Ended 1 month ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart flame-wolfz pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Verdeloth the Ancient Path to Exile Verdeloth the Ancient Earwig Squad Path to Exile Chalice of the Void Skeletal Vampire Verdeloth the Ancient
1 - 2 Paradise Mantle Flickerwisp Dragonstorm Path to Exile Masked Admirers Dark Confidant Feudkiller's Verdict Tidehollow Sculler
1 - 3 Careful Consideration Careful Consideration Errant Ephemeron Kitchen Finks Feudkiller's Verdict Manamorphose Glacial Ray Thundercloud Shaman
1 - 4 Thallid Shell-Dweller Errant Ephemeron Dispeller's Capsule Pestermite Vivid Marsh Pestermite Sporesower Thallid Vivid Marsh
1 - 5 Errant Ephemeron Etherium Sculptor Thieving Sprite Errant Ephemeron Myr Retriever Spellstutter Sprite Aether Spellbomb Aether Spellbomb
1 - 6 Reach Through Mists Vivid Grove Traumatic Visions Electrolyze Vivid Creek Bound in Silence Grapeshot Esperzoa
1 - 7 Walker of the Grove Latchkey Faerie Fiery Fall Pallid Mycoderm Grapeshot Kodama's Reach Grinning Ignus Stingscourger
1 - 8 Dampen Thought Logic Knot Pallid Mycoderm Terramorphic Expanse Stingscourger Logic Knot Arcbound Stinger Thallid
1 - 9 Search for Tomorrow Sanctum Gargoyle Faerie Macabre Amrou Scout Frogmite Tribal Flames Brute Force Search for Tomorrow
1 - 10 Stinkdrinker Daredevil Blinding Beam Street Wraith Veteran Armorer Empty the Warrens Sporoloth Ancient Citanul Woodreaders Torrent of Stone
1 - 11 Veteran Armorer Saltfield Recluse Stinkdrinker Daredevil Stinkweed Imp Blinding Beam Stinkdrinker Daredevil Echoing Courage Sylvan Bounty
1 - 12 Deepcavern Imp Gleam of Resistance Death Denied Amrou Scout Torrent of Stone Nantuko Shaman Faerie Macabre Logic Knot
1 - 13 Vedalken Dismisser Facevaulter Festering Goblin Peppersmoke Greater Mossdog Blightspeaker Crush Underfoot Traumatic Visions
1 - 14 Dreamspoiler Witches Stinkweed Imp Facevaulter Absorb Vis Erratic Mutation Dreamspoiler Witches Drag Down Rift Elemental
2 - 1 Temple of Deceit Ballyrush Banneret Azorius Guildgate Voracious Greatshark Mindsparker Guttersnipe Mindsparker Dragon Mage
2 - 2 Primeval Bounty Mentor of the Meek Ghitu Lavarunner Lyra Dawnbringerfoil Crusader of Odric Llanowar Elves Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate Dwynen's Elite
2 - 3 Expedition Mapfoil Imprisoned in the Moon Soul-Shackled Zombie Adventuring Gear Skyknight Squire Biogenic Upgrade Fire Elemental Raging Redcap
2 - 4 Diregraf Ghoul Into the Roil Progenitus Inspiration from Beyond Skyraker Giant Gateway Sneak Diregraf Ghoul Essence Scatter
2 - 5 Springbloom Druid Expedition Mapfoil Firebrand Archer Azorius Guildgate Izzet Guildgate Giant Growth Bolt Bend Dragon Mage
2 - 6 Dwynen's Elite Hare Apparent Magnigoth Sentry Brineborn Cutthroat Impact Tremorsfoil Secluded Courtyard Gruul Guildgate Frenzied Goblin
2 - 7 Needletooth Pack Crow of Dark Tidings Unsummon Think Twice Run Away Together Tajuru Pathwarden Fire Elemental Ghitu Lavarunner
2 - 8 Macabre Waltz Aegis Turtle Marauding Blight-Priest Three Tree Mascot Angelic Edict Fierce Empath Sure Strike Ambush Wolf
2 - 9 Vile Entomber Zombify Refute Wildheart Invoker Sure Strike Simic Guildgate Stab Raging Redcap
2 - 10 New Horizons Inspiring Overseer Hungry Ghoul Felling Blow Boros Guildgate Magnigoth Sentry Impact Tremorsfoil Sure Strike
2 - 11 Refute Deadly Riposte Sower of Chaos Stroke of Midnight Marauding Blight-Priest Cackling Prowler Goblin Surprise Venom Connoisseur
2 - 12 Refute Squad Rallier Cathar Commando Soul-Shackled Zombie Courageous Goblin Treetop Snarespinner Goldvein Pick Goblin Surprise
2 - 13 Squad Rallier Quick Study Vampire Spawn Billowing Shriekmass Cathar Commando Quick Study Pilfer Sower of Chaos
2 - 14 Crackling Cyclops Marauding Blight-Priest Bigfin Bouncer Bushwhack Make Your Move Helpful Hunter Helpful Hunter Make Your Move
3 - 1 Moment of Craving Fog Bank Immersturm Predator Bake into a Pie Stasis Snare Adaptive Automatonfoil Gate Colossus Evolving Wilds
3 - 2 Evolving Wilds Ballyrush Banneret Hoarding Dragon Burnished Hart Ordeal of Nylea Into the Roil Gatekeeper of Malakirfoil Mystic Archaeologist
3 - 3 Dimir Guildgate Linden, the Steadfast Queen Seeker's Folly Bake into a Pie Bishop's Soldier Giant Growth Gatekeeper of Malakirfoil Druid of the Cowl
3 - 4 Dwynen's Elite Moment of Craving Driver of the Dead Ballyrush Banneret Ashroot Animist Izzet Guildgate Goblin Oriflamme Firebrand Archer
3 - 5 Think Twice Devout Decree Firebrand Archer Ajani's Pridemate Anthem of Champions Thornweald Archer Vampire Neonate Searslicer Goblin
3 - 6 Simic Guildgate Progenitus Micromancer Izzet Guildgate Rakdos Guildgate Gruul Guildgate Heartfire Immolator Fleeting Distraction
3 - 7 Duress Boros Guildgate Youthful Valkyrie Vampire Interloper Gleaming Barrier Cancel Fanatical Firebrand Gruul Guildgate
3 - 8 Kitesail Corsair Ingenious Leonin Gleaming Barrier Simic Guildgate Ghitu Lavarunner Gleaming Barrier Pulse Tracker Inspiration from Beyond
3 - 9 Aegis Turtle Bishop's Soldier Stab Opt Viashino Pyromancer Sure Strike Crackling Cyclops Aegis Turtle
3 - 10 Macabre Waltz Cat Collector Starlight Snare Self-Reflection Wildheart Invoker Dive Down Uncharted Haven Self-Reflection
3 - 11 Self-Reflection Angel of Finality Luminous Rebuke New Horizons Prideful Parent Snakeskin Veil Macabre Waltz Incinerating Blast
3 - 12 Icewind Elemental Fake Your Own Death Resolute Reinforcements Vampire Spawn Squad Rallier Burrog Befuddler Seize the Spoils Crackling Cyclops
3 - 13 Courageous Goblin Bushwhack Seize the Spoils Three Tree Mascot Seize the Spoils Gutless Plunderer Armasaur Guide Involuntary Employment
3 - 14 Quick Study Crackling Cyclops Gnarlid Colony Treetop Snarespinner Treetop Snarespinner Treetop Snarespinner Eaten Alive Lightshell Duo