Mystery Booster Cube

Ended 4 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart canto15 pie chart DraftBot pie chart eloback pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Bestial Menace Flameshot Panglacial Wurm ---- Leopard-Spotted Jiao ---- Touch of Moonglove Vraska's Finisher
1 - 2 Walk the Plank Misthollow Griffin Broodhunter Wurm ---- Irontread Crusher ---- Genju of the Fens Grixis Slavedriver
1 - 3 Sewer Nemesis Ghostblade Eidolon Toxin Sliver ---- Borrowed Hostility ---- Oracle of Nectars Diminish
1 - 4 Lightning Javelin Sakura-Tribe Elder Ringwarden Owl ---- Arbor Armament ---- Valakut Invoker Dinosaur Hunter
1 - 5 Call of the Nightwing Child of Night Goblin Roughrider ---- Trading Post ---- Goblin Motivator Imperious Perfectfoil
1 - 6 Lightform Divine Favor Nin, the Pain Artist ---- Selesnya Guildmage ---- Windrider Eel Umbral Mantle
1 - 7 Angel of Renewal Caller of Gales Angel of the Dire Hour ---- Innocent Blood ---- Decommission Alchemist's Greeting
1 - 8 Amass the Components Pilgrim's Eye Deep Freeze ---- Atarka Efreet ---- Bladewing the Risen Mistmeadow Witch
1 - 9 Crystal Shard Bramblewood Paragon Consulate Dreadnought ---- Hanweir Lancer ---- Fiery Temper Thought Erasure
1 - 10 Leveler First-Sphere Gargantua Assemble the Legion ---- Searing Light ---- Man-o'-War Norin the Wary
1 - 11 Myr Retriever Boros Reckoner Gustcloak Skirmisher ---- Dread Return ---- Fog Bank Court Street Denizen
1 - 12 Akroan Sergeant Wren's Run Vanquisher Dismal Backwater ---- Cunning Breezedancer ---- Abzan Charm Messenger Jays
1 - 13 Trinket Mage Blossoming Sands Fling ---- Maverick Thopterist ---- Witchbane Orb Mind Rake
1 - 14 Destructive Tampering Guided Passage Distortion Strike ---- Village Bell-Ringer ---- Darksteel Citadel Vandalize
1 - 15 Mardu Roughrider Crowd's Favor Ancient Den ---- Spikeshot Goblin ---- Sheltering Ancient Molten Rain
2 - 1 Conifer Strider Puca's Mischief Dune Beetle ---- Broken Bond ---- Manaweft Sliver Brazen Buccaneers
2 - 2 Gonti, Lord of Luxury Universal Automaton Excavation Elephant ---- Hightide Hermit ---- Wishful Merfolk Thrill of Possibility
2 - 3 Pull from Eternity Dismember Territorial Hammerskull ---- Solemn Simulacrum ---- Thought Vessel Convolute
2 - 4 Master Transmuter Kulrath Knight Miner's Bane ---- Overgrown Armasaur ---- Incorrigible Youths Purple-Crystal Crab
2 - 5 Ravenous Chupacabra Lord of the Accursed Windgrace Acolyte ---- Swords to Plowshares ---- Beneath the Sands Pondering Mage
2 - 6 Pacifism Mogg Flunkies Never Happened ---- Ogre Gatecrasher ---- Subtle Strike Treasure Cruise
2 - 7 Humble Mulldrifter Sphinx's Tutelage ---- Foundry Inspector ---- Longshot Squad Iroas's Champion
2 - 8 Mist Raven Undead Warchief Cast Out ---- Bonds of Faith ---- Fledgling Mawcor Empyrial Armor
2 - 9 Built to Smash Expedite Scourge of the Throne ---- Invisibility ---- Blightsoil Druid Feat of Resistance
2 - 10 Adventurous Impulse Bombard Eel Umbra ---- Kaervek's Torch ---- Daretti, Scrap Savant Skyward Eye Prophets
2 - 11 Chandra's Pyrohelix Skeletal Scrying Torch Courier ---- Stitched Drake ---- Walking Corpse Dazzling Lights
2 - 12 Stallion of Ashmouth Tithe Drinker Eddytrail Hawk ---- Kalastria Nightwatch ---- Center Soul Rampaging Cyclops
2 - 13 Sliver Hivelord Phyrexian Plaguelord Fury Charm ---- Painful Lesson ---- Sylvan Bounty Diamond Mare
2 - 14 Ancient Stirrings Ancestral Mask Spreading Rot ---- Mogg Fanatic ---- Rite of the Serpent Wildfire Emissary
2 - 15 Thought Collapse Smiting Helix Blades of Velis Vel ---- Sparkmage Apprentice ---- Juggernaut Cinder Hellion
3 - 1 Lazotep Behemoth Ezuri's Archers Knight of Sorrows ---- Renewed Faith ---- Sunrise Seeker Predict
3 - 2 Gaea's Protector Crashing Tide Charging Monstrosaur ---- Tectonic Rift ---- Blossom Dryad Vampire Champion
3 - 3 Dolmen Gate Krumar Bond-Kin Plague Wight ---- Cliffside Lookout ---- Mardu Hordechief Kiora's Dambreaker
3 - 4 Bulwark Giant Felidar Guardian Thran Dynamo ---- Elephant Guide ---- Marauding Boneslasher Courser of Kruphix
3 - 5 Boggart Brute Snapping Drake Elemental Uprising ---- Reckless Imp ---- Shambling Attendants Stalking Tiger
3 - 6 Brilliant Spectrum Zada's Commando Stunt Double ---- Alloy Myr ---- Bitterbow Sharpshooters Mortify
3 - 7 Sundial of the Infinite Frogmite Steamflogger Boss ---- Phyrexian Arena ---- Niblis of Dusk Bloodrite Invoker
3 - 8 Benthic Giant Phantom Centaur Chatter of the Squirrel ---- Mystic Confluence ---- Slither Blade Hieroglyphic Illumination
3 - 9 Ojutai's Breath Acidic Slime Valley Dasher ---- Graypelt Refuge ---- Goblin Game Exclude
3 - 10 Maelstrom Nexus Dragon Egg Avarax ---- Drogskol Captain ---- Retreat to Emeria Barrage of Boulders
3 - 11 Grapple with the Past Cairn Wanderer Augur of Bolas ---- Silhana Ledgewalker ---- Dynacharge Affectionate Indrik
3 - 12 Elvish Fury Goblin Matron Reckless Fireweaver ---- Mizzix's Mastery ---- Cabal Therapy Grapeshot
3 - 13 Eldrazi Monument Steady Progress Ruin Rat ---- Doorkeeper ---- Kiln Fiend AEther Tradewinds
3 - 14 Zealous Persecution Unflinching Couragefoil Viscera Seer ---- Kraul Foragers ---- Prakhata Club Security Forbidden Alchemy
3 - 15 Nagging Thoughts Cauldron Dance Unburden ---- Nine-Tail White Fox ---- Perish Summit Prowler