the People of Ravnica

Ended 7 years ago

Player thismanmountain74 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- Beckon Apparition Azorius Charm Shadow Slice Armored Transport Armored Transport Smash Beckon Apparition
1 - 2 ---- Flash Conscription Wildwood Rebirth Aquastrand Spider Smash Slaughterhouse Bouncer Golgari Rotwurm Rakdos Drake
1 - 3 ---- Reroute Golgari Rotwurm Rakdos Drake Tajic, Blade of the Legion Thrull Parasite Restore the Peace Experiment One
1 - 4 ---- Beckon Apparition Blistercoil Weird Renegade Krasis Purge the Profane Seed Spark Cryptborn Horror Bomber Corps
1 - 5 ---- Skinbrand Goblin Grove of the Guardian Skinbrand Goblin Judge's Familiar Ribbons of Night Selesnya Sentry Blistercoil Weird
1 - 6 ---- Vigor Mortis Skarrg Guildmage Selesnya Guildmage Slaughterhorn Rain of Embers Boros Elite Izzet Guildgate
1 - 7 ---- Zhur-Taa Druid Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage Clan Defiance Splatter Thug Rain of Embers Spawn of Rix Maadi Ultimate Price
1 - 8 ---- Izzet Charm Duskmantle, House of Shadow Immortal Servitude Selesnya Sanctuary Izzet Charm Rain of Embers Boros Mastiff
1 - 9 ---- Boros Recruit Golgari Rot Farm Dead Reveler Perplex Selesnya Sanctuary Counterflux Drudge Beetle
1 - 10 ---- Terrarion Slaughterhorn Drudge Beetle Dimir Guildgate Skinbrand Goblin Selesnya Guildgate Votary of the Conclave
1 - 11 ---- Dead Reveler Golgari Guildgate Golgari Rot Farm Dimir Aqueduct Simic Guildmage Nivix Cyclops Gruul Guildgate
1 - 12 ---- Zameck Guildmage Votary of the Conclave Rakdos Charm Counterflux Boros Garrison Simic Guildgate Dimir Guildgate
1 - 13 ---- Rakdos Guildgate Rakdos Guildgate Zameck Guildmage Boros Guildgate Sporeback Troll Simic Guildmage Induce Paranoia
1 - 14 ---- Boros Guildgate Golgari Guildgate Golgari Germination Dryad Militant Rot Farm Skeleton Deviant Glee Nivix Guildmage
2 - 1 ---- Wildwood Rebirth Gather Courage Executioner's Swing Slaughterhouse Bouncer Chant of Vitu-Ghazi Purge the Profane Vigor Mortis
2 - 2 ---- Simic Manipulator Executioner's Swing Bomber Corps Chant of Vitu-Ghazi Sewer Shambler Cancel Gather Courage
2 - 3 ---- Sewer Shambler Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord Cackling Flames Crocanura Fall of the Gavel Plague Boiler Prime Speaker Zegana
2 - 4 ---- Dimir Guildmage Basilica Screecher Slaughterhorn Convolute Splatter Thug Hidden Strings Fall of the Gavel
2 - 5 ---- Greater Mossdog Legion Loyalist Crypt Champion Boros Guildmage Slaughterhorn Seed Spark Flash Conscription
2 - 6 ---- Giant Growth Hidden Strings Weapon Surge Terrarion Azorius Chancery Restore the Peace Pyromatics
2 - 7 ---- Crypt Ghastfoil Selesnya Guildgate Votary of the Conclave Slaughterhorn Cancel Novijen, Heart of Progress Izzet Guildgate
2 - 8 ---- Boros Mastiff Tin Street Hooligan Selesnya Guildgate Basilica Screecher Izzet Guildgate Izzet Guildgate Spawn of Rix Maadi
2 - 9 ---- Dryad Militant Tin Street Hooligan Crocanura Selesnya Guildgate Izzet Charm Rix Maadi Guildmage Dead Reveler
2 - 10 ---- Orzhov Guildgate Orzhov Guildgate Gruul Guildgate Skarrg Guildmage Golgari Guildmage Spawn of Rix Maadi Rakdos Cackler
2 - 11 ---- Rakdos Guildgate Simic Guildgate Dreadbore Weapon Surge Selesnya Guildgate Simic Guildgate Dryad Militant
2 - 12 ---- Rakdos Charm Terrarion Golgari Germination Terrarion Agony Warp Orzhov Guildgate Orzhov Guildgate
2 - 13 ---- Drakewing Krasis Spike Jester Unflinching Couragefoil Boros Guildgate Korozda Guildmage Nivix Guildmage Golgari Charm
2 - 14 ---- Boros Guildgate Gore-House Chainwalker Rot Farm Skeleton Gruul Charm Golgari Guildgate Nivix Guildmage Boros Charmfoil
3 - 1 ---- Gleancrawler Sewer Shambler Horror of the Dim Izzet Guildmage Bomber Corps Wildwood Rebirth Executioner's Swing
3 - 2 ---- Smash Blast of Genius Gather Courage Lyev Decree Druid's Deliverance Cerebral Vortex Downsize
3 - 3 ---- Nightmare Void Wildwood Rebirth Izzet Staticaster Cackling Flames Gather Courage Experiment One Izzet Guildmage
3 - 4 ---- Beckon Apparition Warmind Infantry Restore the Peace Experiment One Convolute Cancel Ultimate Price
3 - 5 ---- Fall of the Gavel Search Warrant Aquastrand Spider Azorius Charm Fluxcharger Boros Elite Tower Drake
3 - 6 ---- Perplex Izzet Guildgate Thrull Parasite Azorius Chancery Basilica Screecher Netherborn Phalanx Selesnya Sentry
3 - 7 ---- Ultimate Price Azorius Chancery Codex Shredder Warmind Infantry Selesnya Sanctuary Syndic of Tithes Skinbrand Goblin
3 - 8 ---- Blood Baron of Vizkopa Tolsimir Wolfblood Duskmantle, House of Shadow Skarrg Guildmage Debt to the Deathless Boros Guildmage Zhur-Taa Druid
3 - 9 ---- Selesnya Sanctuary Azorius Guildgate New Prahv Guildmage Simic Growth Chamber Legion Loyalist Tolsimir Wolfblood Azorius Arrester
3 - 10 ---- Frontline Medic Azorius Arrester Unflinching Couragefoil Selesnya Charm Azorius Guildgate Dimir Aqueduct Azorius Guildgate
3 - 11 ---- Weapon Surge Battering Krasis Rakdos Guildgate Orzhov Guildgate Boros Garrison Weapon Surge Spawn of Rix Maadi
3 - 12 ---- Nivix Cyclops Devouring Light Simic Charm Golgari Guildgate Orzhov Guildgate Unflinching Couragefoil Boros Guildgate
3 - 13 ---- Orzhov Guildgate Screeching Griffin Golgari Germination Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace Induce Paranoia Gruul Charm Voidslime
3 - 14 ---- Psychic Strike Rakdos Guildgate Thoughtflare Deviant Glee Mizzium Skin Mizzium Skin Gruul Charm