Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart afs333 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Mana Drain Cryptic Command *list* Mox Jet ---- Karn Liberated Dack Fayden Sword of Body and Mind Time Walk
1 - 2 Counterspell Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip Sensei's Divining Top ---- Path to Exile Grim Monolith Time Spiral Ponder
1 - 3 Volcanic Island Dimir Signet Channel ---- Wurmcoil Engine Hazoret the Fervent Sword of Feast and Famine Metalworker
1 - 4 Marsh Flats Sylvan Caryatid Liliana, Death's Majesty ---- Venser, Shaper Savant Skullclamp Izzet Signet Glen Elendra Archmage
1 - 5 Brainstorm Iona, Shield of Emeria Frost Titan ---- Sword of War and Peace Sneak Attack Tasigur, the Golden Fang Kolaghan's Command
1 - 6 Joraga Treespeaker Pack Rat Eternal Witness ---- Exhumefoil Vedalken Shackles Yawgmoth's Will Hallowed Fountainfoil
1 - 7 Traverse the Ulvenwald Duplicant Phyrexian Arena ---- Geist of Saint Traft Dark Confidant Wooded Foothills Entomb
1 - 8 Buried Alive Stirring Wildwood Seachrome Coast ---- Sphinx of the Steel Wind Dismember Badlands Cast Out
1 - 9 Angel of Sanctions Overgrown Tombfoil Lightning Helix ---- Garruk, Primal Hunter Council's Judgment Go for the Throat Dark Petition
1 - 10 Blackcleave Cliffs Blood Cryptfoil Acidic Slime ---- Koth of the Hammerfoil Thundermaw Hellkite Lingering Souls Gitaxian Probe
1 - 11 Boros Signet Through the Breach Managorger Hydra ---- Porcelain Legionnaire Living Deathfoil Godless Shrinefoil Hellrider
1 - 12 Skinrender Flametongue Kavu Shardless Agent ---- Firebolt Pernicious Deed Magma Jet Sacred Foundryfoil
1 - 13 Reveillark Faithless Looting Chandra, Pyromaster ---- Darkslick Shores Bring to Light Trygon Predator Grim Lavamancer
1 - 14 Searing Spear Maelstrom Pulse Mana Tithe ---- Banisher Priest Necropotence Qasali Pridemage Firedrinker Satyr
1 - 15 Falkenrath Gorger Boros Charmfoil Honor of the Pure ---- Student of Warfare Mishra's Factory Inspiring Vantage Shrine of Burning Rage
2 - 1 Reanimate Mana Vault Demonic Tutor ---- Force of Will Tinker Sword of Fire and Ice Emrakul, the Promised End
2 - 2 Snapcaster Mage Vampiric Tutor Bitterblossom ---- Coldsteel Heart Basalt Monolith Mystic Confluence Strip Mine
2 - 3 Hangarback Walker Remand Smuggler's Copter ---- Angel of Invention True-Name Nemesis Sower of Temptation Elspeth, Knight-Errant
2 - 4 Frantic Search Sundering Titan Gideon of the Trials ---- Blightsteel Colossus Crucible of Worlds Recurring Nightmare Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
2 - 5 Fiery Confluence Tundra Chrome Mox ---- Balance Craterhoof Behemoth Animate Dead Pestermite
2 - 6 Wrath of God Lotus Cobra Elspeth, Sun's Champion ---- Unburial Rites Treasure Cruise Pentad Prism Murderous Cut
2 - 7 Everflowing Chalice Lotus Bloom Tooth and Nail ---- Spellskite Lightning Strike Knight of the White Orchid Looter il-Kor
2 - 8 Harsh Mentor Mana Confluence Eureka ---- Taiga Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip Goblin Dark-Dwellers Kitesail Freebooter
2 - 9 Oath of Druids Banishing Light Dragonlord Dromoka ---- Bloodbraid Elf Spell Pierce Inquisition of Kozilek Day of Judgment
2 - 10 Daze Desecration Demon Chart a Course ---- Linvala, the Preserver Memory Jar Lodestone Golem Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
2 - 11 Wandering Fumarole Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip Search for Tomorrow ---- Electrolyze Turnabout Trinket Mage Yawgmoth's Bargain
2 - 12 Spectral Procession Edric, Spymaster of Trest Figure of Destiny ---- Ophiomancer Winter Orb Bonfire of the Damned Moat
2 - 13 Olivia Voldaren Sulfuric Vortex Fiend Hunter ---- Lion's Eye Diamond Diabolic Edict Phyrexian Revoker Unexpectedly Absent
2 - 14 Daretti, Scrap Savant Grim Tutor Anguished Unmaking ---- Song of the Dryads Mizzium Mortars Manglehorn Hypnotic Specter
2 - 15 Jackal Pup Terminate Fire / Ice ---- Smokestack Dissenter's Deliverance Brain Maggot Timely Reinforcements
3 - 1 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage Mox Ruby Gilded Lotusfoil ---- Mox Sapphire Hostage Taker Emrakul, the Aeons Torn Primeval Titan
3 - 2 Monastery Mentor Mulldrifter Consecrated Sphinx ---- Chandra, Flamecaller Library of Alexandria Solemn Simulacrum Vendilion Clique
3 - 3 Nahiri, the Harbinger Damnation Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver ---- Fact or Fiction Misty Rainforest Umezawa's Jitte Control Magic
3 - 4 Preordain Dragonlord Ojutai Hero of Bladehold ---- Torrential Gearhulk Jace Beleren Tropical Island Liliana of the Veil
3 - 5 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Sylvan Library Stoneforge Mystic ---- Scalding Tarn Lightning Bolt Verdant Catacombs Dragonlord Atarka
3 - 6 Wasteland Azorius Signet Mishra's Workshop ---- Sun Titan Deceiver Exarch Hymn to Tourach Survival of the Fittest
3 - 7 Gush Gifts Ungiven Baral, Chief of Compliance ---- Mana Leak Mindslaver Impulse Linvala, Keeper of Silence
3 - 8 Selesnya Signet Rishkar, Peema Renegade Woodfall Primus ---- Zealous Conscripts Young Pyromancer Inferno Titan Phantasmal Image
3 - 9 Celestial Colonnade Thirst for Knowledge Awakening Zone ---- Abrade Ajani Vengeantfoil Fatal Push Vindicate
3 - 10 Shelldock Isle Ultimate Price Declaration in Stone ---- Voice of Resurgence Archangel of Thune Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas Fyndhorn Elves
3 - 11 Mana Flare Scavenging Ooze Plateau ---- Enlightened Tutor Delver of Secrets  Flip Avacyn's Pilgrim Nekrataal
3 - 12 Seeker of the Way Vampire Nighthawk Eidolon of the Great Revel ---- Mind's Desire Land Tax Seething Song Exquisite Firecraft
3 - 13 Corpse Dance Kuldotha Forgemaster Painful Truths ---- Izzet Charm Shallow Grave Mutavault Ravages of War
3 - 14 Leovold, Emissary of Trest Searing Blaze Stomping Groundfoil ---- Avalanche Riders Angel of Serenity Force Spike Gurmag Angler
3 - 15 Reckless Bushwhacker Magus of the Moon Wildfire ---- Burning of Xinye Ancient Grudge Braids, Cabal Minion Dualcaster Mage