Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart Eliaszombie pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Watchwolf ---- Sisters of Stone Death Last Gasp Woodwraith Corrupter Gleancrawler Faith's Fetters Cleansing Beam
1 - 2 Selesnya Evangel ---- Seeds of Strength Nullmage Shepherd Trophy Hunter Vigor Mortis Selesnya Evangel Dimir Cutpurse
1 - 3 Brainspoil ---- Golgari Guildmage Nightguard Patrol Stone-Seeder Hierophant Dimir Cutpurse Perplex Carven Caryatid
1 - 4 Bramble Elemental ---- Bloodletter Quill Hammerfist Giant Spawnbroker Fists of Ironwood Consult the Necrosages Boros Recruit
1 - 5 Bathe in Light ---- Consult the Necrosages Disembowel Disembowel Golgari Brownscale Muddle the Mixture Compulsive Research
1 - 6 Moroii ---- Centaur Safeguard Stone-Seeder Hierophant Trophy Hunter Stone-Seeder Hierophant Dimir Infiltrator Undercity Shade
1 - 7 Screeching Griffin ---- Grifter's Blade Nightguard Patrol Clinging Darkness Nightguard Patrol Golgari Brownscale Clinging Darkness
1 - 8 Stone-Seeder Hierophant ---- Stone-Seeder Hierophant Clinging Darkness Selesnya Sagittars Mortipede Stone-Seeder Hierophant Civic Wayfinder
1 - 9 Stasis Cell ---- Dogpile Flash Conscription Peel from Reality Sewerdreg Conclave's Blessing Seismic Spike
1 - 10 Flight of Fancy ---- Stoneshaker Shaman War-Torch Goblin Wojek Siren Dizzy Spell Wojek Siren Barbarian Riftcutter
1 - 11 Votary of the Conclave ---- Ordruun Commando Drift of Phantasms Roofstalker Wight Sabertooth Alley Cat Gather Courage Barbarian Riftcutter
1 - 12 Fists of Ironwood ---- Veteran Armorer Peel from Reality Tidewater Minion Terraformer Surveilling Sprite Fists of Ironwood
1 - 13 Sundering VItae ---- Greater Mossdog Induce Paranoia Goblin Spelunkers Screeching Griffin Gather Courage Thundersong Trumpeter
1 - 14 Screeching Griffin ---- Benevolent Ancestor Leashling Wojek Apothecary Overwhelm Mnemonic Nexus Voyager Staff
2 - 1 Azorius Guildmage ---- Pure / Simple Pillar of the Paruns Nettling Curse Weight of Spires Bond of Agony Experiment Kraj
2 - 2 Nettling Curse ---- Rise / Fall Hit / Run Aurora Eidolon Hellhole Rats Rakdos Signet Squealing Devil
2 - 3 Blood Cryptfoil ---- Cytoshape Cackling Flames Street Savvy Flash Foliage Street Savvy Brace for Impact
2 - 4 Plumes of Peace ---- Guardian of the Guildpact Guardian of the Guildpact Brain Pry Indrik Stomphowler Ocular Halo Rise / Fall
2 - 5 Verdant Eidolon ---- Seal of Fire Rakdos Ickspitter Utvara Scalper Might of the Nephilim Rise / Fall Nettling Curse
2 - 6 Gobhobbler Rats ---- Seal of Fire Verdant Eidolon Aurora Eidolon Riot Spikes Seal of Fire Cytospawn Shambler
2 - 7 Elemental Resonance ---- Utopia Sprawl Slaughterhouse Bouncer Aurora Eidolon Twinstrike Gobhobbler Rats Court Hussar
2 - 8 Ocular Halo ---- Rakdos Signet Minister of Impediments Whiptail Moloch Rakdos Signet Beacon Hawk Verdant Eidolon
2 - 9 Cytospawn Shambler ---- Azorius Signet Overrule Stomp and Howl Walking Archive Rakdos Ickspitter Vision Skeins
2 - 10 Crime / Punishment ---- Rakdos Carnarium Simic Ragworm Slaughterhouse Bouncer Azorius First-Wing Soulsworn Jury Demon's Jester
2 - 11 Freewind Equenaut ---- Vigean Hydropon Simic Ragworm Wrecking Ball Slaughterhouse Bouncer Taste for Mayhem Kill-Suit Cultist
2 - 12 Slaughterhouse Bouncer ---- Rakdos Carnarium Flame-Kin War Scout Simic Ragworm Hide / Seek Azorius Signet Psychotic Fury
2 - 13 Haazda Exonerator ---- Slaughterhouse Bouncer Guardian of the Guildpact Macabre Waltz Enigma Eidolon Vision Skeins Azorius Chancery
2 - 14 Magewright's Stone ---- Pain Magnification Sandstorm Eidolon Sandstorm Eidolon Simic Ragworm Palliation Accord Palliation Accord
3 - 1 Primeval Light ---- Revenant Patriarch Leyline of Lightning Teysa, Orzhov Scion Skeletal Vampire Spelltithe Enforcer Sword of the Paruns
3 - 2 Harrier Griffin ---- Goblin Flectomancer Tibor and Lumia Smogsteed Rider Belfry Spirit Douse in Gloom Martyred Rusalka
3 - 3 Blind Hunter ---- Wild Cantor Stomping Groundfoil Dryad Sophisticate Mourning Thrull Aetherplasm Guardian's Magemark
3 - 4 Ghost Warden ---- Ghost Warden Guardian's Magemark Skarrgan Pit-Skulk Castigate Pyromatics Wild Cantor
3 - 5 Guardian's Magemark ---- Wild Cantor Primeval Light Ghor-Clan Savage Orzhov Euthanist Silhana Starfletcher Vedalken Plotter
3 - 6 Guardian's Magemark ---- Skyrider Trainee Battering Wurm Guardian's Magemark Restless Bones Lionheart Maverick Orzhov Signet
3 - 7 Izzet Signet ---- Orzhov Signet Orzhov Signet Sinstriker's Will Orzhov Signet Battering Wurm Petrahydrox
3 - 8 Guardian's Magemark ---- Infiltrator's Magemark Skyrider Trainee Wee Dragonauts Ghost Warden Torch Drake Repeal
3 - 9 Yore-Tiller Nephilim ---- Orzhov Euthanist Cry of Contrition Ghor-Clan Savage Ogre Savant Steamcore Weird Ghor-Clan Savage
3 - 10 Drowned Rusalka ---- Feral Animist Izzet Boilerworks Necromancer's Magemark Scab-Clan Mauler Fencer's Magemark Izzet Chronarch
3 - 11 Pillory of the Sleepless ---- Burning-Tree Bloodscale Orzhov Basilica Gruul Scrapper Schismotivate Runeboggle Gigadrowse
3 - 12 Runeboggle ---- Gruul Nodorog Gruul Turf Wee Dragonauts Torch Drake Petrahydrox Tin Street Hooligan
3 - 13 Beastmaster's Magemark ---- Streetbreaker Wurm Gruul Scrapper Absolver Thrull Izzet Boilerworks Rabble-Rouser Gruul Nodorog
3 - 14 Cremate ---- Martyred Rusalka Leap of Flame Ogre Savant Shattering Spree Plagued Rusalka Runeboggle