MTGA Artisan Cube

Ended 4 years ago

Player psychatom pie chart wickeddram pie chart Geldes pie chart CAMBalism pie chart Kickinapouch pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5
1 - 1 Soul Sear Rousing Read Bake into a Pie Scorching Dragonfire Saheeli, Sublime Artificer
1 - 2 Tatyova, Benthic Druid Lava Coil Wilderness Reclamation Wintermoor Commander Flame Sweep
1 - 3 Goblin Gang Leader Brineborn Cutthroat Bone to Ash Inspiring Veteran Lay Claim
1 - 4 Wilderness Reclamation Spectral Sailor Band Together Heroic Reinforcements Magma Jet
1 - 5 Syncopate Merfolk Trickster Frilled Mystic Ob Nixilis's Cruelty Experimental Overload
1 - 6 Steward of Solidarity Exclusion Mage Disdainful Stroke Corpse Knight Flame Lash
1 - 7 Goblin Oriflamme Capture Sphere Fungal Rebirth Tournament Grounds Burning-Fist Minotaur
1 - 8 Truefire Captain Experimental Overload Slimefoot, the Stowaway Weaselback Redcap Izzet Guildgate
1 - 9 Venerable Knight Elite Guardmage Ram Through Valorous Stance Omen of the Sun
1 - 10 Tranquil Cove Raise the Alarm Glimpse of Freedom Village Rites Evolving Wilds
1 - 11 Honored Crop-Captain Fungal Plots Dismal Backwater Fight as One Mirrodin's Core
1 - 12 Gruul Guildgate Basri's Acolyte Agonizing Remorse Evolving Wilds Liliana's Devotee
1 - 13 Vizier of Deferment Facet Reader Foulmire Knight Start / Finish Strategic Planning
1 - 14 Warbriar Blessing Trusted Pegasus Gorging Vulture Siege Striker Vizier of the Scorpion
1 - 15 Rhizome Lurcher Ghoulcaller's Accomplice Vryn Wingmare Once and Future Firemind Vessel
2 - 1 Soul Sear Deem Worthy Greater Sandwurm Epic Downfall Light Up the Stage
2 - 2 Memorial to Glory Lightning Strike Essence Scatter Faith's Fetters In Bolas's Clutches
2 - 3 Supply Runners Ral's Outburst Chemister's Insight Skyknight Vanguard Hypothesizzle
2 - 4 Conclave Tribunal Goblin Wizardry Zendikar's Roil Bastion of Remembrance Faerie Vandal
2 - 5 Steward of Solidarity Kinetic Augur Parasitic Implant Thriving Moor Meteor Golem
2 - 6 Ardenvale Tactician Boon of the Wish-Giver Titanoth Rex Skyknight Legionnaire Orzhov Guildgate
2 - 7 Daybreak Charger Forbidden Friendship Explore Cruel Celebrant Of One Mind
2 - 8 Gods Willing Alirios, Enraptured Migration Path Last Gasp Cyclops Electromancer
2 - 9 Goblin Motivator Haazda Marshal Blood for Bones Order of Midnight Strategic Planning
2 - 10 Vizier of Deferment League Guildmage Rupture Spire Skulduggery Angelic Exaltation
2 - 11 Ram Through Sunset Pyramid Unbreakable Bond Snapping Sailback Dead Weight
2 - 12 Call the Cavalry Reassembling Skeleton Hunter's Edge Disenchant Fungal Infection
2 - 13 Revenge of Ravens Feral Prowler Woodland Stream Ledev Champion Augur of Bolas
2 - 14 Dauntless Onslaught Tranquil Expanse Jungle Creeper Presence of Gond Simic Guildgate
2 - 15 Talons of Wildwood Loaming Shaman Lotleth Giant Molderhulk Nightsquad Commando
3 - 1 Emancipation Angel Essence Capture Obsessive Stitcher Mind Stone Shipwreck Dowser
3 - 2 Young Pyromancer Pyroceratops Cauldron's Gift Thriving Bluff Volcanic Geyser
3 - 3 Stone Quarry Sprite Dragon Thundering Spineback Shivan Fire Momentary Blink
3 - 4 Dauntless Bodyguard Cloudkin Seer Syr Konrad, the Grim Inspiring Veteran Hungry Flames
3 - 5 Venerable Knight Unstable Obelisk Bond of Revival Corpse Knight Guttersnipe
3 - 6 Banishing Light Martyr of Dusk Golgari Guildgate Brimstone Trebuchet Meandering River
3 - 7 Icy Manipulator Murmuring Mystic Rise from the Grave Wind-Scarred Crag Evolving Wilds
3 - 8 Cry of the Carnarium Narcolepsy Pulse of Murasa Smitten Swordmaster Collision / Colossus
3 - 9 Youthful Knight Blink of an Eye Silent Departure Embereth Shieldbreaker Rallying Roar
3 - 10 Reverent Hoplite Growth Spiral Thornwood Falls Bond of Insight Reckless Scholar
3 - 11 Fanatic of Mogis Glowspore Shaman Pharika's Spawn Cinder Barrens Chart a Course
3 - 12 Kiln Fiend Electrostatic Field Eliminate Ravenous Harpy Master Splicer
3 - 13 Call to the Feast Teferi's Time Twist Deathbloom Thallid Twinblade Assassins Loathsome Chimera
3 - 14 Erstwhile Trooper Tomebound Lich Thallid Soothsayer Howling Giant Elvish Visionary
3 - 15 Brindle Shoat Irresistible Prey Spore Swarm Dreadmalkin Woodland Champion