Peasant Value Cube *OUTDATED*

Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Redlord1521 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Explosive Growth Drift of Phantasms Territorial Hammerskull Angel of the God-Pharaoh Break Asunder ---- Shreds of Sanity Havoc Devils
1 - 2 Elaborate Firecannon Conflagrate Appeal / Authority Jungle Creeper Vizier of Tumbling Sands ---- Greatsword Knight of Grace
1 - 3 Slice and Dice Keeneye Aven Grasp of Phantoms Deem Worthy Striped Riverwinder ---- Betrayal of Flesh Regal Bloodlord
1 - 4 Oketra's Attendant Sprout Swarm Heroic Reinforcements Bold Defense Arashin Cleric ---- Battle Screech Terrain Elemental
1 - 5 Beneath the Sands Death Pulse Staff of Nin Filigree Familiar Vendetta ---- Ravaging Riftwurm Grizzly Fate
1 - 6 Moan of the Unhallowed Untamed Kavu Raging Swordtooth Yavimaya Sapherd Ravenous Chupacabra ---- Selesnya Guildmage Spell Contortion
1 - 7 Aerial Responder Last Gasp Eviscerate Trusty Machete Sigiled Starfish ---- Vigor Mortis Loxodon Warhammer
1 - 8 Skyknight Legionnaire Fight with Fire Vine Trellis Boggart Brute Opportunity ---- Blasted Landscape Vampire Nighthawk
1 - 9 Wolfir Avenger Shanna, Sisay's Legacy Somberwald Stag Expunge Strangling Soot ---- Pelakka Wurm Heat Ray
1 - 10 Darksteel Ingot Fires of Yavimaya Blink of an Eye Volcanic Dragon Nyx-Fleece Ram ---- Knight of Malice Khenra Charioteer
1 - 11 Think Twice Gideon, Martial Paragon Recoil Fervent Cathar Jace's Ingenuity ---- Typhoid Rats Elfhame Druid
1 - 12 Bump in the Night Visionary Augmenter Felidar Cub Bitter Revelation Orzhov Basilica ---- Wall of Omens Dismiss
1 - 13 Death Wind Ghitu Chronicler Burst Lightning Rewind Stoic Champion ---- Ojutai's Summons Aphetto Alchemist
1 - 14 Scholar of Athreos Faithless Looting Reave Soul Forgotten Cave Electrolyze ---- Surreal Memoir Hunt the Weak
1 - 15 Prey Upon Brute Force Gnawing Zombie Rogue's Passage Cathartic Reunion ---- Vines of Vastwood Drana's Emissary
2 - 1 Herald of Faith Colossus of Sardia Lull Horror of the Broken Lands Primal Boost ---- Vraska's Scorn Sky Terror
2 - 2 Brambleweft Behemoth Peregrination Lay Claim Galvanic Key Goblin Trailblazer ---- Charging Monstrosaur Famine
2 - 3 Invigorating Boon Endless Obedience Sentinel of the Eternal Watch Ominous Sphinx Blood Host ---- Fyndhorn Elder Snare Thopter
2 - 4 Exclusion Mage Brazen Scourge Nissa, Genesis Mage Triplicate Spirits Cliffhaven Vampire ---- Bloodhusk Ritualist Courier Griffin
2 - 5 Lightning Javelin Saproling Migration Ridgescale Tusker River Hoopoe Zombify ---- Merfolk Looter Hornet Queen
2 - 6 Throwing Knife Rise from the Grave Thrive Everflowing Chalice Errant Ephemeron ---- Baloth Gorger Chronomaton
2 - 7 Moroii Annihilate Blood Knight Skittering Crustacean Imperiosaur ---- Twisted Abomination Victimize
2 - 8 Weaver of Lightning Siege Wurm Common Bond Attended Knight Silent Departure ---- Fog Bank Llanowar Elves
2 - 9 Faith Unbroken Beetleback Chief Knight of Meadowgrain Mnemonic Wall Honored Crop-Captain ---- Crimson Mage Captain's Claws
2 - 10 Consul's Lieutenant Tidehollow Strix Warleader's Helix Evolving Wilds Azorius Chancery ---- Izzet Boilerworks Domesticated Hydra
2 - 11 Dimir Aqueduct Millikin Scoured Barrens Possessed Skaab Magma Jet ---- Raven's Crime Cast Out
2 - 12 Aven Initiate Prophetic Bolt Ajani's Presence Burning Vengeance Skeletal Wurm ---- Grafted Wargear Flame Jab
2 - 13 Barren Moor Angelic Edict Mortarpod Illness in the Ranks Corpse Churn ---- Phyrexian Delver Enigma Drake
2 - 14 Mulch Urza's Factory Uncovered Clues Shivan Dragon Voltaic Servant ---- Juniper Order Ranger Blossoming Sands
2 - 15 Tranquil Thicket Secluded Steppe Lonely Sandbar Ghor-Clan Rampager Adanto Vanguard ---- Mournwhelk Iron League Steed
3 - 1 Master Decoy Stir the Sands Gideon's Resolve Vraska, Scheming Gorgon Burning-Fist Minotaur ---- Aggressive Mammoth Stand / Deliver
3 - 2 Serra's Guardian Sunscourge Champion Searing Touch Roiling Waters Jace's Sentinel ---- Havoc Demon Renegade Firebrand
3 - 3 Raging Regisaur Nissa's Encouragement Chartooth Cougar Rolling Temblor Grasping Current ---- Arcane Encyclopedia Counterspell
3 - 4 Azorius Charm Vodalian Arcanist Supreme Will Tatyova, Benthic Druid Territorial Allosaurus ---- Geist of the Archives Conclave Tribunal
3 - 5 Inferno Jet Prismatic Lens Sinuous Vermin Lightkeeper of Emeria Thrashing Brontodon ---- Chandra's Outburst Gravewaker
3 - 6 Forsake the Worldly Agent of Masks Fires of Undeath Fumigate Vulshok Morningstar ---- Censor Phyrexian Gargantua
3 - 7 Pulse of Murasa Seraph of Dawn Return to the Earth Flametongue Kavu Nessian Asp ---- Chainer's Edict Lightning Bolt
3 - 8 Clear Shot Recumbent Bliss Mind Stone Pacifism Icy Manipulator ---- Gnarlid Pack Chandra, Bold Pyromancer
3 - 9 Nature's Way Elephant Ambush Mistral Charger Deep Analysis Vampire Envoy ---- Sphinx of Magosi Jace's Sanctum
3 - 10 Lightning Strike Dread Return Puppet Strings Academy Drake Complicate ---- Trueheart Duelist Raise the Alarm
3 - 11 Dauntless Bodyguard Angler Drake Silverstrike Earthshaker Khenra Strategic Planning ---- Grow from the Ashes Glint-Sleeve Artisan
3 - 12 Ajani's Pridemate Simic Growth Chamber Entomber Exarch Choking Tethers Blightning ---- Read the Bones Satyr Wayfinder
3 - 13 Returned Centaur Bloodfell Caves Ashmouth Hound Baloth Null Adventurous Impulse ---- Pristine Talisman Junktroller
3 - 14 Fanning the Flames Mirror Image Magistrate's Scepter Borderland Marauder Drown in Sorrow ---- Gruul Turf Pharika's Mender
3 - 15 Train of Thought Crystal Ball Wind-Scarred Crag Destructive Tampering Wailing Ghoul ---- Recoup Scrap