Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart IllinINeb02 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Daredevil Dragster Sram, Senior Edificer Fatal Push Maulfist Revolutionary ---- Herald of Anguish Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Heroic Intervention
1 - 2 Tezzeret's Touch Airdrop Aeronauts Gifted Aetherborn Sram, Senior Edificer ---- Midnight Entourage Scrounging Bandar Daredevil Dragster
1 - 3 Aether Poisoner Servo Schematic Baral, Chief of Compliance Daredevil Dragster ---- Daredevil Dragster Daredevil Dragster Aetherstream Leopard
1 - 4 Hidden Herbalists Ornithopter Servo Schematic Caught in the Brights ---- Lifecrafter's Gift Daring Demolition Deadeye Harpooner
1 - 5 Shock Aerial Modification Ice Over Mobile Garrison ---- Druid of the Cowl Dawnfeather Eagle Merchant's Dockhand
1 - 6 Renegade Map Caught in the Brights Countless Gears Renegade Ravenous Intruder ---- Aether Chaser Peema Aether-Seer Mobile Garrison
1 - 7 Ironclad Revolutionary Aether Poisoner Druid of the Cowl Irontread Crusher ---- Ghirapur Osprey Unbridled Growth Implement of Ferocity
1 - 8 Ghirapur Osprey Whir of Invention Mobile Garrison Irontread Crusher ---- Implement of Malice Alley Strangler Irontread Crusher
1 - 9 Aether Herder Alley Strangler Implement of Examination Audacious Infiltrator ---- Implement of Combustion Destructive Tampering Fen Hauler
1 - 10 Augmenting Automaton Bastion Inventor Verdant Automaton Leave in the Dust ---- Ghirapur Osprey Decommission Natural Obsolescence
1 - 11 Implement of Improvement Foundry Assembler Night Market Aeronaut Fen Hauler ---- Implement of Malice Silkweaver Elite Crackdown Construct
1 - 12 Implement of Improvement Consulate Turret Embraal Gear-Smasher Embraal Gear-Smasher ---- Foundry Assembler Fen Hauler Alley Strangler
1 - 13 Night Market Guard Renegade's Getaway Fourth Bridge Prowler Natural Obsolescence ---- Destructive Tampering Implement of Improvement Augmenting Automaton
1 - 14 Embraal Gear-Smasher Consulate Turret Lathnu Sailback Lathnu Sailback ---- Resourceful Return Renegade's Getaway Wrangle
2 - 1 Quicksmith Spy Maverick Thopterist Walking Ballista Chandra's Revolution ---- Spire of Industry Chandra's Revolution Baral, Chief of Compliance
2 - 2 Aid from the Cowl Maulfist Revolutionary Enraged Giant Call for Unity ---- Consulate Crackdown Felidar Guardian Scrounging Bandar
2 - 3 Caught in the Brights Renegade Map Maverick Thopterist Druid of the Cowl ---- Scrounging Bandar Druid of the Cowl Rogue Refiner
2 - 4 Trophy Mage Dawnfeather Eagle Aeronaut Admiral Siege Modification ---- Enraged Giant Sweatworks Brawler Prey Upon
2 - 5 Unbridled Growth Lifecrafter's Gift Foundry Hornet Aether Chaser ---- Unbridled Growth Siege Modification Lifecraft Cavalry
2 - 6 Implement of Ferocity Hidden Herbalists Restoration Specialist Sweatworks Brawler ---- Implement of Ferocity Hidden Stockpile Welder Automaton
2 - 7 Cogwork Assembler Hidden Stockpile Gremlin Infestation Aerial Modification ---- Mobile Garrison Hinterland Drake Audacious Infiltrator
2 - 8 Implement of Ferocity Silkweaver Elite Defiant Salvager Ironclad Revolutionary ---- Ice Over Ice Over Irontread Crusher
2 - 9 Alley Strangler Night Market Aeronaut Ghirapur Osprey Indomitable Creativity ---- Frontline Rebel Metallic Rebuke Welder Automaton
2 - 10 Silkweaver Elite Implement of Malice Foundry Assembler Implement of Combustion ---- Natural Obsolescence Irontread Crusher Implement of Examination
2 - 11 Embraal Gear-Smasher Aether Inspector Decommission Night Market Guard ---- Highspire Infusion Conviction Frontline Rebel
2 - 12 Reservoir Walker Shipwreck Moray Gonti's Machinations Alley Evasion ---- Gonti's Machinations Aether Inspector Alley Evasion
2 - 13 Fourth Bridge Prowler Bastion Enforcer Reservoir Walker Augmenting Automaton ---- Universal Solvent Renegade's Getaway Resourceful Return
2 - 14 Aegis Automaton Consulate Turret Wrangle Aether Inspector ---- Bastion Enforcer Take into Custody Take into Custody
3 - 1 Rashmi, Eternities Crafter Cultivator of Blades Metalwork Colossus Cultivator of Blades ---- Bristling Hydra Saheeli's Artistry Animation Module
3 - 2 Welding Sparks Foundry Inspector Weaponcraft Enthusiast Peema Outrider ---- Wispweaver Angel Glint-Nest Crane Revoke Privileges
3 - 3 Gearshift Ace Peema Outrider Ovalchase Dragster Tidy Conclusion ---- Gearshift Ace Ovalchase Daredevil Propeller Pioneer
3 - 4 Era of Innovation Fabrication Module Malfunction Aethertorch Renegade ---- Underhanded Designs Sky Skiff Veteran Motorist
3 - 5 Narnam Cobra Foundry Screecher Servo Exhibition Contraband Kingpin ---- Maulfist Doorbuster Decoction Module Veteran Motorist
3 - 6 Subtle Strike Thriving Ibex Aradara Express Eager Construct ---- Chandra's Pyrohelix Dhund Operative Kujar Seedsculptor
3 - 7 Attune with Aether Ghirapur Guide Inventor's Goggles Spontaneous Artist ---- Self-Assembler Thriving Ibex Malfunction
3 - 8 Gearseeker Serpent Inventor's Goggles Reckless Fireweaver Appetite for the Unnatural ---- Spireside Infiltrator Ghirapur Guide Salivating Gremlins
3 - 9 Spireside Infiltrator Narnam Cobra Appetite for the Unnatural Aradara Express ---- Lawless Broker Ambitious Aetherborn Prakhata Pillar-Bug
3 - 10 Spireside Infiltrator Fragmentize Eager Construct Fortuitous Find ---- Consulate Skygate Workshop Assistant Select for Inspection
3 - 11 Metalspinner's Puzzleknot Select for Inspection Built to Smash Ghirapur Guide ---- Highspire Artisan Built to Last Disappearing Act
3 - 12 Wayward Giant Workshop Assistant Rush of Vitality Fortuitous Find ---- Pressure Point Hijack Fireforger's Puzzleknot
3 - 13 Torch Gauntlet Demolish Wayward Giant Start Your Engines ---- Wayward Giant Cowl Prowler Cowl Prowler
3 - 14 Giant Spectacle Giant Spectacle Failed Inspection Dramatic Reversal ---- Wily Bandar Ruinous Gremlin Terror of the Fairgrounds