Ended 4 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart Shasha pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart GisBoy pie chart Ilario0902 pie chart kascata606 pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Endless Ranks of the Dead Mentor of the Meek Devil's Play Heretic's Punishment Angel of Flight Alabaster Daybreak Ranger  Flip Skaab Goliath Curse of the Pierced Heart
1 - 2 Hanweir Watchkeep  Flip Mausoleum Guard Spectral Rider Invisible Stalker Abattoir Ghoul Victim of Night Ghoulcaller's Chant Parallel Lives
1 - 3 Lantern Spirit Elder Cathar Midnight Haunting Delver of Secrets  Flip Avacynian Priest Into the Maw of Hell Falkenrath Noble Stromkirk Noble
1 - 4 Battleground Geist Lumberknot Brimstone Volley Doomed Traveler Battleground Geist Caravan Vigil Night Terrors Vampiric Fury
1 - 5 Battleground Geist Caravan Vigil Thraben Sentry  Flip Boneyard Wurm Avacynian Priest Rolling Temblor Forbidden Alchemy Intangible Virtue
1 - 6 Chapel Geist Unruly Mob Geistcatcher's Rig Elder Cathar Stensia Bloodhall Villagers of Estwald  Flip Stromkirk Patrol Traitorous Blood
1 - 7 Chapel Geist Darkthicket Wolf Voiceless Spirit Dissipate Crossway Vampire Festerhide Boar Ghoulcaller's Bell Furor of the Bitten
1 - 8 Travel Preparations Villagers of Estwald  Flip Tormented Pariah  Flip Elder Cathar Spare from Evil Traveler's Amulet Ghoulcaller's Bell Sharpened Pitchfork
1 - 9 Voiceless Spirit Blazing Torch Vampire Interloper Village Bell-Ringer Mulch Woodland Sleuth Lost in the Mist Bloodcrazed Neonate
1 - 10 Hollowhenge Scavenger Ranger's Guile Markov Patrician Demonmail Hauberk Feral Ridgewolf Skirsdag Cultist Altar's Reap Riot Devils
1 - 11 Abbey Griffin Shimmering Grotto Silent Departure Walking Corpse Ashmouth Hound One-Eyed Scarecrow Altar's Reap Traitorous Blood
1 - 12 Blazing Torch Somberwald Spider Rolling Temblor Selhoff Occultist Somberwald Spider Gnaw to the Bone Corpse Lunge Tormented Pariah  Flip
1 - 13 Hysterical Blindness Somberwald Spider Moonmist Kessig Wolf Mulch Skeletal Grimace Dissipate Harvest Pyre
1 - 14 Feeling of Dread Selfless Cathar Gnaw to the Bone Skeletal Grimace Thraben Purebloods Traitorous Blood Hysterical Blindness Grasp of Phantoms
1 - 15 Spectral Flight Lost in the Mist Rotting Fensnake Furor of the Bitten Furor of the Bitten Grasp of Phantoms Infernal Plunge Ancient Grudge
2 - 1 Avacyn's Collar Deranged Outcast Requiem Angel Ray of Revelation Ray of Revelation Scorned Villager  Flip Stormbound Geist Gather the Townsfolk
2 - 2 Hollowhenge Spirit Hollowhenge Beast Geralf's Messenger Crushing Vines Shattered Perception Hellrider Farbog Boneflinger Nearheath Stalker
2 - 3 Break of Day Midnight Guard Geralf's Messenger Bar the Door Saving Grasp Fires of Undeath Stormbound Geist Wrack with Madness
2 - 4 Relentless Skaabs Scorned Villager  Flip Dungeon Geists Scorned Villager  Flip Gruesome Discovery Increasing Ambition Reap the Seagraf Warden of the Wall
2 - 5 Curse of Exhaustion Hunger of the Howlpack Diregraf Captain Scorned Villager  Flip Grim Flowering Undying Evil Gruesome Discovery Forge Devil
2 - 6 Thraben Heretic Gather the Townsfolk Young Wolf Tracker's Instincts Bar the Door Fires of Undeath Tragic Slip Erdwal Ripper
2 - 7 Niblis of the Mist Haunted Fengraf Loyal Cathar  Flip Chant of the Skifsang Loyal Cathar  Flip Faithless Looting Reap the Seagraf Stromkirk Captain
2 - 8 Counterlash Silverclaw Griffin Loyal Cathar  Flip Griptide Chosen of Markov  Flip Markov Warlord Death's Caress Forge Devil
2 - 9 Shriekgeist Grim Flowering Tracker's Instincts Divination Thought Scour Fires of Undeath Tragic Slip Faithless Looting
2 - 10 Haunted Fengraf Wolfhunter's Quiver Griptide Tower Geist Chant of the Skifsang Deadly Allure Nephalia Seakite Forge Devil
2 - 11 Chant of the Skifsang Burden of Guilt Silverclaw Griffin Silverclaw Griffin Burning Oil Secrets of the Dead Headless Skaab Heckling Fiends
2 - 12 Tracker's Instincts Hunger of the Howlpack Nephalia Seakite Highborn Ghoul Griptide Chant of the Skifsang Screeching Skaab Scorch the Fields
2 - 13 Niblis of the Mist Midnight Guard Black Cat Spiteful Shadows Saving Grasp Clinging Mists Crushing Vines Russet Wolves
2 - 14 Spiteful Shadows Shriekgeist Shattered Perception Bone to Ash Faithless Looting Favor of the Woods Secrets of the Dead Nephalia Seakite
2 - 15 Fling Talons of Falkenrath Russet Wolves Favor of the Woods Saving Grasp Talons of Falkenrath Shriekgeist Fling
3 - 1 Call To Serve Angel of Glory's Rise Avacyn, Angel of Hope Narstad Scrapper Stolen Goods Druid's Familiar Amass the Components Tyrant of Discord
3 - 2 Druid's Familiar Blessings of Nature Blood Artist Malicious Intent Riders of Gavony Vessel of Endless Rest Alchemist's Apprentice Dangerous Wager
3 - 3 Emancipation Angel Moonlight Geist Arcane Melee Narstad Scrapper Voice of the Provinces Howlgeist Stern Mentor Restoration Angel
3 - 4 Voice of the Provinces Goldnight Commander Spectral Gateguards Scroll of Griselbrand Triumph of Ferocity Thunderous Wrath Maalfeld Twins Havengul Vampire
3 - 5 Cloudshift Angelic Armaments Wild Defiance Narstad Scrapper Mist Raven Necrobite Rotcrown Ghoul Pillar of Flame
3 - 6 Call To Serve Moorland Inquisitor Scroll of Griselbrand Malicious Intent Vigilante Justice Pathbreaker Wurm Ghostly Flicker Scalding Devil
3 - 7 Devout Chaplain Seraph of Dawn Butcher Ghoul Mist Raven Polluted Dead Thunderbolt Mental Agony Vanishment
3 - 8 Moorland Inquisitor Wandering Wolf Pathbreaker Wurm Scroll of Griselbrand Undead Executioner Nightshade Peddler Crippling Chill Pillar of Flame
3 - 9 Midnight Duelist Timberland Guide Demonic Taskmaster Dangerous Wager Gryff Vanguard Bone Splinters Galvanic Alchemist Fervent Cathar
3 - 10 Leap of Faith Joint Assault Geist Trappers Spectral Prison Gryff Vanguard Joint Assault Peel from Reality Moorland Inquisitor
3 - 11 Farbog Explorer Nightshade Peddler Triumph of Ferocity Joint Assault Nettle Swine Geist Trappers Scrapskin Drake Galvanic Alchemist
3 - 12 Cloudshift Devout Chaplain Banners Raised Predator's Gambit Grave Exchange Homicidal Seclusion Banishing Stroke Raging Poltergeist
3 - 13 Vigilante Justice Defang Nettle Swine Necrobite Necrobite Driver of the Dead Renegade Demon Elgaud Shieldmate
3 - 14 Moorland Inquisitor Geist Snatch Ghoulflesh Ghostly Flicker Abundant Growth Cloudshift Predator's Gambit Spectral Gateguards
3 - 15 Diregraf Escort Timberland Guide Wingcrafter Rain of Thorns Renegade Demon Bower Passage Second Guess Moonlight Geist