Courier
1 - 4 Infest Coordinated Assault Ascended Lawmage Doomed Traveler Death Wind Assemble the Rank and Vile Death Wind Custodi Peacekeeper
1 - 5 Garrulous Sycophant Carnage Gladiator Opaline Unicorn Kiln Fiend Pharika's Mender Havengul Vampire Twin Bolt Cloaked Siren
1 - 6 Into the Void Child of Night Throne Warden Public Execution Fang of the Pack Raise the Alarm Twin Bolt Negate
1 - 7 Fang of the Pack Assemble the Rank and Vile Spire Phantasm Twin Bolt Messenger Jays Reviving Dose Deputized Protester Gods Willing
1 - 8 Fleeting Distraction Sulfurous Blast Jeering Homunculus Grenzo's Ruffians Jeering Homunculus Kiln Fiend Goblin Balloon Brigade Blood-Toll Harpy
1 - 9 Brushstrider Crown-Hunter Hireling Disenchant Unnerve Diabolic Tutor Ballot Broker Deputized Protester Canal Courier
1 - 10 Ravenous Leucrocota Gang of Devils Festergloom Kiln Fiend Vaporkin Deputized Protester Cloaked Siren Unnerve
1 - 11 Negate Hexplate Golem Messenger Jays Festergloom Plummet Fang of the Pack Deputized Protester Shambling Goblin
1 - 12 Bonds of Quicksilver Ember Beast Absorb Vis Ill-Tempered Cyclops Sylvan Bounty Goblin Balloon Brigade Entourage of Trest Gleam of Resistance
1 - 13 Ill-Tempered Cyclops Menagerie Liberator Strength in Numbers Gleam of Resistance Lay of the Land Goblin Tunneler Hurly-Burly Netcaster Spider
1 - 14 Sylvan Bounty Gleam of Resistance Negate Plummet Plummet Skittering Crustacean Plummet Ghostly Possession
2 - 1 Gearseeker Serpent Agonasaur Rex Sunbillow Verge Wastewood Verge Scoured Barrens Riverchurn Monument Oviya, Automech Artisan Samut, the Driving Force
2 - 2 Jungle Hollow Scoured Barrens Bloodfell Caves Captain Howler, Sea Scourge Gearseeker Serpent Swiftwater Cliffs Tranquil Cove Skyseer's Chariot
2 - 3 Trade the Helm Rugged Highlands Bloodfell Caves Detention Chariot Bloodfell Caves Endrider Spikespitter Blossoming Sands Gallant Strike
2 - 4 Pit Automaton Thundering Broodwagon Sundial, Dawn Tyrant Rocky Roads Back on Track Boosted Sloop Dismal Backwater Syphon Fuel
2 - 5 Aether Syphon Skyserpent Seeker Roadside Assistance Air Response Unit Roadside Blowout Gastal Thrillseeker Guidelight Matrix Pactdoll Terror
2 - 6 Aetherjacket Boom Scholar Starting Column Guidelight Synergist Autarch Mammoth Wickerfolk Indomitable Endrider Spikespitter Swiftwing Assailant
2 - 7 Ripclaw Wrangler Loxodon Surveyor Camera Launcher Swiftwing Assailant Hour of Victory Wickerfolk Indomitable Defend the Rider Risky Shortcut
2 - 8 Hulldrifter Skybox Ferry Howler's Heavy Spotcycle Scouter Trip Up Burner Rocket Scrap Compactor Lotusguard Disciple
2 - 9 Trip Up Veloheart Bike Nimble Thopterist Leonin Surveyor Bestow Greatness Gastal Blockbuster Prowcatcher Specialist Wreckage Wickerfolk
2 - 10 Streaking Oilgorger Silken Strength Brightfield Mustang Swiftwing Assailant Beastrider Vanguard Thunderhead Gunner Hazard of the Dunes Crash and Burn
2 - 11 Pactdoll Terror Magmakin Artillerist Syphon Fuel Lightshield Parry Spin Out Chitin Gravestalker Dynamite Diver Syphon Fuel
2 - 12 Syphon Fuel Veloheart Bike Broadcast Rambler Pedal to the Metal Silken Strength Magmakin Artillerist Goblin Surveyor Venomsac Lagac
2 - 13 Veloheart Bike Loxodon Surveyor Mutant Surveyor Nimble Thopterist Spotcycle Scouter Lotusguard Disciple Endrider Catalyzer Maximum Overdrive
2 - 14 Chitin Gravestalker Goblin Surveyor Guidelight Optimizer Lightwheel Enhancements Brightfield Mustang Voyager Quickwelder Wreckage Wickerfolk Jibbirik Omnivore
3 - 1 Gatekeeper of Malakirfoil Burnished Hart Temple of Mystery Knight of Grace Overrun Regal Caracal Frenzied Goblin Genesis Wave
3 - 2 Expedition Mapfoil Moment of Craving Ballyrush Banneret Knight of Grace Rampaging Baloths Moment of Craving Ghitu Lavarunner River's Rebuke
3 - 3 Opt Abrade Crusader of Odric Brazen Scourge Nessian Hornbeetle Azorius Guildgate Golgari Guildgate Driver of the Dead
3 - 4 Vampire Interloper Serra Angel Pacifism Ancestor Dragon Springbloom Druid Banishing Light Rapacious Dragon Curator of Destinies
3 - 5 Think Twice Kindled Fury Healer's Hawk Burst Lightning Into the Roil Searslicer Goblin Fierce Empath Orzhov Guildgate
3 - 6 Cryptic Caves Fierce Empath Twinblade Paladin Moment of Triumph Giant Growth Ghitu Lavarunner Rapacious Dragon Self-Reflection
3 - 7 Negate Springbloom Druid Moment of Triumph Infernal Vessel Wary Thespian Vampiric Rites Sure Strike Gruul Guildgate
3 - 8 Aegis Turtle Uncharted Haven Simic Guildgate Thrill of Possibility Rune-Sealed Wall Bulk Up Fierce Empath Fiery Annihilation
3 - 9 Gutless Plunderer Seeker's Folly Felidar Cub Ingenious Leonin Arcane Epiphany Sanguine Indulgence Courageous Goblin Mocking Sprite
3 - 10 Essence Scatter Boltwave Sanguine Indulgence Gorehorn Raider Tajuru Pathwarden Seeker's Folly Goblin Surprise Infestation Sage
3 - 11 Lightshell Duo Uncharted Haven Inspiring Overseer Campus Guide Gnarlid Colony Vampire Spawn Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind Cathar Commando
3 - 12 Marauding Blight-Priest Apothecary Stomper Cathar Commando Seize the Spoils Wary Thespian Crypt Feaster Treetop Snarespinner Vanguard Seraph
3 - 13 Seize the Spoils Fleeting Flight Highborn Vampire Refute Bite Down Kargan Dragonrider Highborn Vampire Fleeting Flight
3 - 14 Highborn Vampire Cathar Commando Deadly Riposte Gorehorn Raider Apothecary Stomper Crackling Cyclops Armasaur Guide Lightshell Duo