Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Haroldholmes pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Watchwolf Circu, Dimir Lobotomist Grave-Shell Scarab Devouring Light Hunted Dragon Glimpse the Unthinkable ---- Seeds of Strength
1 - 2 Scatter the Seeds Bloodbond March Spectral Searchlight Clutch of the Undercity Glare of Subdual Moroii ---- Lightning Helix
1 - 3 Perplex Svogthos, the Restless Tomb Selesnya Sanctuary Disembowel Wojek Embermage Vigor Mortis ---- Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi
1 - 4 Viashino Fangtail Clinging Darkness Searing Meditation Flight of Fancy Dimir Guildmage Dimir Infiltrator ---- Dimir Signet
1 - 5 Instill Furor Divebomber Griffin Golgari Germination Conclave Equenaut Elves of Deep Shadow Bramble Elemental ---- Seed Spark
1 - 6 Barbarian Riftcutter Infectious Host Dowsing Shaman Roofstalker Wight Glass Golem Strands of Undeath ---- Perplex
1 - 7 Boros Fury-Shield Votary of the Conclave Incite Hysteria Strands of Undeath Dogpile Shred Memory ---- Boros Fury-Shield
1 - 8 Woodwraith Strangler Selesnya Sanctuary Conclave Equenaut Terrarion Infectious Host Elvish Skysweeper ---- Incite Hysteria
1 - 9 Grayscaled Gharial Lurking Informant Dryad's Caress Rally the Righteous Conclave Equenaut Golgari Brownscale ---- Veteran Armorer
1 - 10 Torpid Moloch Conclave's Blessing Transluminant Convolute Roofstalker Wight Boros Signet ---- Dryad's Caress
1 - 11 Surge of Zeal Viashino Slasher Dimir Aqueduct Dromad Purebred Dimir Aqueduct Surveilling Sprite ---- Mortipede
1 - 12 Quickchange Caregiver Zephyr Spirit Smash Goblin Spelunkers Shred Memory ---- Indentured Oaf
1 - 13 War-Torch Goblin Shred Memory Leave No Trace Gate Hound Viashino Slasher Quickchange ---- Benevolent Ancestor
1 - 14 Terraformer Smash Barbarian Riftcutter Drake Familiar Voyager Staff Leashling ---- Drake Familiar
2 - 1 Orzhova, the Church of Deals Shattering Spree Revenant Patriarch Sword of the Paruns Droning Bureaucrats Cremate ---- Primeval Light
2 - 2 Predatory Focus Crystal Seer Pillory of the Sleepless Exhumer Thrull Crystal Seer Cremate ---- Crystal Seer
2 - 3 Mourning Thrull Silhana Starfletcher Savage Twister Angel of Despair Souls of the Faultless Cerebral Vortex ---- Storm Herd
2 - 4 Order of the Stars Guardian's Magemark Rabble-Rouser Leyline of the Void Droning Bureaucrats Witch-Maw Nephilim ---- Orzhov Signet
2 - 5 Orzhov Euthanist To Arms! Wildsize Lionheart Maverick Mourning Thrull Wildsize ---- Izzet Signet
2 - 6 Train of Thought Skyrider Trainee Train of Thought Shrieking Grotesque Izzet Guildmage Train of Thought ---- Orzhov Signet
2 - 7 Scab-Clan Mauler Ghost Warden Gruul Signet Blind Hunter Wee Dragonauts Wee Dragonauts ---- Battering Wurm
2 - 8 Scab-Clan Mauler Lionheart Maverick Gruul Signet Caustic Rain Scab-Clan Mauler Cry of Contrition ---- Pillory of the Sleepless
2 - 9 Schismotivate Castigate Leyline of Singularity Infiltrator's Magemark Fencer's Magemark Lionheart Maverick ---- Castigate
2 - 10 Torch Drake Infiltrator's Magemark Runeboggle Infiltrator's Magemark Ghost Warden Petrahydrox ---- Ghor-Clan Savage
2 - 11 Leap of Flame Pyromatics Streetbreaker Wurm Burning-Tree Bloodscale Train of Thought Stratozeppelid ---- Ghor-Clan Savage
2 - 12 Douse in Gloom Leyline of Singularity Torch Drake Leap of Flame Torch Drake Wee Dragonauts ---- Frazzle
2 - 13 Leap of Flame Steamcore Weird Gruul Turf Leap of Flame Izzet Boilerworks Fencer's Magemark ---- Tin Street Hooligan
2 - 14 Benediction of Moons Hypervolt Grasp Gigadrowse Gruul Nodorog Izzet Chronarch Izzet Chronarch ---- Izzet Chronarch
3 - 1 Shielding Plax Azorius Guildmage Vesper Ghoul Weight of Spires Research / Development Isperia the Inscrutable ---- Odds / Ends
3 - 2 Paladin of Prahv Assault Zeppelid Stoic Ephemera Haazda Shield Mate Gnat Alley Creeper Assault Zeppelid ---- Bond of Agony
3 - 3 Blood Cryptfoil Rakdos Ickspitter Riot Spikes Azorius Herald Shielding Plax Guardian of the Guildpact ---- Might of the Nephilim
3 - 4 Seal of Fire Assault Zeppelid Trial / Error Plaxmanta Psychic Possession Azorius First-Wing ---- Pure / Simple
3 - 5 Street Savvy Riot Spikes Simic Guildmage Vigean Intuition Demon's Jester Rakdos Ickspitter ---- Ogre Gatecrasher
3 - 6 Writ of Passage Vesper Ghoul Plaxcaster Frogling Utopia Sprawl Psychotic Fury Rakdos Carnarium ---- Rise / Fall
3 - 7 Simic Signet Slaughterhouse Bouncer Ogre Gatecrasher Wrecking Ball Overrule Writ of Passage ---- Sporeback Troll
3 - 8 Enemy of the Guildpact Ocular Halo Wrecking Ball Writ of Passage Utopia Sprawl Vision Skeins ---- Vision Skeins
3 - 9 Demonfire Azorius First-Wing Rakdos Carnarium Valor Made Real Azorius Signet Rakdos Carnarium ---- Ogre Gatecrasher
3 - 10 Overrule Nettling Curse Overrule Vision Skeins Azorius Chancery Trygon Predator ---- Rakdos Signet
3 - 11 Valor Made Real Aurora Eidolon Rakdos Ickspitter Kill-Suit Cultist Blessing of the Nephilim Kill-Suit Cultist ---- Aquastrand Spider
3 - 12 Macabre Waltz Simic Signet Freewind Equenaut Flaring Flame-Kin Simic Growth Chamber Jagged Poppet ---- Macabre Waltz
3 - 13 Aquastrand Spider Flame-Kin War Scout Skullmead Cauldron Simic Growth Chamber Delirium Skeins Delirium Skeins ---- Supply / Demand
3 - 14 Sandstorm Eidolon Helium Squirter Enigma Eidolon Sandstorm Eidolon Delirium Skeins Enigma Eidolon ---- Utvara Scalper