Ended 2 months ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart FlyingYokedOx pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Mindsparker Drogskol Reaver Heroes' Bane Ajani's Pridemate Valorous Stance Pyromancer's Goggles Dread Summons Gigantosaurusfoil
1 - 2 Bake into a Pie Desecration Demon Knight of Malice Heraldic Banner Anthem of Champions Chart a Course Unflinching Couragefoil Expedition Mapfoil
1 - 3 Pulse Tracker Pulse Tracker Expedition Mapfoil Crusader of Odric Dryad Militant Druid of the Cowl Corsair Captain Blanchwood Armor
1 - 4 Expedition Mapfoil Vampire Neonate Thornweald Archer Sorcerous Spyglass Unsummon Goblin Oriflamme Burst Lightning Dwynen's Elite
1 - 5 Vampire Interloper Unsummon Make a Stand Meteor Golem Driver of the Dead Fierce Empath Tajuru Pathwarden Vampire Neonate
1 - 6 Rogue's Passage Evolving Wilds Healer's Hawk Archway Angel Expedition Mapfoil Sure Strike Eager Trufflesnout Sanguine Syphoner
1 - 7 Gruul Guildgate Adamant Will Felidar Cub Firebrand Archer Felidar Cub New Horizons Venom Connoisseur Three Tree Mascot
1 - 8 Elspeth's Smite Vampire Spawn Heroic Reinforcements Goblin Smuggler Orzhov Guildgate Gleaming Barrier Feldon's Cane Macabre Waltz
1 - 9 Eaten Alive Soul-Shackled Zombie Armasaur Guide Inspiring Overseer Giant Cindermaw Inspiration from Beyond Micromancer Midnight Snack
1 - 10 Rapacious Dragon Gutless Plunderer Hare Apparent Inspiring Overseer Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind Strix Lookout Quick-Draw Katana Treetop Snarespinner
1 - 11 Hungry Ghoul Fanatical Firebrand Make Your Move Helpful Hunter Elfsworn Giant Icewind Elemental Pilfer Hare Apparent
1 - 12 Involuntary Employment Deadly Riposte Fleeting Flight Goblin Boarders Treetop Snarespinner Crypt Feaster Offer Immortality Fleeting Flight
1 - 13 Crypt Feaster Prideful Parent Vanguard Seraph Armasaur Guide Mocking Sprite Spitfire Lagac Pilfer Fake Your Own Death
1 - 14 Lightshell Duo Prideful Parent Goblin Boarders Ambush Wolf Eaten Alive Quick Study Sanguine Syphoner Infestation Sage
2 - 1 Nullpriest of Oblivion Knight of Malice Bishop's Soldier Searslicer Goblin Banishing Light Cultivator's Caravan Thousand-Year Storm Ghalta, Primal Hunger
2 - 2 Harbinger of the Tides Confiscate Cloudblazer Angelic Edict Burnished Hart Scorching Dragonfire Into the Roil Thornweald Archer
2 - 3 Scorching Dragonfire Run Away Together Biogenic Upgrade Selesnya Guildgate Banishing Light Skyraker Giant Orzhov Guildgate Ordeal of Nylea
2 - 4 Thornweald Archer Tribute to Hunger Firebrand Archer Sure Strike Selesnya Guildgate Scorching Dragonfire Pulse Tracker Stab
2 - 5 Zimone, Paradox Sculptor Crow of Dark Tidings Release the Dogs Archway Angel Burst Lightning Dragon Fodder Lunar Insight Venom Connoisseur
2 - 6 Gleaming Barrier Stroke of Midnight Claws Out Heroic Reinforcements Golgari Guildgate Skyraker Giant Quakestrider Ceratops Fake Your Own Death
2 - 7 Slumbering Cerberus Driver of the Dead Disenchant Resolute Reinforcements Exclusion Mage Incinerating Blast Gleaming Barrier Eaten Alive
2 - 8 Dive Down Skeleton Archer Wildheart Invoker Bolt Bend Felidar Savior Impact Tremorsfoil Hinterland Sanctifier Magnigoth Sentry
2 - 9 Deadly Plot Uncharted Haven Make Your Move Dazzling Angel Kindled Fury Bulk Up Goblin Firebomb Wildheart Invoker
2 - 10 Feed the Swarmfoil Duress Fleeting Flight Make Your Move Dawnwing Marshal Goblin Firebomb Uncharted Haven Broken Wings
2 - 11 Aegis Turtle Vanguard Seraph Goldvein Pick Hinterland Sanctifier Goblin Firebomb Goblin Surprise Vile Entomber Elfsworn Giant
2 - 12 Burrog Befuddler Arcane Epiphany Sower of Chaos Deadly Riposte Twinblade Blessing Kargan Dragonrider Lightshell Duo Sanguine Syphoner
2 - 13 Gutless Plunderer Uncharted Voyage Helpful Hunter Vanguard Seraph Cackling Prowler Kargan Dragonrider Sanguine Syphoner Goblin Boarders
2 - 14 Lightshell Duo Goblin Surprise Vampire Soulcaller Untamed Hunger Squad Rallier Incinerating Blast Erudite Wizard Seize the Spoils
3 - 1 Evolving Wilds Banner of Kinship Solemn Simulacrum Pacifism Fumigate Steel Hellkite Wildborn Preserver Exsanguinate
3 - 2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride Valkyrie's Call Mindsparker Orzhov Guildgate Abrade Juggernaut Wildwood Scourge Springbloom Druid
3 - 3 Bake into a Pie Felidar Cub Dimir Guildgate Angelic Edict Llanowar Elves Halana and Alena, Partners Pelakka Wurm Sanguine Syphoner
3 - 4 Angelic Edict Pirate's Cutlass Skyraker Giant Fanatical Firebrand Dwynen's Elite Imprisoned in the Moon Dimir Guildgate Bushwhack
3 - 5 Demolition Field Ingenious Leonin Angel of Vitality Disenchant Fierce Empath Fleeting Distraction Inspiration from Beyond Sanguine Syphoner
3 - 6 Rune-Sealed Wall Healer's Hawk Strongbox Raider Evolving Wilds Divine Resilience Self-Reflection Deathmark Feed the Swarmfoil
3 - 7 Ravenous Giant Stroke of Midnight Impact Tremorsfoil Bite Down Thornweald Archer Arcane Epiphany Zombify Bite Down
3 - 8 Tragic Banshee Felidar Savior New Horizons Crash Through Ambush Wolf Thornweald Archer Untamed Hunger Burglar Rat
3 - 9 Stromkirk Bloodthief Sanguine Indulgence Prideful Parent Hinterland Sanctifier Deadly Riposte Quick Study Cancel Undying Malice
3 - 10 Vampire Soulcaller Untamed Hunger Hare Apparent Sower of Chaos Goblin Surprise Icewind Elemental Sanguine Syphoner Three Tree Mascot
3 - 11 Skyship Buccaneer Inspiring Overseer Bear Cub Axgard Cavalry Ambush Wolf Hungry Ghoul Sanguine Syphoner Fake Your Own Death
3 - 12 Vampire Soulcaller Three Tree Mascot Make Your Move Hare Apparent Cancel Gutless Plunderer Undying Malice Magnigoth Sentry
3 - 13 Fake Your Own Death Crypt Feaster Battlesong Berserker Sower of Chaos Gnarlid Colony Uncharted Voyage Hungry Ghoul Gutless Plunderer
3 - 14 Highborn Vampire Deadly Riposte Vampire Spawn Courageous Goblin Bigfin Bouncer Pilfer Starlight Snare Vampire Soulcaller