Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Tydria pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Foul Orchard Reaver Ambush Form of the Dinosaur Bishop of Binding The Immortal Sun ---- Zetalpa, Primal Dawn Foul Orchard
1 - 2 Legion Lieutenant Paladin of Atonement Bombard Curious Obsession Sadistic Skymarcher ---- Dire Fleet Daredevil Merfolk Mistbinder
1 - 3 Reaver Ambush Baffling End Impale Everdawn Champion Oathsworn Vampire ---- Forerunner of the Empire Impale
1 - 4 Charging Tuskodon Daring Buccaneer Impale Luminous Bonds See Red ---- Everdawn Champion Waterknot
1 - 5 Exultant Skymarcher Luminous Bonds Dusk Legion Zealot Waterknot Siren Reaver ---- Frilled Deathspitter Frilled Deathspitter
1 - 6 Deadeye Rig-Hauler Jungleborn Pioneer Famished Paladin Moment of Triumph Squire's Devotion ---- Goblin Trailblazer Moment of Triumph
1 - 7 Sanguine Glorifier Sanguine Glorifier Cacophodon Squire's Devotion Buccaneer's Bravado ---- Waterknot Moment of Triumph
1 - 8 Crashing Tide Fathom Fleet Boarder Vampire Revenant Enter the Unknown Jungleborn Pioneer ---- Voracious Vampire Dusk Legion Zealot
1 - 9 Squire's Devotion Sanguine Glorifier Stampeding Horncrest Soul of the Rapids Moment of Triumph ---- Spire Winder Storm the Vault  Flip
1 - 10 Dinosaur Hunter Strength of the Pack Buccaneer's Bravado Sun-Crested Pterodon Swaggering Corsair ---- Voracious Vampire Sun Sentinel
1 - 11 Swaggering Corsair Giltgrove Stalker Moment of Triumph Fathom Fleet Boarder Grasping Scoundrel ---- Spire Winder Jade Bearer
1 - 12 Hardy Veteran Gleaming Barrier Knight of the Stampede Jadecraft Artisan Cleansing Ray ---- Sun-Collared Raptor Stampeding Horncrest
1 - 13 Orazca Frillback Dusk Charger Orazca Relic Brazen Freebooter Gleaming Barrier ---- Jadecraft Artisan Pitiless Plunderer
1 - 14 Orazca Frillback Dark Inquiry Orazca Raptor Canal Monitor Overgrown Armasaur ---- Orazca Raptor Gruesome Fate
2 - 1 Vona, Butcher of Magan Charging Monstrosaur Captain Lannery Storm Deathgorge Scavenger Huatli, Warrior Poet ---- Kitesail Freebooter Snapping Sailback
2 - 2 Ixalan's Binding Thundering Spineback Unfriendly Fire Firecannon Blast Tilonalli's Skinshifter ---- Unclaimed Territory Ixalan's Binding
2 - 3 Bishop of the Bloodstained Colossal Dreadmaw Raging Swordtooth Grazing Whiptail Unfriendly Fire ---- Steadfast Armasaur Adanto Vanguard
2 - 4 Bright Reprisal Emissary of Sunrise Deadeye Quartermaster Lookout's Dispersal Duskborne Skymarcher ---- Pirate's Cutlass Bright Reprisal
2 - 5 Fiery Cannonade Frenzied Raptor Tilonalli's Knight Legion's Judgment Colossal Dreadmaw ---- Run Aground Thrash of Raptors
2 - 6 Raptor Companion Glacial Fortress Watertrap Weaver Contract Killing Shapers' Sanctuary ---- River Heralds' Boon Nest Robber
2 - 7 Raptor Companion Ravenous Daggertooth New Horizons Jade Guardian Thrash of Raptors ---- Siren Lookout Crash the Ramparts
2 - 8 Fathom Fleet Firebrand Kinjalli's Caller Grazing Whiptail Tilonalli's Knight Raptor Companion ---- Navigator's Ruin Ixalli's Diviner
2 - 9 Legion's Judgment Blossom Dryad Blossom Dryad Deadeye Quartermaster Crushing Canopy ---- Headwater Sentries Dire Fleet Hoarder
2 - 10 Fathom Fleet Firebrand Raptor Companion Crushing Canopy Pirate's Cutlass Lightning Strike ---- Prosperous Pirates Skulduggery
2 - 11 Wily Goblin Looming Altisaur Pirate's Prize Headstrong Brute Kinjalli's Caller ---- Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Crushing Canopy
2 - 12 Queen's Commission Hijack Fire Shrine Keeper Shining Aerosaur Brazen Buccaneers ---- Shipwreck Looter Ancient Brontodon
2 - 13 Blinding Fog Gilded Sentinel Sure Strike Sanguine Sacrament Duress ---- Swashbuckling Heartless Pillage
2 - 14 Demystify Vampire's Zeal Rummaging Goblin Hijack Demystify ---- Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Gilded Sentinel
3 - 1 Ambuscade Doomfall Nissa, Genesis Mage Neheb, the Eternal Resilient Khenra ---- Grind / Dust Seer of the Last Tomorrow
3 - 2 Eternal of Harsh Truths Hour of Revelation Hope Tender Magmaroth Banewhip Punisher ---- Ifnir Deadlands Burning-Fist Minotaur
3 - 3 Unquenchable Thirst Sand Strangler Manticore Eternal Khenra Scrapper Sinuous Striker ---- Doomfall Ramunap Ruins
3 - 4 Accursed Horde Tragic Lesson Lethal Sting Sandblast Dauntless Aven ---- Struggle / Survive Unquenchable Thirst
3 - 5 Farm / Market Brambleweft Behemoth Lethal Sting Merciless Eternal Aerial Guide ---- Open Fire Sandblast
3 - 6 Desert of the Glorified Bitterbow Sharpshooters Desert of the Glorified Resolute Survivors Desert of the Mindful ---- Resolute Survivors Tenacious Hunter
3 - 7 Brambleweft Behemoth Blur of Blades Rampaging Hippo Lethal Sting Thorned Moloch ---- Oketra's Avenger Endless Sands
3 - 8 Tragic Lesson Aven Reedstalker Torment of Venom Thorned Moloch Frontline Devastator ---- Bitterbow Sharpshooters Khenra Scrapper
3 - 9 Shefet Dunes Khenra Eternal Grisly Survivor Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Firebrand Archer ---- Mummy Paramount Torment of Venom
3 - 10 Carrion Screecher Angel of the God-Pharaoh Gilded Cerodon Desert of the True Striped Riverwinder ---- Steadfast Sentinel Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs
3 - 11 Striped Riverwinder Imminent Doom Marauding Boneslasher Marauding Boneslasher Graven Abomination ---- Khenra Eternal Lurching Rotbeast
3 - 12 Act of Heroism Claim / Fame Beneath the Sands Aven of Enduring Hope Act of Heroism ---- Traveler's Amulet Wretched Camel
3 - 13 Carrion Screecher Imminent Doom Moaning Wall Gift of Strength Survivors' Encampment ---- Solitary Camel Scrounger of Souls
3 - 14 Djeru's Renunciation Crook of Condemnation Without Weakness God-Pharaoh's Faithful Kindled Fury ---- Djeru's Renunciation Steadfast Sentinel
4 - 1 Scarab Feast Plague Belcher Final Reward Compulsory Rest Angel of Sanctions ---- Unwavering Initiate Never / Return
4 - 2 Unburden Enigma Drake Bitterblade Warrior Tah-Crop Elite Final Reward ---- Unwavering Initiate Trial of Zeal
4 - 3 Warfire Javelineer Baleful Ammit Cartouche of Ambition Unwavering Initiate Vizier of Tumbling Sands ---- Sacred Cat Edifice of Authority
4 - 4 In Oketra's Name Ruthless Sniper Battlefield Scavenger Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun Final Reward ---- Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Manticore of the Gauntlet
4 - 5 Sunscorched Desert Aven Mindcensor Bitterblade Warrior Trial of Solidarity Manticore of the Gauntlet ---- Binding Mummy Thresher Lizard
4 - 6 Supply Caravan Bitterblade Warrior Cartouche of Strength Colossapede Crocodile of the Crossing ---- Fan Bearer Emberhorn Minotaur
4 - 7 Sunscorched Desert Battlefield Scavenger Destined / Lead Cartouche of Ambition Consuming Fervor ---- Onward / Victory Shimmerscale Drake
4 - 8 Supernatural Stamina Hapatra's Mark Hooded Brawler In Oketra's Name Painted Bluffs ---- Gust Walker Pouncing Cheetah
4 - 9 Luxa River Shrine Ancient Crab Doomed Dissenter Prepare / Fight Impeccable Timing ---- Quarry Hauler Magma Spray
4 - 10 Oashra Cultivator Pitiless Vizier Binding Mummy Spring / Mind Gift of Paradise ---- Sacred Cat Wander in Death
4 - 11 Nimble-Blade Khenra Ancient Crab Pathmaker Initiate Cartouche of Solidarity Zenith Seeker ---- Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons Binding Mummy
4 - 12 Desert Cerodon Brute Strength Desert Cerodon Miasmic Mummy Cartouche of Zeal ---- Doomed Dissenter Oashra Cultivator
4 - 13 Slither Blade Anointer Priest Those Who Serve Djeru's Resolve Pursue Glory ---- Fling Seraph of the Suns
4 - 14 Wayward Servant Supply Caravan Gravedigger Tormenting Voice Nest of Scarabs ---- Destined / Lead Pursue Glory