Ended 6 years ago

Player emceefall pie chart DraftBot pie chart Broufar pie chart clint_p pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- Bosh, Iron Golem ---- ---- Electrostatic Bolt Mask of Memory Gold Myr Domineer
1 - 2 ---- Duplicant ---- ---- Copper Myr Talisman of Impulse Clockwork Vorrac Hum of the Radix
1 - 3 ---- Arrest ---- ---- Tree of Tales Assert Authority Iron Myr Extraplanar Lens
1 - 4 ---- Leonin Bladetrap ---- ---- Mirror Golem Frogmite Steel Wall Skyhunter Patrol
1 - 5 ---- Neurok Spy ---- ---- Electrostatic Bolt Deconstruct Auriok Transfixer Terror
1 - 6 ---- Stalking Stones ---- ---- Slagwurm Armor Mirror Golem Scale of Chiss-Goria Regress
1 - 7 ---- Myr Prototype ---- ---- Myr Mindservant Mesmeric Orb Gold Myr Clockwork Beetle
1 - 8 ---- Irradiate ---- ---- Alpha Myr Clockwork Beetle Alpha Myr Mindstorm Crown
1 - 9 ---- Wanderguard Sentry ---- ---- Leonin Elder Leonin Elder Vorrac Battlehorns Viridian Longbow
1 - 10 ---- Disarm ---- ---- Alpha Myr Razor Barrier Predator's Strike Heartwood Shard
1 - 11 ---- Brown Ouphe ---- ---- Cloudpost Yotian Soldier Inertia Bubble Vulshok Berserker
1 - 12 ---- Vulshok Berserker ---- ---- Viridian Joiner Turn to Dust Soldier Replica Goblin Dirigible
1 - 13 ---- Tanglebloom ---- ---- Tanglebloom Raise the Alarm Vulshok Berserker Altar's Light
1 - 14 ---- Moriok Scavenger ---- ---- Vorrac Battlehorns Molten Rain Dead-Iron Sledge Tel-Jilad Stylus
2 - 1 ---- Talisman of Indulgence ---- ---- Quicksilver Elemental Auriok Steelshaper Neurok Spy Grab the Reins
2 - 2 ---- Slith Bloodletter ---- ---- Welding Jar Mindstorm Crown Iron Myr Extraplanar Lens
2 - 3 ---- Proteus Staff ---- ---- Tower of Murmurs Golem-Skin Gauntlets Leonin Scimitar Plated Slagwurm
2 - 4 ---- Talisman of Unity ---- ---- Silver Myr Altar's Light Electrostatic Bolt Vermiculos
2 - 5 ---- Wall of Blood ---- ---- Slagwurm Armor Wanderguard Sentry Slagwurm Armor Electrostatic Bolt
2 - 6 ---- Bloodscent ---- ---- Yotian Soldier Aether Spellbomb Seat of the Synod Talisman of Dominance
2 - 7 ---- Wrench Mind ---- ---- Wizard Replica Wanderguard Sentry Seat of the Synod Dross Prowler
2 - 8 ---- Tooth of Chiss-Goria ---- ---- Terror Hematite Golem Ancient Den Contaminated Bond
2 - 9 ---- Pyrite Spellbomb ---- ---- Tel-Jilad Exile Goblin War Wagon Yotian Soldier Wanderguard Sentry
2 - 10 ---- Seething Song ---- ---- Leonin Den-Guard Tree of Tales Glimmervoid Inertia Bubble
2 - 11 ---- Sphere of Purity ---- ---- Stalking Stones Regress Viridian Joiner Great Furnace
2 - 12 ---- Dross Scorpion ---- ---- Raise the Alarm Elf Replica Pewter Golem Viridian Joiner
2 - 13 ---- Vulshok Berserker ---- ---- Annul Lifespark Spellbomb Elf Replica Journey of Discovery
2 - 14 ---- Loxodon Mender ---- ---- Disarm Tempest of Light Cathodion Turn to Dust
3 - 1 ---- Loxodon Punisher ---- ---- Platinum Angel Platinum Angel Sword of Kaldra Pearl Shard
3 - 2 ---- Icy Manipulator ---- ---- Sun Droplet Talisman of Indulgence Slagwurm Armor Isochron Scepter
3 - 3 ---- Troll Ascetic ---- ---- Auriok Transfixer Fabricatefoil Iron Myr Auriok Transfixer
3 - 4 ---- Leonin Scimitar ---- ---- Iron Myr Arrest Vorrac Battlehorns Barter in Blood
3 - 5 ---- Clockwork Beetle ---- ---- Mask of Memory Detonate Ancient Den Thought Prison
3 - 6 ---- One Dozen Eyes ---- ---- Arrest Wanderguard Sentry Welding Jar Leonin Elder
3 - 7 ---- Chimney Imp ---- ---- Tooth of Chiss-Goria Seething Song Steel Wall Krark-Clan Shaman
3 - 8 ---- Assert Authority ---- ---- Goblin Dirigible Auriok Transfixer Tooth of Chiss-Goria Override
3 - 9 ---- Duskworker ---- ---- Sunbeam Spellbomb Wrench Mind Vulshok Gauntlets Lifespark Spellbomb
3 - 10 ---- Chimney Imp ---- ---- Tel-Jilad Exile Lumengrid Warden Disciple of the Vault Annul
3 - 11 ---- Rust Elemental ---- ---- Krark-Clan Shaman Viridian Joiner Tanglebloom Wanderguard Sentry
3 - 12 ---- Clockwork Condor ---- ---- Titanium Golem Turn to Dust Goblin Striker Elf Replica
3 - 13 ---- Talisman of Progress ---- ---- Tree of Tales Incite War Viridian Joiner Blinding Beam
3 - 14 ---- Raise the Alarm ---- ---- Tel-Jilad Archers Raise the Alarm Tel-Jilad Archers Wanderguard Sentry