Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart OrangeKid pie chart DraftBot pie chart noah5900 pie chart Pelf pie chart DraftBot pie chart Azdire pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Radiant Destiny ---- Baffling End ---- ---- Ravenous Chupacabra ---- Ravenous Chupacabra
1 - 2 Impale ---- Reaver Ambush ---- ---- Profane Procession  Flip ---- Siren Reaver
1 - 3 Dire Fleet Neckbreaker ---- Charging Tuskodon ---- ---- Charging Tuskodon ---- Profane Procession  Flip
1 - 4 Form of the Dinosaur ---- Forerunner of the Legion ---- ---- Forerunner of the Empire ---- Wayward Swordtooth
1 - 5 Daring Buccaneer ---- Jungleborn Pioneer ---- ---- Waterknot ---- Famished Paladin
1 - 6 Voracious Vampire ---- Voracious Vampire ---- ---- Luminous Bonds ---- Sanguine Glorifier
1 - 7 Crashing Tide ---- Frilled Deathspitter ---- ---- Admiral's Order ---- Enter the Unknown
1 - 8 Crashing Tide ---- Release to the Wind ---- ---- Thunderherd Migration ---- Cherished Hatchling
1 - 9 Fanatical Firebrand ---- Blood Sun ---- ---- Dinosaur Hunter ---- Storm Fleet Sprinter
1 - 10 Mist-Cloaked Herald ---- Knight of the Stampede ---- ---- Sun Sentinel ---- Grasping Scoundrel
1 - 11 Secrets of the Golden City ---- Grasping Scoundrel ---- ---- Gleaming Barrier ---- Flood of Recollection
1 - 12 Gruesome Fate ---- Buccaneer's Bravado ---- ---- River Darter ---- Soul of the Rapids
1 - 13 Cleansing Ray ---- Brazen Freebooter ---- ---- Sun-Crested Pterodon ---- Cleansing Ray
1 - 14 Orazca Relic ---- Sworn Guardian ---- ---- Sworn Guardian ---- River Darter
2 - 1 Foul Orchard ---- Angrath's Ambusher ---- ---- Ravenous Chupacabra ---- Reaver Ambush
2 - 2 Baffling End ---- Silverclad Ferocidons ---- ---- Charging Tuskodon ---- Warkite Marauder
2 - 3 Slaughter the Strong ---- Paladin of Atonement ---- ---- Everdawn Champion ---- Tomb Robber
2 - 4 Baffling End ---- Timestream Navigator ---- ---- Reaver Ambush ---- Luminous Bonds
2 - 5 Needletooth Raptor ---- Waterknot ---- ---- Martyr of Dusk ---- Impale
2 - 6 Storm Fleet Swashbuckler ---- Famished Paladin ---- ---- Forerunner of the Coalition ---- Dusk Legion Zealot
2 - 7 Sanguine Glorifier ---- Waterknot ---- ---- Curious Obsession ---- Kitesail Corsair
2 - 8 Knight of the Stampede ---- Frilled Deathspitter ---- ---- Mist-Cloaked Herald ---- Arterial Flow
2 - 9 Famished Paladin ---- Expel from Orazca ---- ---- Squire's Devotion ---- Soul of the Rapids
2 - 10 Mist-Cloaked Herald ---- Expel from Orazca ---- ---- Stampeding Horncrest ---- Stampeding Horncrest
2 - 11 Sanguine Glorifier ---- Moment of Triumph ---- ---- Swaggering Corsair ---- Pirate's Pillage
2 - 12 Fathom Fleet Boarder ---- Soul of the Rapids ---- ---- Orazca Relic ---- Crashing Tide
2 - 13 Deadeye Rig-Hauler ---- Orazca Frillback ---- ---- Fanatical Firebrand ---- Overgrown Armasaur
2 - 14 Cleansing Ray ---- Secrets of the Golden City ---- ---- Sworn Guardian ---- Fanatical Firebrand
3 - 1 Steadfast Armasaur ---- Vance's Blasting Cannons  Flip ---- ---- Burning Sun's Avatar ---- Bloodcrazed Paladin
3 - 2 Call to the Feast ---- Ruthless Knave ---- ---- Ixalan's Binding ---- Dreamcaller Siren
3 - 3 Firecannon Blast ---- Firecannon Blast ---- ---- Kinjalli's Sunwing ---- Watertrap Weaver
3 - 4 Pillar of Origins ---- Sun-Crowned Hunters ---- ---- Storm Fleet Spy ---- Vanquish the Weak
3 - 5 Pounce ---- Siren Lookout ---- ---- Grazing Whiptail ---- Marauding Looter
3 - 6 Dire Fleet Hoarder ---- Nest Robber ---- ---- Deeproot Champion ---- Heartless Pillage
3 - 7 Tishana's Wayfinder ---- Fiery Cannonade ---- ---- Ravenous Daggertooth ---- Shipwreck Looter
3 - 8 Ravenous Daggertooth ---- Commune with Dinosaurs ---- ---- Bellowing Aegisaur ---- Pounce
3 - 9 Siren Lookout ---- Depths of Desire ---- ---- Jungle Delver ---- Navigator's Ruin
3 - 10 Cobbled Wings ---- Headwater Sentries ---- ---- Tilonalli's Knight ---- Fathom Fleet Cutthroat
3 - 11 Crash the Ramparts ---- Sleek Schooner ---- ---- Wily Goblin ---- Prosperous Pirates
3 - 12 Shipwreck Looter ---- Elaborate Firecannon ---- ---- Opt ---- Chart a Course
3 - 13 Ancient Brontodon ---- Headstrong Brute ---- ---- Verdant Rebirth ---- Prying Blade
3 - 14 Trove of Temptation ---- Gilded Sentinel ---- ---- Rile ---- Dire Fleet Interloper