Ended 7 years ago

Player Monobluethanks pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- Stone Quarry Reckless Rage Polyraptor Legion Lieutenant Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca Woodland Stream Ravenous Chupacabra
1 - 2 ---- Tilonalli's Summoner Legion Lieutenant Impale Needletooth Raptor Skymarcher Aspirant Forerunner of the Heralds Reaver Ambush
1 - 3 ---- Merfolk Mistbinder Famished Paladin Baffling End Dead Man's Chest Waterknot Squire's Devotion Everdawn Champion
1 - 4 ---- Bombard Siren Reaver Exultant Skymarcher Path of Mettle  Flip Frilled Deathspitter Dusk Legion Zealot Mist-Cloaked Herald
1 - 5 ---- Goblin Trailblazer Martyr of Dusk Exultant Skymarcher Mist-Cloaked Herald Waterknot Mist-Cloaked Herald Oathsworn Vampire
1 - 6 ---- Moment of Triumph Deadeye Rig-Hauler Exultant Skymarcher Squire's Devotion Goblin Trailblazer Voracious Vampire Strength of the Pack
1 - 7 ---- Martyr of Dusk Induced Amnesia Arterial Flow Frilled Deathspitter Jungleborn Pioneer Giltgrove Stalker Dinosaur Hunter
1 - 8 ---- Sanguine Glorifier Squire's Devotion Jungle Creeper Stampeding Horncrest Aquatic Incursion Voracious Vampire Sanguine Glorifier
1 - 9 ---- Spire Winder Soul of the Rapids Goblin Trailblazer Soul of the Rapids Sun Sentinel Dinosaur Hunter Goblin Trailblazer
1 - 10 ---- Fanatical Firebrand River Darter Spire Winder Moment of Triumph Sun-Crested Pterodon Spire Winder Swaggering Corsair
1 - 11 ---- Fathom Fleet Boarder Shake the Foundations Overgrown Armasaur Swaggering Corsair Pirate's Pillage Gleaming Barrier Grasping Scoundrel
1 - 12 ---- Secrets of the Golden City Grasping Scoundrel Jungle Creeper Dusk Charger Hardy Veteran Vampire Revenant Dusk Charger
1 - 13 ---- Jadecraft Artisan Gleaming Barrier Snubhorn Sentry Overgrown Armasaur Cleansing Ray Snubhorn Sentry Soul of the Rapids
1 - 14 ---- Gruesome Fate Snubhorn Sentry Sworn Guardian Dark Inquiry Dusk Charger Canal Monitor Orazca Frillback
2 - 1 ---- Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Greenbelt Rampager Rishkar's Expertise Airdrop Aeronauts Merchant's Dockhand Scrap Trawler Yahenni's Expertise
2 - 2 ---- Fatal Push Daring Demolition Disallow Caught in the Brights Fatal Push Daring Demolition Call for Unity
2 - 3 ---- Aether Chaser Chandra's Revolution Trophy Mage Felidar Guardian Caught in the Brights Chandra's Revolution Vengeful Rebel
2 - 4 ---- Lifecrafter's Gift Shielded Aether Thief Druid of the Cowl Felidar Guardian Renegade Wheelsmith Caught in the Brights Shielded Aether Thief
2 - 5 ---- Aether Swooper Barricade Breaker Scrounging Bandar Servo Schematic Druid of the Cowl Lifecraft Cavalry Barricade Breaker
2 - 6 ---- Audacious Infiltrator Lifecraft Cavalry Cruel Finality Aether Chaser Shock Invigorated Rampage Sweatworks Brawler
2 - 7 ---- Prey Upon Lathnu Sailback Aerial Modification Implement of Ferocity Hidden Stockpile Mobile Garrison Mobile Garrison
2 - 8 ---- Alley Strangler Hinterland Drake Ravenous Intruder Welder Automaton Leave in the Dust Irontread Crusher Alley Evasion
2 - 9 ---- Conviction Implement of Combustion Leave in the Dust Precise Strike Embraal Gear-Smasher Conviction Aether Swooper
2 - 10 ---- Frontline Rebel Reservoir Walker Conviction Watchful Automaton Augmenting Automaton Sly Requisitioner Night Market Guard
2 - 11 ---- Implement of Improvement Foundry Assembler Metallic Rebuke Reservoir Walker Cogwork Assembler Reservoir Walker Watchful Automaton
2 - 12 ---- Aether Inspector Implement of Examination Watchful Automaton Night Market Guard Consulate Turret Aether Inspector Reservoir Walker
2 - 13 ---- Foundry Assembler Consulate Turret Implement of Examination Aether Inspector Fen Hauler Implement of Improvement Metallic Rebuke
2 - 14 ---- Prizefighter Construct Conviction Bastion Enforcer Verdant Automaton Consulate Turret Fourth Bridge Prowler Fourth Bridge Prowler
3 - 1 ---- Ruin Raider Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin  Flip Ripjaw Raptor Spires of Orazca  Flip Snapping Sailback Dowsing Dagger  Flip Seekers' Squire
3 - 2 ---- Imperial Aerosaur Glorifier of Dusk Skymarch Bloodletter Wildgrowth Walker Tempest Caller Imperial Aerosaur Storm Fleet Aerialist
3 - 3 ---- Pillar of Origins Grim Captain's Call Siren Lookout Unfriendly Fire Headwater Sentries Glorifier of Dusk Ixalan's Binding
3 - 4 ---- Watertrap Weaver Storm Fleet Spy Territorial Hammerskull Pounce Call to the Feast Grim Captain's Call Firecannon Blast
3 - 5 ---- Verdant Sun's Avatar Sleek Schooner Dire Fleet Hoarder Kopala, Warden of Waves Bishop's Soldier Storm Fleet Arsonist Skymarch Bloodletter
3 - 6 ---- Skulduggery Dire Fleet Hoarder Depths of Desire Grazing Whiptail Unfriendly Fire Ranging Raptors Skulduggery
3 - 7 ---- Deadeye Tormentor Prying Blade Firecannon Blast Ixalli's Diviner One With the Wind Grazing Whiptail Air Elemental
3 - 8 ---- Shining Aerosaur Headstrong Brute Commune with Dinosaurs Jade Guardian Pirate's Prize River Heralds' Boon Dire Fleet Interloper
3 - 9 ---- Pirate's Cutlass March of the Drowned Shaper Apprentice Duress Storm Sculptor Legion's Judgment Prosperous Pirates
3 - 10 ---- Pterodon Knight Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Sheltering Light Jungle Delver Siren's Ruse Ixalli's Diviner Opt
3 - 11 ---- Skulduggery Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Fathom Fleet Firebrand Prying Blade Raiders' Wake Emergent Growth Paladin of the Bloodstained
3 - 12 ---- Legion Conquistador Skittering Heartstopper Shining Aerosaur Run Aground Sunrise Seeker Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Gilded Sentinel
3 - 13 ---- Shining Aerosaur Rummaging Goblin Tocatli Honor Guard Ravenous Daggertooth Crushing Canopy Gilded Sentinel March of the Drowned
3 - 14 ---- Island Queen's Agent Shore Keeper Vampire's Zeal Dual Shot Depths of Desire Siren's Ruse
4 - 1 ---- Torment of Hailfire Moaning Wall Open Fire Pride Sovereign Grisly Survivor Doomfall Grind / Dust
4 - 2 ---- Magmaroth Fervent Paincaster Hashep Oasis Hour of Promise Vile Manifestation Desert of the Glorified Dauntless Aven
4 - 3 ---- Aerial Guide Puncturing Blow Eternal of Harsh Truths Rhonas's Stalwart Dunes of the Dead Unsummon River Hoopoe
4 - 4 ---- Lethal Sting Angel of the God-Pharaoh Firebrand Archer Sand Strangler Fraying Sanity Sandblast Burning-Fist Minotaur
4 - 5 ---- Torment of Venom Endless Sands Dauntless Aven Thorned Moloch Moaning Wall Torment of Venom Dauntless Aven
4 - 6 ---- Harrier Naga Desert of the True Wretched Camel Harrier Naga Lethal Sting Sidewinder Naga Khenra Scrapper
4 - 7 ---- Merciless Eternal Saving Grace Unconventional Tactics Oketra's Avenger Brambleweft Behemoth Oasis Ritualist Steadfast Sentinel
4 - 8 ---- Seer of the Last Tomorrow Desert of the True Sandblast Oketra's Last Mercy Grisly Survivor Bitterbow Sharpshooters Mummy Paramount
4 - 9 ---- Blur of Blades Aerial Guide Manalith Accursed Horde Moaning Wall Wretched Camel Bitterbow Sharpshooters
4 - 10 ---- Desert of the Indomitable Frilled Sandwalla Desert of the Glorified Oasis Ritualist Survivors' Encampment Spellweaver Eternal Act of Heroism
4 - 11 ---- Liliana's Defeat Thorned Moloch Khenra Eternal Frilled Sandwalla Crash Through Disposal Mummy Carrion Screecher
4 - 12 ---- Manalith Djeru's Renunciation Dunes of the Dead Wretched Camel God-Pharaoh's Faithful Khenra Eternal Spellweaver Eternal
4 - 13 ---- Granitic Titan Disposal Mummy Frilled Sandwalla Djeru's Renunciation Strategic Planning Abandoned Sarcophagus Grisly Survivor
4 - 14 ---- Without Weakness Granitic Titan Dutiful Servants Disposal Mummy Wretched Camel Crook of Condemnation Disposal Mummy
5 - 1 ---- Dread Wanderer Sweltering Suns Angel of Sanctions Final Reward Painful Lesson Final Reward Edifice of Authority
5 - 2 ---- Emberhorn Minotaur Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Angler Drake Gift of Paradise Sandwurm Convergence Final Reward Trial of Solidarity
5 - 3 ---- Tah-Crop Elite Sacred Cat Emberhorn Minotaur Colossapede Compelling Argument Trial of Zeal Compulsory Rest
5 - 4 ---- Bounty of the Luxa Winged Shepherd Vizier of Remedies Hooded Brawler Painted Bluffs Devoted Crop-Mate Cradle of the Accursed
5 - 5 ---- Cartouche of Zeal Naga Vitalist Unwavering Initiate Khenra Charioteer Cradle of the Accursed Crocodile of the Crossing Unwavering Initiate
5 - 6 ---- Lay Bare the Heart Vizier of Remedies Cursed Minotaur Sunscorched Desert Honed Khopesh Aven Initiate Cartouche of Ambition
5 - 7 ---- Watchful Naga Anointer Priest Oketra's Attendant Pitiless Vizier Essence Scatter Ornery Kudu In Oketra's Name
5 - 8 ---- Horror of the Broken Lands Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Woodland Stream Ornery Kudu Sunscorched Desert Nimble-Blade Khenra Cradle of the Accursed
5 - 9 ---- Cartouche of Knowledge Winged Shepherd Cartouche of Solidarity Initiate's Companion Luxa River Shrine Woodland Stream Djeru's Resolve
5 - 10 ---- Cartouche of Zeal Magma Spray Pitiless Vizier Hieroglyphic Illumination Naga Oracle Hooded Brawler Time to Reflect
5 - 11 ---- Kefnet's Monument Miasmic Mummy Limits of Solidarity Desert Cerodon Pathmaker Initiate Floodwaters Nest of Scarabs
5 - 12 ---- Dissenter's Deliverance Hyena Pack Gift of Paradise Flameblade Adept Oashra Cultivator Hekma Sentinels Reduce / Rubble
5 - 13 ---- Ancient Crab Anointer Priest Sacred Excavation Onward / Victory Tormenting Voice Zenith Seeker Haze of Pollen
5 - 14 ---- Ancient Crab Neheb, the Worthy Ancient Crab Ancient Crab Winds of Rebuke Mighty Leap Tormenting Voice
6 - 1 ---- Lingering Souls Primal Command Hellrider Damnation Vanish into Memory Sylvan Ranger Domri Rade
6 - 2 ---- Goblin Assault Entomber Exarch Master Splicer Goblin Guide Mogg Flunkies Mistmeadow Witch Desecration Demon
6 - 3 ---- Azure Mage Azure Mage Vampire Nighthawk Goblin Assault Seal of Primordium Urbis Protector Inquisition of Kozilek
6 - 4 ---- Boros Signet Dragon Fodder Mizzium Mortars Attended Knight Dynacharge Grisly Spectacle Soul Manipulation
6 - 5 ---- Bronzebeak Moa Vithian Stinger Urban Evolution Serum Visions Mortician Beetle Torrent of Souls Arachnus Web
6 - 6 ---- Eyes in the Skies Penumbra Spider Sedraxis Specter Jungle Shrine Centaur Healer Kor Skyfisher Rakdos Signet
6 - 7 ---- Boros Signet Rewind Kor Skyfisher Lone Missionary Seal of Primordium Selesnya Guildgate Attended Knight
6 - 8 ---- AEthertow Delirium Skeins Spire Monitor Auger Spree Sundering Growth Sea Gate Oracle Carnage Gladiator
6 - 9 ---- Rakdos Guildgate Mystical Teachings Gruul Guildgate Sensor Splicer Auger Spree Burning-Tree Emissary AEthertow
6 - 10 ---- Explore Mystical Teachings Crippling Chill Orzhov Guildgate Auger Spree Soul Warden Agony Warp
6 - 11 ---- Thundersong Trumpeter Talon Trooper Golgari Guildgate Momentary Blink Revive Gideon's Lawkeeper Hanweir Lancer
6 - 12 ---- Penumbra Spider Mystic Genesis Golgari Guildgate Azorius Guildgate Night Terrors Tandem Lookout Golgari Guildgate
6 - 13 ---- Boros Guildgate Lone Missionary Bone Splinters Izzet Guildgate Soul Warden Skyknight Legionnaire Youthful Knight
6 - 14 ---- Madcap Skills Ogre Jailbreaker Madcap Skills Shimmering Grotto Gnawing Zombie Kraken Hatchling Momentary Blink
7 - 1 ---- Aetherworks Marvel Aetherstorm Roc Glint-Nest Crane Syndicate Trafficker Panharmonicon Chandra, Torch of Defiance Renegade Freighter
7 - 2 ---- Iron League Steed Demolition Stomper Furious Reprisal Speedway Fanatic Start Your Engines Sky Skiff Skywhaler's Shot
7 - 3 ---- Peema Outrider Renegade Freighter Malfunction Renegade Freighter Elegant Edgecrafters Revoke Privileges Underhanded Designs
7 - 4 ---- Embraal Bruiser Bomat Courier Wispweaver Angel Welding Sparks Wily Bandar Propeller Pioneer Shrewd Negotiation
7 - 5 ---- Unlicensed Disintegration Spontaneous Artist Die Young Captured by the Consulate Prakhata Pillar-Bug Unlicensed Disintegration Cogworker's Puzzleknot
7 - 6 ---- Foundry Screecher Gearseeker Serpent Die Young Trusty Companion Built to Last Weaponcraft Enthusiast Peema Outrider
7 - 7 ---- Chandra's Pyrohelix Thriving Turtle Riparian Tiger Welding Sparks Workshop Assistant Prophetic Prism Wild Wanderer
7 - 8 ---- Dhund Operative Self-Assembler Subtle Strike Foundry Screecher Giant Spectacle Shrewd Negotiation Eddytrail Hawk
7 - 9 ---- Peema Outrider Shrewd Negotiation Ambitious Aetherborn Aviary Mechanic Dramatic Reversal Riparian Tiger Aether Theorist
7 - 10 ---- Reckless Fireweaver Lawless Broker Malfunction Live Fast Hunt the Weak Aviary Mechanic Gearseeker Serpent
7 - 11 ---- Consulate Skygate Revolutionary Rebuff Glassblower's Puzzleknot Ambitious Aetherborn Wind Drake Woodweaver's Puzzleknot Thriving Turtle
7 - 12 ---- Bastion Mastodon Gearseeker Serpent Bastion Mastodon Wayward Giant Revolutionary Rebuff Lost Legacy Larger Than Life
7 - 13 ---- Failed Inspection Live Fast Pressure Point Live Fast Take Down AEther Tradewinds Tasseled Dromedary
7 - 14 ---- Pressure Point Tasseled Dromedary Ceremonious Rejection Fortuitous Find Hightide Hermit Tezzeret's Ambition Nimble Innovator