Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart SqueeTheNabob pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Tragic Poet Goblin Warchief ---- Opt Thorn Elemental Aryel, Knight of Windgrace Woodland Cemetery Serra Angel
1 - 2 Elfhame Druid Kazarov, Sengir Pureblood ---- Syncopate Llanowar Elves Goblin Chainwhirler Shanna, Sisay's Legacy Syncopate
1 - 3 Tragic Poet The First Eruption ---- Teferi, Hero of Dominaria Llanowar Elves Demonlord Belzenlok Grunn, the Lonely King Skittering Surveyor
1 - 4 Fungus Field Urgoros, the Empty One ---- Memorial to Genius Spore Swarm Shalai, Voice of Plenty Fungal Plots Blessed Light
1 - 5 Weight of Memory Weight of Memory ---- Fungal Plots Wizard's Retort Yavimaya Sapherd Hallar, the Firefletcher Arvad the Cursed
1 - 6 Academy Journeymage Aven Sentry ---- Board the Weatherlight Stronghold Confessor Shield of the Realm Baloth Gorger Chainer's Torment
1 - 7 Urgoros, the Empty One Shivan Fire ---- Blink of an Eye Blessed Light Blink of an Eye Krosan Druid Llanowar Scout
1 - 8 Memorial to Unity Skittering Surveyor ---- Dub Aven Sentry Weight of Memory Ancient Animus D'Avenant Trapper
1 - 9 Knight of New Benalia Arcane Flight ---- Jousting Lance Llanowar Envoy Arcane Flight Invoke the Divine Vodalian Arcanist
1 - 10 Thallid Omnivore Primordial Wurm ---- Shivan Fire The Flame of Keld Voltaic Servant Unwind Keldon Overseer
1 - 11 Serra Disciple Unwind ---- Pierce the Sky Windgrace Acolyte Artificer's Assistant Cabal Paladin Adamant Will
1 - 12 Ghitu Journeymage Frenzied Rage ---- Run Amok Benalish Honor Guard Cabal Paladin Feral Abomination Corrosive Ooze
1 - 13 Tolarian Scholar Tolarian Scholar ---- Keldon Raider Cold-Water Snapper Bloodstone Goblin Radiating Lightning Fervent Strike
1 - 14 Healing Grace Gaea's Protector ---- Tolarian Scholar Fervent Strike Homarid Explorer Healing Grace Drudge Sentinel
2 - 1 Untethered Express Quicksmith Spy ---- Aethergeode Miner Glint-Sleeve Siphoner Treasure Keeper Aethergeode Miner Narnam Renegade
2 - 2 Hungry Flames Treasure Keeper ---- Vengeful Rebel Peacewalker Colossus Winding Constrictor Hope of Ghirapur Merchant's Dockhand
2 - 3 Druid of the Cowl Reverse Engineer ---- Aether Poisoner Narnam Renegade Aerial Modification Druid of the Cowl Caught in the Brights
2 - 4 Druid of the Cowl Renegade Rallier ---- Chandra's Revolution Sweatworks Brawler Lifecraft Cavalry Lifecraft Cavalry Trophy Mage
2 - 5 Renegade Map Spire Patrol ---- Mobile Garrison Cruel Finality Siege Modification Consulate Dreadnought Scrounging Bandar
2 - 6 Aether Swooper Trophy Mage ---- Invigorated Rampage Sweatworks Brawler Dawnfeather Eagle Restoration Specialist Cruel Finality
2 - 7 Mobile Garrison Efficient Construction ---- Ironclad Revolutionary Audacious Infiltrator Hidden Stockpile Deft Dismissal Cogwork Assembler
2 - 8 Night Market Aeronaut Ghirapur Osprey ---- Hinterland Drake Unbridled Growth Implement of Ferocity Embraal Gear-Smasher Aetherstream Leopard
2 - 9 Frontline Rebel Countless Gears Renegade ---- Bastion Inventor Frontline Rebel Augmenting Automaton Audacious Infiltrator Audacious Infiltrator
2 - 10 Frontline Rebel Leave in the Dust ---- Night Market Aeronaut Universal Solvent Conviction Ice Over Implement of Ferocity
2 - 11 Alley Evasion Aether Herder ---- Bastion Inventor Aether Herder Highspire Infusion Reservoir Walker Audacious Infiltrator
2 - 12 Highspire Infusion Irontread Crusher ---- Dispersal Technician Decommission Prizefighter Construct Destructive Tampering Conviction
2 - 13 Audacious Infiltrator Watchful Automaton ---- Consulate Turret Shipwreck Moray Dispersal Technician Destructive Tampering Aether Inspector
2 - 14 Bastion Enforcer Aether Inspector ---- Salvage Scuttler Negate Bastion Enforcer Fen Hauler Aegis Automaton
3 - 1 Prophet of Kruphix Purphoros, God of the Forge ---- Phalanx Leader Ordeal of Nylea Swan Song Thoughtseize Fleecemane Lion
3 - 2 Voyaging Satyr Thassa's Emissary ---- Medomai the Ageless Gray Merchant of Asphodel Ordeal of Heliod Titan's Strength Spearpoint Oread
3 - 3 Titan's Strength Chronicler of Heroes ---- Cavalry Pegasus Returned Phalanx Nylea's Emissary Tymaret, the Murder King Rescue from the Underworld
3 - 4 Divine Verdict Anvilwrought Raptor ---- Battlewise Valor Sedge Scorpion Nylea's Emissary Dauntless Onslaught Sedge Scorpion
3 - 5 Spearpoint Oread Horizon Scholar ---- Aqueous Form Fanatic of Mogis Artisan's Sorrow Deathbellow Raider Nessian Asp
3 - 6 Leafcrown Dryad Evangel of Heliod ---- Traveler's Amulet Rage of Purphoros Spearpoint Oread Dragon Mantle Feral Invocation
3 - 7 Minotaur Skullcleaver Observant Alseid ---- Fleetfeather Sandals Defend the Hearth Nylea's Emissary Scourgemark Leafcrown Dryad
3 - 8 Spark Jolt Akroan Hoplite ---- Unknown Shores Commune with the Gods Satyr Rambler Ill-Tempered Cyclops Felhide Minotaur
3 - 9 Yoked Ox Leonin Snarecaster ---- Temple of Triumph Spark Jolt Leonin Snarecaster Mnemonic Wall Boon of Erebos
3 - 10 Scholar of Athreos Setessan Griffin ---- Mnemonic Wall Two-Headed Cerberus Breaching Hippocamp Yoked Ox Pheres-Band Centaurs
3 - 11 Yoked Ox Breaching Hippocamp ---- Felhide Minotaur March of the Returned Borderland Minotaur Defend the Hearth Gainsay
3 - 12 Boulderfall Glare of Heresy ---- Ephara's Warden March of the Returned Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned Boon of Erebos
3 - 13 Lost in a Labyrinth Decorated Griffin ---- Priest of Iroas Loathsome Catoblepas Decorated Griffin Lost in a Labyrinth Prescient Chimera
3 - 14 Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed ---- Gainsay Messenger's Speed Pheres-Band Centaurs Traveling Philosopher Spellheart Chimera