harry cube

Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart prd3 pie chart arthvadr pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Jumpee pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Terror Seraph of Dawn ---- ---- Scatter the Seeds Sentinel Totem ---- Kitesail Corsair
1 - 2 Preordain Rakdos Shred-Freak ---- ---- Deep Analysis Counterspell ---- Skull Saucer
1 - 3 Opt Roar of the Wurm ---- ---- Carnivorous Death-Parrot Driver of the Dead ---- Sky Skiff
1 - 4 Vulshok Morningstar Mist Raven ---- ---- Travel Preparations Cage of Hands ---- Renegade Freighter
1 - 5 Promise of Bunrei Think Twice ---- ---- Last Gasp Prophetic Prism ---- Typhoid Rats
1 - 6 Doomed Traveler Night's Whisper ---- ---- Gray Merchant of Asphodel Ambush Viper ---- Firebrand Archer
1 - 7 Turntimber Basilisk Hyena Umbra ---- ---- Mind Stone Blightning ---- Peema Outrider
1 - 8 Unearth Evincar's Justice ---- ---- Daring Skyjek Miscalculation ---- Blood Ogre
1 - 9 Sultai Scavenger Blastoderm ---- ---- Vault Skirge Duress ---- War Flare
1 - 10 Bitter Revelation Liliana's Specter ---- ---- Snuff Out Totem-Guide Hartebeest ---- Kingpin's Pet
1 - 11 Read the Bones Cabal Therapy ---- ---- Thraben Inspector Wall of Roots ---- Terramorphic Expanse
1 - 12 Basking Rootwalla Recoil ---- ---- Goldmeadow Harrier Thundering Tanadon ---- Madcap Skills
1 - 13 Dynacharge Selesnya Sanctuary ---- ---- Disfigure Goblin Heelcutter ---- Burning-Tree Emissary
1 - 14 Prey Upon Whitemane Lion ---- ---- Custodi Squire Wind-Scarred Crag ---- Temporal Isolation
1 - 15 Attended Knight Gurmag Angler ---- ---- Deputy of Acquittals Orzhov Guildgate ---- Mogg Fanatic
2 - 1 Doom Blade Dauntless Cathar ---- ---- Murder Unmake ---- Vulturous Aven
2 - 2 Chainer's Edict Charging Monstrosaur ---- ---- Falkenrath Noble Rendclaw Trow ---- Sandsteppe Outcast
2 - 3 Skyshroud Ranger Battle Screech ---- ---- Essence Scatter Stab Wound ---- Faceless Butcher
2 - 4 Angelic Purge Eldrazi Skyspawner ---- ---- Thermo-Alchemist Errant Ephemeron ---- Slice and Dice
2 - 5 Syndic of Tithes Phyrexian Rager ---- ---- Baloth Woodcrasher Inner-Flame Acolyte ---- Brainstorm
2 - 6 Hymn to Tourach Armadillo Cloak ---- ---- Treasure Cruise Harrow ---- Dead Weight
2 - 7 Elephant Guide Repulse ---- ---- Llanowar Elves Wee Dragonauts ---- Imperiosaur
2 - 8 Arbor Elf Omenspeaker ---- ---- Soul Manipulation Pyrotechnics ---- Armed / Dangerous
2 - 9 Tithe Drinker Celestial Flare ---- ---- Ray of Command Ghirapur Gearcrafter ---- Memory Lapse
2 - 10 Gravedigger My First Tome ---- ---- Sakura-Tribe Elder Twisted Abomination ---- Centaur Healer
2 - 11 Flayer Husk Yavimaya Elder ---- ---- Orzhov Basilica Diabolic Edict ---- Aven Riftwatcher
2 - 12 Evolving Wilds Topan Freeblade ---- ---- Moldervine Cloak Gideon's Lawkeeper ---- Raise the Alarm
2 - 13 Sundering Growth Bonds of Faith ---- ---- Izzet Chronarch Warren Pilferers ---- Seeker of the Way
2 - 14 Death Denied Gods Willing ---- ---- Coalition Honor Guard Lone Missionary ---- Borrowed Grace
2 - 15 Wojek Halberdiers Zhur-Taa Swine ---- ---- Feeling of Dread Rakdos Guildgate ---- Cogwork Librarian *list*
3 - 1 Triplicate Spirits Ravenous Chupacabra ---- ---- Vulshok Sorcerer Slaying Mantis ---- Nessian Asp
3 - 2 Clone Capsize ---- ---- Pestilence Hissing Iguanar ---- Sprout Swarm
3 - 3 Mold Shambler Basilica Screecher ---- ---- Wretched Gryff Tragic Slip ---- Elephant Ambush
3 - 4 Rampant Growth Pacifism ---- ---- Kozilek's Channeler Compulsive Research ---- Cartouche of Strength
3 - 5 Prismatic Lens Oblivion Ring ---- ---- Fireslinger Condescend ---- Thunderclap Wyvern
3 - 6 Blind Hunter Fireball ---- ---- Grizzly Fate Consume Strength ---- Flame Slash
3 - 7 Aven Wind Guide Mother of Runes ---- ---- Dawnfeather Eagle Thornweald Archer ---- Sunlance
3 - 8 Pillory of the Sleepless Snap ---- ---- Crypt Rats Nest Invader ---- Splatter Thug
3 - 9 Gush Cloudfin Raptor ---- ---- Azorius Chancery Rancor ---- Putrid Leech
3 - 10 Rush of Vitality Journey to Nowhere ---- ---- Ashes to Ashes Azorius Guildgate ---- Auger Spree
3 - 11 Dead Reveler Dragon Fodder ---- ---- Werebear Faith's Fetters ---- Mnemonic Wall
3 - 12 Sluiceway Scorpion Viashino Firstblade ---- ---- Sign in Blood Arrest ---- Vampire Interloper
3 - 13 Adanto Vanguard Rally the Peasants ---- ---- Wall of Souls Mardu Skullhunter ---- Serrated Arrows
3 - 14 Boros Garrison Emcee ---- ---- Blinding Beam Scoured Barrens ---- Porcelain Legionnaire
3 - 15 Ethereal Armor Tranquil Cove ---- ---- Qasali Pridemage Kor Skyfisher ---- Wild Nacatl