Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Vorinclex666 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Stromkirk Noble Angelic Overseer Curse of Stalked Prey ---- Sever the Bloodline Kessig Cagebreakers Mausoleum Guard Mentor of the Meek
1 - 2 Slayer of the Wicked Civilized Scholar  Flip Tribute to Hunger ---- Essence of the Wild Diregraf Ghoul Doomed Traveler Woodland Cemetery
1 - 3 Abattoir Ghoul Inquisitor's Flail Falkenrath Noble ---- Screeching Bat  Flip Deranged Assistant Burning Vengeance Geistcatcher's Rig
1 - 4 Sharpened Pitchfork Travel Preparations Elder Cathar ---- Think Twice Spider Spawning Festerhide Boar Ghoulraiser
1 - 5 Tormented Pariah  Flip Spare from Evil Unburial Rites ---- Cellar Door Graveyard Shovel Rebuke Intangible Virtue
1 - 6 Walking Corpse Wreath of Geists Village Ironsmith  Flip ---- Travel Preparations Armored Skaab Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Doomed Traveler
1 - 7 Avacyn's Pilgrim Feeling of Dread Mulch ---- Village Bell-Ringer Think Twice Crossway Vampire Ghoulraiser
1 - 8 Ghoulcaller's Chant Hollowhenge Scavenger Disciple of Griselbrand ---- Walking Corpse Brain Weevil Deranged Assistant Bitterheart Witch
1 - 9 Silverchase Fox Moment of Heroism Armored Skaab ---- Caravan Vigil Kessig Wolf Village Ironsmith  Flip Gruesome Deformity
1 - 10 Dead Weight Frightful Delusion Kessig Wolf ---- One-Eyed Scarecrow Lost in the Mist Somberwald Spider Curse of the Bloody Tome
1 - 11 Ghoulcaller's Bell Stitcher's Apprentice Corpse Lunge ---- Urgent Exorcism Night Revelers Woodland Sleuth Selfless Cathar
1 - 12 Shimmering Grotto Curse of Oblivion Grizzled Outcasts  Flip ---- Hysterical Blindness Feral Ridgewolf Tormented Pariah  Flip Ghostly Possession
1 - 13 Gnaw to the Bone Altar's Reap Furor of the Bitten ---- Woodland Sleuth Infernal Plunge Bloodcrazed Neonate Vampiric Fury
1 - 14 Island Night Terrors Purify the Grave ---- Mask of Avacyn Curse of Oblivion Bramblecrush Selfless Cathar
2 - 1 Invisible Stalker Sharpened Pitchfork Spider Spawning ---- Bloodgift Demon Graveyard Shovel Slayer of the Wicked Forest
2 - 2 Lumberknot Forest Purify the Grave ---- Moorland Haunt Riot Devils Mentor of the Meek Forest
2 - 3 Heretic's Punishment Abattoir Ghoul Prey Upon ---- Dead Weight Infernal Plunge Delver of Secrets  Flip Vampiric Fury
2 - 4 Prey Upon Think Twice Victim of Night ---- Lumberknot Typhoid Rats Delver of Secrets  Flip Lost in the Mist
2 - 5 Darkthicket Wolf Urgent Exorcism Isolated Chapel ---- Elder Cathar Caravan Vigil Lantern Spirit Silverchase Fox
2 - 6 Delver of Secrets  Flip Moon Heron Abattoir Ghoul ---- Clifftop Retreat Feeling of Dread Deranged Assistant Lost in the Mist
2 - 7 Deranged Assistant Chapel Geist Markov Patrician ---- Delver of Secrets  Flip Curse of the Pierced Heart Rage Thrower Lost in the Mist
2 - 8 Selhoff Occultist Witchbane Orb Silver-Inlaid Dagger ---- Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Village Ironsmith  Flip Disciple of Griselbrand Spectral Flight
2 - 9 Manor Skeleton Gnaw to the Bone Smite the Monstrous ---- Demonmail Hauberk Dissipate Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Tormented Pariah  Flip
2 - 10 Ghoulraiser Rolling Temblor Village Cannibals ---- Walking Corpse Kessig Wolf Spectral Flight Stitcher's Apprentice
2 - 11 Harvest Pyre Darkthicket Wolf Corpse Lunge ---- Full Moon's Rise Furor of the Bitten Fortress Crab Harvest Pyre
2 - 12 Harvest Pyre Ghostly Possession Traitorous Blood ---- Spare from Evil Pitchburn Devils Stromkirk Patrol Stromkirk Patrol
2 - 13 Ghost Quarter Moonmist Gnaw to the Bone ---- Woodland Sleuth Woodland Sleuth Fortress Crab Somberwald Spider
2 - 14 Brain Weevil Spidery Grasp Maw of the Mire ---- Island Naturalize Night Revelers Altar's Reap
3 - 1 Manor Skeleton Balefire Dragon Curse of the Nightly Hunt ---- Invisible Stalker Sturmgeist Kindercatch Morkrut Banshee
3 - 2 Curse of Oblivion Spectral Rider Selhoff Occultist ---- Elder of Laurels Fiend Hunter Gruesome Deformity Fiend Hunter
3 - 3 Disciple of Griselbrand Moorland Haunt Mulch ---- Moldgraf Monstrosity Brimstone Volley Curse of Oblivion Daybreak Ranger  Flip
3 - 4 Lost in the Mist Garruk Relentless  Flip Nightbird's Clutches ---- Ulvenwald Mystics  Flip Markov Patrician Paraselene Moorland Haunt
3 - 5 Stitcher's Apprentice Midnight Haunting Somberwald Spider ---- Victim of Night Ambush Viper Grave Bramble Village Ironsmith  Flip
3 - 6 Bump in the Night Elder Cathar Nightbird's Clutches ---- Mask of Avacyn Diregraf Ghoul Wooden Stake Silverchase Fox
3 - 7 One-Eyed Scarecrow Wooden Stake Spidery Grasp ---- Hinterland Harbor Night Revelers Caravan Vigil Hamlet Captain
3 - 8 Somberwald Spider Feeling of Dread Stromkirk Patrol ---- Bitterheart Witch Victim of Night Village Ironsmith  Flip Laboratory Maniac
3 - 9 Rakish Heir Doomed Traveler Ghostly Possession ---- Geistcatcher's Rig Furor of the Bitten Bump in the Night Spectral Flight
3 - 10 Ancient Grudge Abbey Griffin Stitcher's Apprentice ---- Ghoulcaller's Bell Curse of the Bloody Tome Woodland Sleuth Butcher's Cleaver
3 - 11 Markov Patrician Sensory Deprivation Spectral Flight ---- Corpse Lunge Gnaw to the Bone Ancient Grudge Ghoulcaller's Bell
3 - 12 One-Eyed Scarecrow Elder Cathar Cobbled Wings ---- Feral Ridgewolf Typhoid Rats Furor of the Bitten Tormented Pariah  Flip
3 - 13 Pitchburn Devils Night Revelers Ghoulraiser ---- Tormented Pariah  Flip Scourge of Geier Reach Unburial Rites Dream Twist
3 - 14 Curse of the Nightly Hunt Riot Devils Night Terrors ---- Pitchburn Devils Stromkirk Patrol Kessig Wolf Island