Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Drakosis pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Boggart Ram-Gang Inkfathom Witch ---- Lockjaw Snapper River's Grasp Knollspine Invocation Presence of Gond Flourishing Defenses
1 - 2 Shield of the Oversoul Scuzzback Marauders ---- Seedcradle Witch Corrosive Mentor Farhaven Elf Glamer Spinners Biting Tether
1 - 3 Tattermunge Witch Horde of Boggarts ---- Cultbrand Cinder Rustrazor Butcher Cemetery Puca Glamer Spinners Rustrazor Butcher
1 - 4 Armored Ascension Devoted Druid ---- Dusk Urchins Blistering Dieflyn Jaws of Stone Ashenmoor Gouger Tattermunge Witch
1 - 5 Juvenile Gloomwidow Spectral Procession ---- Fire-Lit Thicket Incremental Blight Puncture Bolt Scuttlemutt Hungry Spriggan
1 - 6 Intimidator Initiate Steel of the Godhead ---- Farhaven Elf Steel of the Godhead Scuttlemutt Mistveil Plains Advice from the Fae
1 - 7 Puncture Bolt Wingrattle Scarecrow ---- Memory Sluice Juvenile Gloomwidow Gloomlance Morselhoarder Manamorphose
1 - 8 Plumeveil Thought Reflection ---- Safewright Quest Power of Fire Cragganwick Cremator Fists of the Demigod Inquisitor's Snare
1 - 9 Cerulean Wisps Put Away ---- Crimson Wisps Puncture Bolt Fists of the Demigod Wingrattle Scarecrow Foxfire Oak
1 - 10 Revelsong Horn Consign to Dream ---- Sootstoke Kindler Cinderhaze Wretch Cerulean Wisps Wanderbrine Rootcutters Splitting Headache
1 - 11 Power of Fire Nurturer Initiate ---- Cinderhaze Wretch Elsewhere Flask Ashenmoor Cohort Power of Fire Old Ghastbark
1 - 12 Elsewhere Flask Cinderhaze Wretch ---- Kithkin Shielddare Merrow Wavebreakers Rune-Cervin Rider Sickle Ripper Leechridden Swamp
1 - 13 Impromptu Raid Turn to Mist ---- Rite of Consumption Faerie Macabre Parapet Watchers Splitting Headache Inescapable Brute
1 - 14 Whimwader Traitor's Roar ---- Drowner Initiate Hungry Spriggan Resplendent Mentor Prismwake Merrow Strip Bare
2 - 1 Golgari Grave-Troll Votary of the Conclave ---- Vinelasher Kudzu Thoughtpicker Witch Devouring Light Wojek Apothecary Blockbuster
2 - 2 Birds of Paradise Smash ---- Vigor Mortis Seismic Spike Terraformer Incite Hysteria Lore Broker
2 - 3 Instill Furor Lore Broker ---- Galvanic Arc Conclave's Blessing Dogpile Seismic Spike Golgari Germination
2 - 4 Bathe in Light Dryad's Caress ---- Congregation at Dawn Seismic Spike Lightning Helix Strands of Undeath Golgari Germination
2 - 5 Gaze of the Gorgon Undercity Shade ---- Centaur Safeguard Smash Convolute Shred Memory Dimir Signet
2 - 6 Flickerform Wojek Siren ---- Roofstalker Wight Dizzy Spell Gaze of the Gorgon Golgari Brownscale Boros Recruit
2 - 7 Bloodbond March Blood Cryptfoil ---- Disembowel Reroute Peel from Reality Clinging Darkness Viashino Fangtail
2 - 8 Courier Hawk Dimir House Guard ---- Brainspoil Votary of the Conclave Dimir Signet Mausoleum Turnkey Terrarion
2 - 9 Sell-Sword Brute Lurking Informant ---- Dimir Machinations Elvish Skysweeper Brainspoil Rally the Righteous Recollect
2 - 10 Boros Garrison Drift of Phantasms ---- Tidewater Minion Perplex Golgari Rot Farm Drift of Phantasms Golgari Rot Farm
2 - 11 Pariah's Shield Necromantic Thirst ---- Golgari Brownscale Vedalken Entrancer Flash Conscription Tattered Drake Reroute
2 - 12 Wojek Siren Roofstalker Wight ---- Golgari Rotwurm Elvish Skysweeper Selesnya Signet Junktroller Dimir House Guard
2 - 13 Nightmare Void Smash ---- Sabertooth Alley Cat Voyager Staff Goblin Spelunkers Surveilling Sprite Fiery Conclusion
2 - 14 Terraformer Rolling Spoil ---- Sundering VItae Terraformer Muddle the Mixture Sabertooth Alley Cat Leashling
3 - 1 Beastmaster Ascension Archive Trap ---- Roil Elemental Oracle of Mul Daya Kazandu Refuge Bloodghast Terra Stomper
3 - 2 Tajuru Archer Goblin Bushwhacker ---- Elemental Appeal Journey to Nowhere Merfolk Wayfinder Sphinx of Jwar Isle Whiplash Trap
3 - 3 Graypelt Refuge Hellfire Mongrel ---- Vampire Nighthawk Goblin Ruinblaster Arrow Volley Trap Burst Lightning Kazandu Blademaster
3 - 4 Timbermaw Larva Windborne Charge ---- Quest for Pure Flame Disfigure Turntimber Basilisk Mindless Null Guul Draz Vampire
3 - 5 Goblin Shortcutter Guul Draz Vampire ---- Explorer's Scope Merfolk Seastalkers Windborne Charge Goblin Bushwhacker Hedron Scrabbler
3 - 6 Unstable Footing Oran-Rief Survivalist ---- Vampire's Bite Steppe Lynx Unstable Footing Living Tsunami Lethargy Trap
3 - 7 Hellfire Mongrel Zektar Shrine Expedition ---- Nimana Sell-Sword Arrow Volley Trap Scythe Tiger Teetering Peaksfoil Living Tsunami
3 - 8 Nimbus Wings Teetering Peaksfoil ---- Blazing Torch Expedition Mapfoil Mire Blight Ondu Cleric Sunspring Expedition
3 - 9 Relic Crush Tempest Owl ---- Timbermaw Larva Narrow Escape Grim Discovery Relic Crush Giant Scorpion
3 - 10 Caller of Gales Cancel ---- Soul Stair Expedition Mold Shambler Cancel Kor Skyfisher Sunspring Expedition
3 - 11 Vastwood Gorger Surrakar Marauder ---- Mindless Null Mire Blight River Boa Hedron Scrabbler Mark of Mutiny
3 - 12 Tanglesap Kraken Hatchling ---- Stonework Puma Teetering Peaksfoil Caller of Gales Makindi Shieldmate Seascape Aerialist
3 - 13 Mindless Null Goblin War Paint ---- Vastwood Gorger Kraken Hatchling Shatterskull Giant Shatterskull Giant Welkin Tern
3 - 14 Noble Vestige Demolish ---- Seismic Shudder Whiplash Trap Demolish Welkin Tern Molten Ravager