M14 / M12 / M13

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart malistaire111 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Fireshrieker Banisher Priest Lifebane Zombie Clone ---- Gnawing Zombie Phantom Warrior Manaweft Sliver
1 - 2 Claustrophobia Pacifism Angelic Accord Blightcaster ---- Shiv's Embrace Angelic Accord Hive Stirrings
1 - 3 Bogbrew Witch Sengir Vampire Chandra's Phoenix Master of Diversion ---- Wall of Frost Millstone Strionic Resonator
1 - 4 Soulmender Barrage of Expendables Thorncaster Sliver Darksteel Ingot ---- Volcanic Geyser Giant Growth Chandra's Outrage
1 - 5 Staff of the Sun Magus Divination Nephalia Seakite Shadowborn Apostle ---- Striking Sliver Briarpack Alpha Hive Stirrings
1 - 6 Molten Birth Deathgaze Cockatrice Time Ebb Essence Scatter ---- Predatory Sliver Hunt the Weak Sentinel Sliver
1 - 7 Dawnstrike Paladin Goblin Shortcutter Time Ebb Hive Stirrings ---- Verdant Haven Deathgaze Cockatrice Brindle Boar
1 - 8 Goblin Diplomats Divine Favor Divine Favor Mark of the Vampire ---- Lay of the Land Molten Birth Groundshaker Sliver
1 - 9 Staff of the Wild Magus Corpse Hauler Child of Night Cyclops Tyrant ---- Sentinel Sliver Mark of the Vampire Cyclops Tyrant
1 - 10 Blood Bairn Altar's Reap Ranger's Guile Goblin Shortcutter ---- Striking Sliver Rod of Ruin Giant Spider
1 - 11 Disperse Archaeomancer Shrivel Thunder Strike ---- Advocate of the Beast Sporemound Giant Spider
1 - 12 Wring Flesh Wring Flesh Minotaur Abomination Plummet ---- Regathan Firecat Deathgaze Cockatrice Fog
1 - 13 Tome Scour Minotaur Abomination Canyon Minotaur Altar's Reap ---- Nightwing Shade Altar's Reap Blood Bairn
1 - 14 Vampire Warlord Mind Rot Seismic Stomp Staff of the Wild Magus ---- Demolish Canyon Minotaur Canyon Minotaur
2 - 1 Primeval Titan Doom Blade Gideon's Avenger Jade Mage ---- Rusted Sentinel Autumn's Veil Phantasmal Dragon
2 - 2 Kite Shield Spirit Mantle Honor of the Pure Mind Control ---- Manic Vandal Roc Egg Roc Egg
2 - 3 Onyx Mage Guardians' Pledge Roc Egg Wall of Torches ---- Timely Reinforcements Spirit Mantle Hunter's Insight
2 - 4 Drifting Shade Blood Seeker Griffin Rider Shock ---- Drifting Shade Fireball Carnage Wurm
2 - 5 Elvish Archdruid AEther Adept Skywinder Drake Pride Guardian ---- Ponder Benalish Veteran Devouring Swarm
2 - 6 Stormblood Berserker Mesa Enchantress Sunpetal Grove Elite Vanguard ---- Taste of Blood Bloodrage Vampire Merfolk Looter
2 - 7 Garruk's Companion Merfolk Mesmerist Volcanic Dragon Llanowar Elves ---- Goblin Arsonist Gideon's Lawkeeper Doom Blade
2 - 8 Slaughter Cry Pride Guardian Dragonskull Summit Garruk's Companion ---- Trollhide Goblin Grenade Stampeding Rhino
2 - 9 Fling Tormented Soul Divination Lightning Elemental ---- Goblin Piker Brink of Disaster Titanic Growth
2 - 10 Lightning Elemental Divine Favor Reassembling Skeleton Distress ---- Reassembling Skeleton Stave Off Goblin Piker
2 - 11 Rampant Growth Child of Night Deathmark Vastwood Gorger ---- Trollhide Frost Breath Vastwood Gorger
2 - 12 Trollhide Act of Treason Gravedigger Amphin Cutthroat ---- Divine Favor Wring Flesh Firebreathing
2 - 13 Plummet Child of Night Disentomb Act of Treason ---- Fiery Hellhound Cancel Cancel
2 - 14 Giant Spider Combust Firebreathing Shock ---- Auramancer Demystify Naturalize
3 - 1 Master of the Pearl Trident Talrand's Invocation Ring of Evos Isle Crimson Muckwader ---- Stuffy Doll Reliquary Tower Serpent's Gift
3 - 2 Rhox Faithmender Knight of Glory Oblivion Ring Veilborn Ghoul ---- Spiked Baloth Reliquary Tower Guardian Lions
3 - 3 Garruk's Packleader Fog Bank Murder Wit's End ---- Sleep Wit's End Pacifism
3 - 4 Centaur Courser Hamletback Goliath Serra Angel Flames of the Firebrand ---- Phylactery Lich Wild Guess Gem of Becoming
3 - 5 Aven Squire Harbor Bandit Aven Squire Bloodhunter Bat ---- Pacifism Zombie Goliath Bond Beetle
3 - 6 Knight of Glory Vedalken Entrancer Cleaver Riot Prey Upon ---- Ravenous Rats Craterize Spiked Baloth
3 - 7 Turn to Slag Deadly Recluse Captain's Call Giant Scorpion ---- Ravenous Rats Dragon Hatchling Prey Upon
3 - 8 Fire Elemental Vedalken Entrancer Griffin Protector Zombie Goliath ---- Wall of Fire Jayemdae Tome Tormented Soul
3 - 9 Walking Corpse Mindclaw Shaman Giant Scorpion Hellion Crucible ---- Sign in Blood Wild Guess Titanic Growth
3 - 10 Divine Verdict Vastwood Gorger Essence Drain Fire Elemental ---- Flinthoof Boar Merfolk of the Pearl Trident Roaring Primadox
3 - 11 Ajani's Sunstriker Encrust Crippling Blight Mogg Flunkies ---- Kindled Fury Prey Upon Vastwood Gorger
3 - 12 Attended Knight Show of Valor Divination Merfolk of the Pearl Trident ---- Yeva's Forcemage Fog Volcanic Geyser
3 - 13 Show of Valor Wind Drake Dark Favor Timberpack Wolf ---- Bond Beetle Wild Guess Plummet
3 - 14 Kraken Hatchling Tormod's Crypt Wild Guess Smelt ---- Fog Smelt Duress