Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart PaulHackett22 pie chart DraftBot pie chart dranglupus pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Storm Fleet Aerialist ---- Kitesail Freebooter ---- Rampaging Ferocidon Bellowing Aegisaur Ixalan's Binding Captain Lannery Storm
1 - 2 Tempest Caller ---- Shapers of Nature ---- Otepec Huntmaster Merfolk Branchwalker Lookout's Dispersal Shapers of Nature
1 - 3 Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip ---- Territorial Hammerskull ---- Deeproot Warrior Contract Killing Siren Lookout Dire Fleet Hoarder
1 - 4 Rallying Roar ---- Unfriendly Fire ---- Vineshaper Mystic Skyblade of the Legion Dark Nourishment Duskborne Skymarcher
1 - 5 Unclaimed Territory ---- Jade Guardian ---- Glorifier of Dusk Deathless Ancient Queen's Commission Siren Lookout
1 - 6 Unfriendly Fire ---- Queen's Commission ---- Call to the Feast Nest Robber March of the Drowned Headwater Sentries
1 - 7 Navigator's Ruin ---- Jade Guardian ---- Shining Aerosaur Deathless Ancient Bishop's Soldier Pious Interdiction
1 - 8 Dragonskull Summit ---- Dire Fleet Hoarder ---- Wind Strider Dinosaur Stampede Skyblade of the Legion Ravenous Daggertooth
1 - 9 Commune with Dinosaurs ---- Field of Ruin ---- Sun-Crowned Hunters Arcane Adaptation Shaper Apprentice Raptor Companion
1 - 10 Tilonalli's Knight ---- Run Aground ---- Looming Altisaur Frenzied Raptor Rile Blinding Fog
1 - 11 Swashbuckling ---- Sorcerous Spyglass ---- Swashbuckling Sun-Crowned Hunters Anointed Deacon Shore Keeper
1 - 12 Sunrise Seeker ---- Looming Altisaur ---- Raptor Companion Hijack Kinjalli's Caller Commune with Dinosaurs
1 - 13 Hierophant's Chalice ---- Legion Conquistador ---- Swashbuckling Queen's Commission Dive Down Imperial Lancer
1 - 14 Ancient Brontodon ---- Demystify ---- Hijack Encampment Keeper Blinding Fog Ashes of the Abhorrent
2 - 1 Volcanic Wind ---- Battle Rampart ---- Squallmonger Hunted Wumpus Rappelling Scouts Battle Rampart
2 - 2 Invigorate ---- Disenchant ---- Deepwood Tantiv Dark Ritual Deathgazer Ramosian Commander
2 - 3 Invigorate ---- Barbed Wire ---- Pretender's Claim Arrest Highway Robber Stone Rain
2 - 4 Timid Drake ---- Balloon Peddler ---- Stone Rain Hickory Woodlot Alabaster Wall Diplomatic Escort
2 - 5 Thwart ---- Rushwood Dryad ---- Darting Merfolk Hired Giant Ballista Squad Hickory Woodlot
2 - 6 Lightning Hounds ---- Molting Harpy ---- Vine Trellis Rushwood Dryad Barbed Wire Dehydration
2 - 7 Steadfast Guard ---- Fresh Volunteers ---- Saber Ants Cloud Sprite Cateran Persuader Vine Trellis
2 - 8 Hickory Woodlot ---- Furious Assault ---- Cho-Manno's Blessing Hoodwink Horned Troll Bog Smugglers
2 - 9 Pious Warrior ---- Armistice ---- Tidal Bore Kyren Glider Wild Jhovall Gush
2 - 10 Pious Warrior ---- Blockade Runner ---- Flaming Sword Spidersilk Armor Furious Assault Snorting Gahr
2 - 11 Tremor ---- Cave Sense ---- Inviolability Blockade Runner Deepwood Drummer Remote Farm
2 - 12 Peat Bog ---- Muzzle ---- Rishadan Cutpurse Sacred Prey Thermal Glider Specter's Wail
2 - 13 Stinging Barrier ---- Sandstone Needle ---- Flaming Sword Ramosian Sergeant Rampart Crawler Land Grant
2 - 14 Orim's Cure ---- Crag Saurian ---- Putrefaction Rishadan Airship Charm Peddler Devout Witness
3 - 1 Glyph of Destruction ---- Disharmony ---- Wall of Dust Divine Offering Fallen Angel Pendelhaven
3 - 2 The Brute ---- Divine Offering ---- Wall of Wonder Great Defender Wall of Shadows Chain Lightning
3 - 3 Divine Offering ---- Deadfall ---- Wall of Heat Black Mana Battery Blue Mana Battery Indestructible Aura
3 - 4 Blood Lust ---- Wall of Light ---- Reset Ichneumon Druid Anti-Magic Aura Carrion Ants
3 - 5 Glyph of Destruction ---- Cathedral of Serra ---- Wall of Heat Princess Lucrezia Energy Tap Segovian Leviathan
3 - 6 Lost Soul ---- Tundra Wolves ---- Moss Monster Zephyr Falcon Glyph of Destruction Feint
3 - 7 Hell Swarm ---- Amrou Kithkin ---- Anti-Magic Aura Tundra Wolves Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore Syphon Soul
3 - 8 Barbary Apes ---- Energy Tap ---- Hell Swarm Land Equilibrium Wall of Earth Energy Tap
3 - 9 Shelkin Brownie ---- Hornet Cobra ---- Wall of Caltrops Vampire Bats Barbary Apes Crookshank Kobolds
3 - 10 Osai Vultures ---- D'Avenant Archer ---- Blazing Effigy D'Avenant Archer Flash Flood Osai Vultures
3 - 11 Ghosts of the Damned ---- Aisling Leprechaun ---- Crookshank Kobolds Clergy of the Holy Nimbus Force Spike Transmutation
3 - 12 Aisling Leprechaun ---- Devouring Deep ---- Wall of Earth Pit Scorpion Kobolds of Kher Keep Osai Vultures
3 - 13 Keepers of the Faith ---- Keepers of the Faith ---- Venarian Gold Kobolds of Kher Keep Shelkin Brownie Crimson Kobolds
3 - 14 Lady Evangela ---- Venarian Gold ---- Equinox Marble Priest Devouring Deep Green Mana Battery