RNA / GRN / M19 / DOM / A25 / XLN / HOU / RIX

Ended 5 years ago

Player sean1248 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- High Alert Smothering Tide Concordia Pegasus Junktroller Stomping Groundfoil Gruul Guildgate Concordia Pegasus
1 - 2 ---- Rakdos Guildgate Smelt-Ward Ignus Hallowed Fountainfoil Ill-Gotten Inheritance Precognitive Perception Rakdos Guildgate Gift of Strength
1 - 3 ---- Azorius Guildgate Essence Capture Simic Guildgate Gift of Strength Lawmage's Binding Thought Collapse Sharktocrab
1 - 4 ---- Syndicate Messenger Gates Ablaze Macabre Mockery Ministrant of Obligation Forbidding Spirit Ill-Gotten Inheritance Imperious Oligarch
1 - 5 ---- Knight of the Last Breath Footlight Fiend Sky Tether Scorchmark Gate Colossus Gates Ablaze Drill Bit
1 - 6 ---- Footlight Fiend Act of Treason Undercity's Embrace Syndicate Messenger Sauroform Hybrid Burning-Tree Vandal Tin Street Dodger
1 - 7 ---- Rampaging Rendhorn Imperious Oligarch Bring to Trial Rakdos Guildgate Senate Courier Bring to Trial Grasping Thrull
1 - 8 ---- Civic Stalwart Titanic Brawl Arrester's Admonition Slimebind Code of Constraint Rally to Battle Junktroller
1 - 9 ---- Territorial Boar Dagger Caster Sentinel's Mark Haazda Officer Senate Griffin Quench Rampage of the Clans
1 - 10 ---- Ghor-Clan Wrecker Gateway Plaza Carrion Imp Rubblebelt Runner Storm Strike Steeple Creeper Stony Strength
1 - 11 ---- Civic Stalwart Dead Revels Noxious Groodion Territorial Boar Sphinx's Insight Enraged Ceratok Vizkopa Vampire
1 - 12 ---- Consign to the Pit Gravel-Hide Goblin Consign to the Pit Shimmer of Possibility Gravel-Hide Goblin Carrion Imp Simic Locket
1 - 13 ---- Spikewheel Acrobat Wrecking Beast Rakdos Trumpeter Persistent Petitioners Arrester's Zeal Gateway Plaza Simic Locket
1 - 14 ---- Watchful Giant Rakdos Trumpeter Gruul Locket Debtors' Transport Orzhov Locket Sagittars' Volley Gruul Locket
1 - 15 ---- Coral Commando Humongulus Deface Spikewheel Acrobat Prying Eyes Justiciar's Portal Rafter Demon
2 - 1 ---- Steam Ventsfoil Hitchclaw Recluse Siege Wurm Quasiduplicate Siege Wurm Selesnya Guildgate Dead Weight
2 - 2 ---- Wee Dragonauts Flight of Equenauts Righteous Blow Conclave Tribunal Might of the Masses Vraska, Golgari Queen Child of Night
2 - 3 ---- Grappling Sundew Swiftblade Vindicator Maniacal Rage Roc Charger Maniacal Rage Whispering Snitch Maniacal Rage
2 - 4 ---- Take Heart Direct Current Swathcutter Giant Sworn Companions Ironshell Beetle Sworn Companions Ledev Champion
2 - 5 ---- Rhizome Lurcher Inescapable Blaze Assassin's Trophy Take Heart Flight of Equenauts Worldsoul Colossus Mission Briefing
2 - 6 ---- Passwall Adept Truefire Captain Legion Guildmage Passwall Adept Underrealm Lich Unexplained Disappearance Nightveil Predator
2 - 7 ---- Fire Urchin Severed Strands Passwall Adept Intrusive Packbeast Unexplained Disappearance Pitiless Gorgon Whisper Agent
2 - 8 ---- Portcullis Vine Dimir Informant Vedalken Mesmerist Vigorspore Wurm Passwall Adept Blade Instructor Passwall Adept
2 - 9 ---- Gravitic Punch Douser of Lights Portcullis Vine Artful Takedown Hammer Dropper Chemister's Insight Sumala Woodshaper
2 - 10 ---- Pack's Favor Dazzling Lights Artful Takedown Devious Cover-Up Command the Storm Maximize Altitude Pitiless Gorgon
2 - 11 ---- Undercity Uprising Gateway Plaza Hunted Witness Erstwhile Trooper District Guide Wall of Mist Urban Utopia
2 - 12 ---- Kraul Foragers Boros Locket Kraul Foragers Wary Okapi Dazzling Lights Boros Locket Ochran Assassin
2 - 13 ---- Beacon Bolt Garrison Sergeant Creeping Chill Wall of Mist Gateway Plaza Izzet Locket Command the Storm
2 - 14 ---- Barging Sergeant Radical Idea Devkarin Dissident Enhanced Surveillance Izzet Locket Selesnya Locket Blade Instructor
2 - 15 ---- Wild Ceratok Maximize Velocity Golgari Locket Garrison Sergeant Vicious Rumors Maximize Velocity Wall of Mist
3 - 1 ---- Manalith Switcheroo Ajani's Pridemate Meandering River Skymarch Bloodletter Dragon Egg Rabid Bite
3 - 2 ---- Daggerback Basilisk Tectonic Rift Lightning Strike Oreskos Swiftclaw Oakenform Explosive Apparatus Omenspeaker
3 - 3 ---- Ghostform Ghirapur Guide Gargoyle Sentinel Reliquary Tower Oakenform Doomed Dissenter Gift of Paradise
3 - 4 ---- Foul Orchard Inspired Charge Act of Treason Colossal Dreadmaw Centaur Courser Sparktongue Dragon Vivien's Invocation
3 - 5 ---- Leonin Vanguard Essence Scatter Inspired Charge Smelt Titanic Growth Field Creeper Thornhide Wolves
3 - 6 ---- Essence Scatter Explosive Apparatus Aviation Pioneer Macabre Waltz Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip Take Vengeance Tormenting Voice
3 - 7 ---- Smelt Infernal Scarring Lava Axe Titanic Growth Star-Crowned Stag Hieromancer's Cage Sparktongue Dragon
3 - 8 ---- Rustwing Falcon Knight's Pledge Valiant Knight Act of Treason Leonin Warleader Knight's Pledge Havoc Devils
3 - 9 ---- Fountain of Renewal Star-Crowned Stag Elvish Reguvenator Skeleton Archer Vampire Sovereign Trumpet Blast Militia Bugler
3 - 10 ---- Epicure of Blood Angel of the Dawn Goblin Motivator Daybreak Chaplain Star-Crowned Stag Elvish Reguvenator Knight's Pledge
3 - 11 ---- Druid of Horns Sparktongue Dragon Aether Tunnel Vampire Neonate Greenwood Sentinel Invoke the Divine Daybreak Chaplain
3 - 12 ---- Elvish Rejuvenator Vampire Neonate Gearsmith Guardian Rustwing Falcon Abnormal Endurance Hired Blade Marauder's Axe
3 - 13 ---- Goblin Instigator Sovereign's Bite Salvager of Secrets Aerial Engineer Bristling Boar Vampire Neonate Disperse
3 - 14 ---- Trusty Packbeast Loxodon Line Breaker Bristling Boar Trusty Packbeast Fiery Finish Uncomortable Chill Cancel
3 - 15 ---- Thud Cancel Plummet Uncomfortable Chill Rot Snare Gearsmith Prodigy Bogstomper
4 - 1 ---- The Eldest Reborn Fall of the Thran Goblin Warchief Josu Vess, Lich Knight Tragic Poet Eviscerate Seal Away
4 - 2 ---- Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage Cast Down Evra, Halcyon Witness On Serra's Wings Jaya Ballard Haphazard Bombardment Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage
4 - 3 ---- Yavimaya Sapherd Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive Jhoira's Familiar Untamed Kavu Baird, Steward of Argive Skittering Surveyor Isolated Chapel
4 - 4 ---- Academy Drake Board the Weatherlight Academy Drake Warcry Phoenix Baloth Gorger Valduk, Keeper of the Flame Vicious Offering
4 - 5 ---- Clifftop Retreat Jousting Lance Sanctum Spirit Fungal Infection Shivan Fire Tiana, Ship's Caretaker Warcry Phoenix
4 - 6 ---- Fire Elemental Cloudreader Sphinx Stronghold Confessor Thallid Omnivore Weight of Memory Memorial to Genius Grow from the Ashes
4 - 7 ---- Blink of an Eye Aven Sentry Blessed Light Invoke the Divine Shield of the Realm Mesa Unicorn Blessed Light
4 - 8 ---- Sorcerer's Wand D'Avenant Trapper Deathbloom Thallid Deep Freeze Ancient Animus Sergeant-at-Arms Ancient Animus
4 - 9 ---- Short Sword Unwind Ancient Animus Run Amok Arcane Flight Dub Keldon Overseer
4 - 10 ---- Ghitu Chronicler Arbor Armament Sergeant-at-Arms Radiating Lightning Windgrace Acolyte Arcane Flight Gift of Growth
4 - 11 ---- Arbor Armament Ghitu Journeymage Thallid Omnivore Charge Run Amok Adventurous Impulse Pardic Wanderer
4 - 12 ---- Ghitu Journeymage Feral Abomination Short Sword Navigator's Compass Bloodtallow Candle Dark Bargain Llanowar Envoy
4 - 13 ---- Feral Abomination Cold-Water Snapper Ghitu Chronicler Powerstone Shard Divest Navigator's Compass Dark Bargain
4 - 14 ---- Corrosive Ooze Bloodstone Goblin Primordial Wurm Corrosive Ooze Bloodstone Goblin Drudge Sentinel Primordial Wurm
4 - 15 ---- Drudge Sentinel Rat Colony Demonic Vigor Rampaging Cyclops Fervent Strike Seismic Shift Seismic Shift
5 - 1 ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Skeletonize Bident of Thassa Crimson Mage Ire Shaman Dragon's Eye Savants Savannah Lions
5 - 2 ---- Pact of Negation Skeletonize Grenzo, Dungeon Warden Jalira, Master Polymorphist Perilous Myr Hordeling Outburst Dragon's Eye Savants
5 - 3 ---- Act of Heroism Bloodhunter Bat Cinder Storm Colossal Dreadmaw Spikeshot Goblin Ravenous Chupacabra Savannah Lions
5 - 4 ---- Brainstorm Brainstorm Ancient Craving Frenzied Goblin Act of Heroism Ire Shaman Primal Clay
5 - 5 ---- Hordeling Outburst Savannah Lions Crimson Mage Relentless Rats Ambassador Oak Assembly-Worker Primal Clay
5 - 6 ---- Arbor Elf Ruthless Ripper Assembly-Worker Fencing Ace Ancient Craving Baloth Null Act of Treason
5 - 7 ---- Renewed Faith Pillage Bloodhunter Bat Fencing Ace Brine Elemental Arbor Elf Summoner's Pact
5 - 8 ---- Bloodhunter Bat Fencing Ace Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Ainok Survivalist Ainok Survivalist Dragon's Eye Savants Act of Treason
5 - 9 ---- Jackal Pup Frenzied Goblin Loyal Sentry Bloodhunter Bat Ghost Ship Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Frenzied Goblin
5 - 10 ---- Renewed Faith Assembly-Worker Ainok Survivalist Disenchant Ainok Survivalist Loyal Sentry Jackal Pup
5 - 11 ---- Ravenous Chupacabra Court Hussar Court Hussar Loyal Sentry Dusk Legion Zealot Ambassador Oak Disenchant
5 - 12 ---- Assembly-Worker Balduvian Horde Imperial Recruiter Accumulated Knowledge Arcane Denial Ainok Survivalist Ghost Ship
5 - 13 ---- Accumulated Knowledge Balduvian Horde Pillage Accumulated Knowledge Accumulated Knowledge Arcane Denial Mesmeric Fiend
5 - 14 ---- Sai of the Shinobi Pillage Freed from the Real Jackal Pup Utopia Sprawl Pillage Arcane Denial
5 - 15 ---- Plummet Plummet Ash Barrens Accumulated Knowledge Plummet Plummet Plummet
6 - 1 ---- Captivating Crew Dire Fleet Ravager Captain Lannery Storm Verdant Sun's Avatar Deadeye Plunderers Entrancing Melody Glorifier of Dusk
6 - 2 ---- Bright Reprisal Sky Terror Unfriendly Fire Thundering Spineback Otepec Huntmaster Sleek Schooner Lookout's Dispersal
6 - 3 ---- Sheltering Light Lurking Chupacabra Unclaimed Territory Sleek Schooner Chart a Course Firecannon Blast Rigging Runner
6 - 4 ---- Spike-Tailed Ceratops Grazing Whiptail Thrash of Raptors Paladin of the Bloodstained Watertrap Weaver Adanto Vanguard Ixalli's Diviner
6 - 5 ---- Bishop's Soldier Tishana's Wayfinder Vineshaper Mystic Nest Robber Bishop's Soldier Pounce Frenzied Raptor
6 - 6 ---- Vicious Conquistador Spike-Tailed Ceratops Pious Interdiction Pounce Revel in Riches Skymarch Bloodletter Sorcerous Spyglass
6 - 7 ---- Storm Fleet Pyromancer Bishop's Soldier Siren Lookout Tilonalli's Knight Queen's Bay Soldier Tishana's Wayfinder Spike-Tailed Ceratops
6 - 8 ---- River Heralds' Boon Shining Aerosaur Duskborne Skymarcher Dire Fleet Hoarder Dire Fleet Interloper Pirate's Cutlass Pterodon Knight
6 - 9 ---- Headstrong Brute Sun-Crowned Hunters Fathom Fleet Firebrand River Heralds' Boon Fathom Fleet Firebrand Dusk Legion Dreadnought Commune with Dinosaurs
6 - 10 ---- Hierophant's Chalice Sheltering Light Queen's Commission Deadeye Tormentor One With the Wind Sunrise Seeker Rile
6 - 11 ---- Skulduggery Kinjalli's Caller Pirate's Prize Kinjalli's Caller New Horizons Shipwreck Looter Legion Conquistador
6 - 12 ---- Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Commune with Dinosaurs Skulduggery Pterodon Knight Prosperous Pirates Fire Shrine Keeper Sure Strike
6 - 13 ---- Spreading Rot Jungle Delver Skittering Heartstopper March of the Drowned Wind Strider Hijack Gilded Sentinel
6 - 14 ---- Costly Plunder Blight Keeper Queen's Agent Emergent Growth Legion Conquistador Rile Cancel
6 - 15 ---- Dual Shot Gilded Sentinel Demolish Hierophant's Chalice Pirate's Prize Commune with Dinosaurs Blight Keeper
7 - 1 ---- Neheb, the Eternal Dreamstealer Banewhip Punisher Nimble Obstructionist Open Fire Open Fire River Hoopoe
7 - 2 ---- Ramunap Ruins Farm / Market Ifnir Deadlands Crook of Condemnation Ominous Sphinx Struggle / Survive Firebrand Archer
7 - 3 ---- Manalith Fervent Paincaster Merciless Eternal Consign / Oblivion Unconventional Tactics Tenacious Hunter Ambuscade
7 - 4 ---- Oketra's Avenger Puncturing Blow Djeru, With Eyes Open Puncturing Blow Desert of the Indomitable Lethal Sting Sinuous Striker
7 - 5 ---- Unquenchable Thirst Ruin Rat Desert of the Indomitable Doomfall Vizier of the True Torment of Venom Tragic Lesson
7 - 6 ---- Rampaging Hippo Oketra's Avenger Desert of the Glorified Unquenchable Thirst Desert of the Fervent Oketra's Avenger Desert of the Indomitable
7 - 7 ---- Rampaging Hippo Khenra Scrapper Unsummon Desert of the Glorified Mummy Paramount Manalith Endless Sands
7 - 8 ---- Seer of the Last Tomorrow Firebrand Archer Shefet Dunes Sandblast Frontline Devastator Disposal Mummy Bitterbow Sharpshooters
7 - 9 ---- Harrier Naga Aerial Guide Desert of the Mindful Desert of the Mindful Feral Prowler Consign / Oblivion Blur of Blades
7 - 10 ---- Sidewinder Naga Rampaging Hippo Striped Riverwinder Firebrand Archer Steadfast Sentinel Disposal Mummy Frilled Sandwalla
7 - 11 ---- Saving Grace Desert of the Indomitable Manalith Strategic Planning Graven Abomination Solitary Camel Proven Combatant
7 - 12 ---- Wretched Camel Rampaging Hippo Saving Grace Harrier Naga Aven of Enduring Hope Djeru's Renunciation Countervailing Winds
7 - 13 ---- Kindled Fury Aven Reedstalker Dunes of the Dead Traveler's Amulet Kindled Fury Aven of Enduring Hope Solitary Camel
7 - 14 ---- Solemnity Countervailing Winds Seer of the Last Tomorrow Beneath the Sands Granitic Titan Cunning Survivor Disposal Mummy
7 - 15 ---- God-Pharaoh's Faithful Desert of the True Steadfast Sentinel Scrounger of Souls Life Goes On Crash Through Dutiful Servants
8 - 1 ---- Warkite Marauder The Immortal Sun Forerunner of the Heralds Needletooth Raptor Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca Twilight Prophet Reckless Rage
8 - 2 ---- Impale Forerunner of the Coalition Forerunner of the Empire Path of Mettle  Flip Forerunner of the Legion Impale Curious Obsession
8 - 3 ---- Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Waterknot World Shaper Charging Tuskodon Forerunner of the Coalition Dusk Legion Zealot Moment of Craving
8 - 4 ---- Mausoleum Harpy Dusk Legion Zealot Exultant Skymarcher Forerunner of the Empire Waterknot Kitesail Corsair Admiral's Order
8 - 5 ---- Mutiny Relentless Raptor Martyr of Dusk Waterknot Frilled Deathspitter See Red Oathsworn Vampire
8 - 6 ---- Voracious Vampire Forerunner of the Coalition Cherished Hatchling Dusk Legion Zealot Arterial Flow Strength of the Pack Jungleborn Pioneer
8 - 7 ---- Buccaneer's Bravado Frilled Deathspitter Soul of the Rapids Luminous Bonds Knight of the Stampede Dinosaur Hunter Moment of Triumph
8 - 8 ---- Fanatical Firebrand Knight of the Stampede Sun Sentinel Squire's Devotion Moment of Triumph Jungle Creeper Fathom Fleet Boarder
8 - 9 ---- Sun Sentinel Sanguine Glorifier Swaggering Corsair Frilled Deathspitter Sun-Collared Raptor Sanguine Glorifier Stampeding Horncrest
8 - 10 ---- Sun-Collared Raptor Buccaneer's Bravado Jadecraft Artisan Voracious Vampire Secrets of the Golden City Deadeye Rig-Hauler Sun Sentinel
8 - 11 ---- Tilonalli's Crown Fanatical Firebrand Dusk Charger Dinosaur Hunter Hardy Veteran Sun Sentinel Sun-Collared Raptor
8 - 12 ---- Jadecraft Artisan Sun Sentinel Overgrown Armasaur Knight of the Stampede River Darter Tilonalli's Crown Grasping Scoundrel
8 - 13 ---- Blazing Hope Grasping Scoundrel Cleansing Ray Vampire Revenant Dusk Charger Hardy Veteran Jadecraft Artisan
8 - 14 ---- Orazca Frillback Orazca Raptor Gruesome Fate Swaggering Corsair Gruesome Fate Snubhorn Sentry River Darter
8 - 15 ---- Sea Legs Gruesome Fate Sea Legs Sea Legs Dark Inquiry Dark Inquiry Brass's Bounty