Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart KCMike21 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Spitebellows Sensation Gorger ---- Wolf-Skull Shaman Hunting Triad Bramblewood Paragon Daily Regimen Stonybrook Banneret
1 - 2 Ambassador Oak Offalsnout ---- Brighthearth Banneret Reveillark Game-Trail Changeling Violet Pall Obsidian Battle-Axe
1 - 3 Violet Pall Redeem the Lost ---- Graceful Reprieve Waterspout Weavers Violet Pall Meadowboon Supreme Exemplar
1 - 4 Bosk Banneret Coordinated Barrage ---- Violet Pall Thieves' Fortune Mosquito Guard Stonybrook Schoolmaster Weight of Conscience
1 - 5 Order of the Golden Cricket Spitebellows ---- Winnower Patrol Order of the Golden Cricket Ballyrush Banneret Elvish Warrior Final-Sting Faerie
1 - 6 Game-Trail Changeling Sigil Tracer ---- Ballyrush Banneret Recross the Paths Lys Alana Bowmaster Roar of the Crowd Latchkey Faerie
1 - 7 Coordinated Barrage Cloak and Dagger ---- Changeling Sentinel Bosk Banneret Greatbow Doyen Notorious Throng Earthbrawn
1 - 8 Shinewend Noggin Whack ---- Shard Volley Pack's Disdain Lys Alana Bowmaster Prickly Boggart Earthbrawn
1 - 9 Fire Juggler Research the Deep ---- Luminescent Rain Blightsoil Druid Moonglove Changeling Veteran's Armaments Nightshade Schemers
1 - 10 Coordinated Barrage Morsel Theft ---- Shard Volley Seething Pathblazer Shinewend Dewdrop Spy Seething Pathblazer
1 - 11 Everbark Shaman Burrenton Shield-Bearers ---- Mudbutton Clanger Mudbutton Clanger Disperse Nevermaker Floodchaser
1 - 12 Festercreep Murmuring Bosk ---- Weed-Pruner Poplar Seething Pathblazer Lunk Errant Research the Deep Pulling Teeth
1 - 13 Distant Melody Fencer Clique ---- Earthbrawn War-Spike Changeling Lunk Errant Squeaking Pie Grubfellows Distant Melody
1 - 14 Squeaking Pie Grubfellows Forfend ---- Sunflare Shaman War-Spike Changeling Stomping Slabs Stingmoggie Stomping Slabs
2 - 1 Mudbutton Clanger Gilt-Leaf Archdruid ---- Grimoire Thief Boldwyr Heavyweights Mudbutton Clanger Leaf-Crowned Elder Kinsbaile Cavalier
2 - 2 Release the Ants Gilt-Leaf Archdruid ---- Winnower Patrol Lys Alana Bowmaster Mudbutton Clanger Swell of Courage Slithermuse
2 - 3 Coordinated Barrage Heritage Druid ---- Hunting Triad Final-Sting Faerie Floodchaser Daily Regimen Ambassador Oak
2 - 4 Release the Ants Noggin Whack ---- Heritage Druid Mind Shatter Floodchaser Changeling Sentinel Daily Regimen
2 - 5 Redeem the Lost Game-Trail Changeling ---- Violet Pall Violet Pall Floodchaser Weight of Conscience Ambassador Oak
2 - 6 Ambassador Oak Violet Pall ---- Game-Trail Changeling Diviner's Wand Morsel Theft Fertilid Frogtosser Banneret
2 - 7 Brighthearth Banneret Daily Regimen ---- Final-Sting Faerie Ballyrush Banneret Sage's Dousing Burrenton Shield-Bearers Changeling Sentinel
2 - 8 Pack's Disdain Swell of Courage ---- Deglamer Moonglove Changeling Hostile Realm Bosk Banneret Orchard Warden
2 - 9 Mosquito Guard Burrenton Bombardier ---- Earthbrawn Luminescent Rain Weirding Shaman Sage's Dousing Ballyrush Banneret
2 - 10 Moonglove Changeling Distant Melody ---- Stingmoggie Everbark Shaman Shard Volley Deglamer Recross the Paths
2 - 11 Pulling Teeth Everbark Shaman ---- Mosquito Guard Fire Juggler Weed-Pruner Poplar Morsel Theft Reins of the Vinesteed
2 - 12 Lunk Errant Negate ---- Stream of Unconsciousness Kindled Fury Moonglove Changeling Roar of the Crowd Disperse
2 - 13 Stream of Unconsciousness Boldwyr Intimidator ---- Sunflare Shaman Boldwyr Intimidator Sunflare Shaman Lunk Errant Weed-Pruner Poplar
2 - 14 Lunk Errant Latchkey Faerie ---- Kindled Fury Stomping Slabs Stomping Slabs Floodchaser Lunk Errant
3 - 1 Kinsbaile Cavalier Rhys the Exiled ---- Seething Pathblazer Seething Pathblazer Door of Destinies Stingmoggie Heritage Druid
3 - 2 Ambassador Oak Swell of Courage ---- Stingmoggie Merrow Witsniper Lys Alana Bowmaster Revive the Fallen Cenn's Tactician
3 - 3 Waterspout Weavers Obsidian Battle-Axe ---- Seething Pathblazer Heritage Druid Mind Spring Release the Ants Final-Sting Faerie
3 - 4 Ballyrush Banneret Mind Spring ---- Pack's Disdain Inspired Sprite Hunting Triad Daily Regimen Bosk Banneret
3 - 5 Floodchaser Veteran's Armaments ---- Changeling Sentinel Order of the Golden Cricket Noggin Whack Weirding Shaman Weight of Conscience
3 - 6 Violet Pall Ambassador Oak ---- Lys Alana Bowmaster Elvish Warrior Bosk Banneret Weight of Conscience Borderland Behemoth
3 - 7 Order of the Golden Cricket Brighthearth Banneret ---- Lys Alana Bowmaster Bosk Banneret Lys Alana Bowmaster Fire Juggler Moonglove Changeling
3 - 8 Coordinated Barrage Kithkin Zephyrnaut ---- Weight of Conscience Frogtosser Banneret Ambassador Oak Order of the Golden Cricket Kithkin Zephyrnaut
3 - 9 Mosquito Guard Spitebellows ---- Everbark Shaman Pack's Disdain Sunflare Shaman Stonybrook Schoolmaster Knowledge Exploitation
3 - 10 Reins of the Vinesteed Earthbrawn ---- Lys Alana Bowmaster Nightshade Schemers Roar of the Crowd Luminescent Rain Frogtosser Banneret
3 - 11 Noggin Whack Everbark Shaman ---- Reins of the Vinesteed Changeling Sentinel Distant Melody Hostile Realm Weed-Pruner Poplar
3 - 12 Research the Deep Festercreep ---- Prickly Boggart Everbark Shaman Shard Volley Forfend Veteran's Armaments
3 - 13 Auntie's Snitch Distant Melody ---- Moonglove Changeling Research the Deep Earthbrawn Nightshade Schemers Sunflare Shaman
3 - 14 Stomping Slabs Festercreep ---- Squeaking Pie Grubfellows Squeaking Pie Grubfellows Floodchaser Festercreep Latchkey Faerie