LEB / M12 / ATQ

Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Moshuckel pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Swords to Plowshares Swords to Plowshares Taiga Hypnotic Specter ---- Berserk Keldon Warlord Channel
1 - 2 Magical Hack Air Elemental Jade Statue Swords to Plowshares ---- Braingeyser Demonic Tutor Black Knight
1 - 3 Jade Statue White Knight Llanowar Elves Manabarbs ---- Will-o'-the-Wisp Thicket Basilisk White Knight
1 - 4 Llanowar Elves Llanowar Elves Ivory Cup Sleight of Mind ---- Frozen Shade Ley Druid Grizzly Bears
1 - 5 Giant Growth Lich Farmstead Ironclaw Orcs ---- Prodigal Sorcerer Red Ward Sengir Vampire
1 - 6 Mesa Pegasus Drudge Skeletons Unholy Strength Stream of Life ---- Giant Growth Guardian Angel Unholy Strength
1 - 7 Mesa Pegasus Drudge Skeletons Ivory Cup Creature Bond ---- Holy Strength Wall of Wood Ironclaw Orcs
1 - 8 Disenchant Plague Rats Plague Rats Creature Bond ---- Gray Ogre Mons's Goblin Raiders Scryb Sprites
1 - 9 Drain Life Holy Strength Ironclaw Orcs Howl from Beyond ---- Unsummon Scathe Zombies Shanodin Dryads
1 - 10 Firebreathing Invisibility Firebreathing Dwarven Warriors ---- Hill Giant Wall of Wood Mons's Goblin Raiders
1 - 11 Benalish Hero Twiddle Jump Pearled Unicorn ---- Scathe Zombies Healing Salve Dwarven Warriors
1 - 12 Firebreathing Giant Spider Healing Salve Fear ---- Evil Presence Benalish Hero Mons's Goblin Raiders
1 - 13 Dwarven Warriors Twiddle Tranquility False Orders ---- Mons's Goblin Raiders Healing Salve Giant Spider
1 - 14 Shatter Ironroot Treefolk Shatter Power Leak ---- False Orders Tranquility Guardian Angel
2 - 1 Amphin Cutthroat Hideous Visage Hideous Visage Wall of Torches ---- Zombie Goliath Demon's Horn Personal Sanctuary
2 - 2 Bonebreaker Giant Kite Shield Guardians' Pledge Guardians' Pledge ---- Smallpox Wurm's Tooth Sacred Wolf
2 - 3 Lifelink Merfolk Mesmerist Jade Mage Devouring Swarm ---- Bountiful Harvest Lifelink Visions of Beyond
2 - 4 Lightning Elemental Bloodrage Vampire Carnage Wurm Stonehorn Dignitary ---- Peregrine Griffin Arbalest Elite Greatsword
2 - 5 Adaptive Automatonfoil Llanowar Elves Drifting Shade Zombie Goliath ---- Taste of Blood Gideon's Avenger Spirit Mantle
2 - 6 Incinerate Pride Guardian Scepter of Empires Fling ---- Arachnus Web Doom Blade Doom Blade
2 - 7 Incinerate Pacifism Fireball Phantasmal Dragon ---- Acidic Slime Greater Basilisk AEther Adept
2 - 8 Sorin's Thirst Reassembling Skeleton Autumn's Veil Assault Griffin ---- Fireball Alabaster Mage Goblin Fireslinger
2 - 9 Deathmark Stonehorn Dignitary Mesa Enchantress Goblin Grenade ---- Greater Basilisk Ice Cage Gravedigger
2 - 10 Gravedigger Consume Spirit Merfolk Looter Act of Treason ---- Lava Axe Stonehorn Dignitary Assault Griffin
2 - 11 Firebreathing Arachnus Spinner Wring Flesh Brink of Disaster ---- Child of Night Duskhunter Bat Lightning Elemental
2 - 12 Sorin's Thirst Gravedigger Sorin's Thirst Runeclaw Bear ---- Cemetery Reaper Griffin Sentinel Harbor Serpent
2 - 13 Divine Favor Consume Spirit Mind Rot Stave Off ---- Arachnus Web Flight Gorehorn Minotaurs
2 - 14 Stave Off Naturalize Mighty Leap Goblin Fireslinger ---- Runeclaw Bear Frost Breath Goblin War Paint
3 - 1 Gaea's Avenger Mishra's Factory Reconstruction Obelisk of Undoing ---- Dwarven Weaponsmith Mishra's Workshop Atog
3 - 2 Urza's Avenger Crumble Coral Helm Grapeshot Catapult ---- Obelisk of Undoing Reconstruction Dragon Engine
3 - 3 Artifact Possession Grapeshot Catapult Tawnos's Wand Atog ---- Dwarven Weaponsmith Reverse Polarity Dragon Engine
3 - 4 Transmute Artifact Ivory Tower Urza's Power Plant Grapeshot Catapult ---- Dragon Engine Primal Clay Dragon Engine
3 - 5 Artifact Possession Ornithopter Amulet of Kroog Battering Ram ---- Haunting Wind Clockwork Avian Dragon Engine
3 - 6 Artifact Possession Urza's Mine Urza's Power Plant Clay Statue ---- Citanul Druid Reverse Polarity Clay Statue
3 - 7 Artifact Possession Detonate Clay Statue Amulet of Kroog ---- Clay Statue Drafna's Restoration Clay Statue
3 - 8 Urza's Chalice Ornithopter Drafna's Restoration Ornithopter ---- Onulet Tawnos's Weaponry Yotian Soldier
3 - 9 Orcish Mechanics Ornithopter Millstone Orcish Mechanics ---- Argivian Archaeologist Drafna's Restoration Yotian Soldier
3 - 10 Drafna's Restoration Sage of Lat-Nam Drafna's Restoration Battering Ram ---- Battering Ram Battering Ram Orcish Mechanics
3 - 11 Priest of Yawgmoth Urza's Chalice Tablet of Epityr Orcish Mechanics ---- Priest of Yawgmoth Staff of Zegon Urza's Chalice
3 - 12 Drafna's Restoration Sage of Lat-Nam Tablet of Epityr Argivian Blacksmith ---- Drafna's Restoration Artifact Blast Artifact Blast
3 - 13 Sage of Lat-Nam Argothian Treefolk Argivian Blacksmith Phyrexian Gremlins ---- Artifact Blast Argothian Pixies Artifact Ward
3 - 14 Staff of Zegon Rakalite Sage of Lat-Nam Martyrs of Korlis ---- Phyrexian Gremlins Argothian Treefolk Goblin Artisans