Ended 3 weeks ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart NotTheJest pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Knight of Grace Charming Prince Pelakka Wurm Rune-Sealed Wall Pacifism Giada, Font of Hope Drogskol Reaver Thousand-Year Storm
1 - 2 Angelic Edict Druid of the Cowl Pacifism High Fae Trickster Sylvan Scavenging Pacifism Biogenic Upgrade Mortify
1 - 3 Chart a Course Reassembling Skeleton Homunculus Horde Self-Reflection Llanowar Elves Leonin Vanguard Wildwood Scourge Leonin Skyhunter
1 - 4 Adamant Will Vampire Interloper Healer's Hawk Fleeting Distraction Gateway Sneak Thrashing Brontodon New Horizons Lunar Insight
1 - 5 Evolving Wilds Gleaming Barrier Azorius Guildgate Lightshell Duo Dimir Guildgate Trygon Predator Dwynen's Elite Firebrand Archer
1 - 6 Selesnya Guildgate Zombify Disenchant Run Away Together Inspiring Call Firebrand Archer Cemetery Recruitment Pirate's Cutlass
1 - 7 Dragon Fodder Crow of Dark Tidings Joust Through Twinblade Blessing Aegis Turtle Golgari Guildgate Affectionate Indrik Swab Goblin
1 - 8 Prideful Parent Crow of Dark Tidings Gruul Guildgate Refute Ambush Wolf Viashino Pyromancer Resolute Reinforcements Dragonlord's Servant
1 - 9 Boros Guildgate Stab Ruby, Daring Tracker Quick Study Aegis Turtle Make Your Move Fire Elemental Goblin Surprise
1 - 10 Inspiring Paladin Fire Elemental Dazzling Angel Refute Adamant Will Goblin Firebomb Apothecary Stomper Dreadwing Scavenger
1 - 11 Make Your Move Cackling Prowler Elfsworn Giant Inspiring Paladin Quick Study Uncharted Haven Magnigoth Sentry Courageous Goblin
1 - 12 Goblin Surprise Marauding Blight-Priest Helpful Hunter Burrog Befuddler Bigfin Bouncer Hare Apparent Dreadwing Scavenger Refute
1 - 13 Broken Wings Soul-Shackled Zombie Felidar Savior Deadly Riposte Erudite Wizard Deadly Riposte Helpful Hunter Vampire Spawn
1 - 14 Pilfer Vampire Soulcaller Broken Wings Axgard Cavalry Beast-Kin Ranger Cackling Prowler Gutless Plunderer Luminous Rebuke
2 - 1 Heroes' Bane Spinner of Souls Regal Caracal Syr Alin, the Lion's Claw Into the Roil Ordeal of Nylea Angel of Vitality Shivan Dragon
2 - 2 Expedition Mapfoil Gatekeeper of Malakirfoil Temple of Malice Refute Scrawling Crawler Gruul Guildgate Abyssal Harvester Pacifism
2 - 3 Llanowar Elves Bake into a Pie Slagstorm An Offer You Can't Refuse Curator of Destinies Gleaming Barrier Thornweald Archer Dragon Fodder
2 - 4 Skyraker Giant Dwynen's Elite Bishop's Soldier Tolarian Terror Elvish Regrower New Horizons Healer's Hawk Into the Roil
2 - 5 Dimir Guildgate Vampire Interloper Adamant Will Helpful Hunter Cancel Make a Stand Thornweald Archer Raging Redcap
2 - 6 Dragon Fodder Crow of Dark Tidings Fire Elemental Erudite Wizard Trygon Predator Firebrand Archer Raging Redcap Orzhov Guildgate
2 - 7 Garna, Bloodfist of Keld Untamed Hunger Stroke of Midnight Icewind Elemental Opt Rapacious Dragon Stroke of Midnight Orzhov Guildgate
2 - 8 Fiery Annihilation Exsanguinate Archway Angel Icewind Elemental Mystical Teachings Release the Dogs Wildheart Invoker Stromkirk Bloodthief
2 - 9 Goblin Smuggler Sure Strike Mild-Mannered Librarian Armasaur Guide An Offer You Can't Refuse Make a Stand Beast-Kin Ranger Goblin Firebomb
2 - 10 Bear Cub Midnight Snack Obliterating Bolt Fleeting Flight Simic Guildgate Hare Apparent Campus Guide Enigma Drake
2 - 11 Hinterland Sanctifier Sanguine Indulgence Helpful Hunter Duress Witness Protection Courageous Goblin Fleeting Flight Inspiring Overseer
2 - 12 Thrill of Possibility Gutless Plunderer Fire Elemental Offer Immortality Infestation Sage Deadly Riposte Gnarlid Colony Three Tree Mascot
2 - 13 Prideful Parent Goblin Smuggler Kargan Dragonrider Vampire Spawn Stab Wary Thespian Fleeting Flight Goldvein Pick
2 - 14 Magnigoth Sentry Marauding Blight-Priest Axgard Cavalry Kargan Dragonrider Fake Your Own Death Courageous Goblin Feed the Swarmfoil Bite Down
3 - 1 Hedron Archivefoil Adaptive Automatonfoil Soulstone Sanctuary Homunculus Horde Heroes' Bane Raise the Past Giant Growth Crusader of Odric
3 - 2 Aggressive Mammoth Rise of the Dark Realms Herald of Faith Burrog Befuddler Dwynen's Elite Dwynen's Elite Dwynen's Elite Searslicer Goblin
3 - 3 Crusader of Odric Hero's Downfall Savage Ventmaw Think Twice Wardens of the Cycle Sorcerous Spyglass Ingenious Leonin Shipwreck Dowser
3 - 4 Azorius Guildgate Dimir Guildgate Volley Veteran Micromancer Rakdos Guildgate Ballyrush Banneret Vampire Interloper Impact Tremorsfoil
3 - 5 Fanatical Firebrand Vampire Interloper Rakdos Guildgate Tolarian Terror Expedition Mapfoil Sorcerous Spyglass Bishop's Soldier Claws Out
3 - 6 Crow of Dark Tidings Hungry Ghoul Battle-Rattle Shaman Quick Study Skyship Buccaneer Simic Guildgate Eager Trufflesnout Ravenous Giant
3 - 7 Seeker's Folly Perforating Artist Elspeth's Smite Uncharted Haven Rakdos Guildgate Crash Through Wildheart Invoker Adamant Will
3 - 8 Goblin Surprise Offer Immortality Three Tree Mascot Self-Reflection Vengeful Bloodwitch Skyraker Giant Quick-Draw Katana Unsummon
3 - 9 Driver of the Dead Hungry Ghoul Prideful Parent Vampire Soulcaller Witness Protection Hinterland Sanctifier Eager Trufflesnout Goblin Firebomb
3 - 10 Gorehorn Raider Vampire Spawn Armasaur Guide Refute Soul-Shackled Zombie Make Your Move Infestation Sage Goblin Smuggler
3 - 11 Mischievous Pup Courageous Goblin Fleeting Flight Strix Lookout Treetop Snarespinner Vanguard Seraph Treetop Snarespinner Involuntary Employment
3 - 12 Marauding Blight-Priest Midnight Snack Make Your Move Inspiring Paladin Wary Thespian Hare Apparent Sanguine Syphoner Courageous Goblin
3 - 13 Apothecary Stomper Undying Malice Uncharted Haven Felidar Savior Apothecary Stomper Vampire Soulcaller Ambush Wolf Gorehorn Raider
3 - 14 Suspicious Shambler Stab Stab Sanguine Indulgence Lightshell Duo Goblin Boarders Highborn Vampire Vampire Soulcaller