Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart jm_o pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Golgari Guildmage Dimir Doppelganger ---- Vulturous Zombie Remand Last Gasp Circu, Dimir Lobotomist Cerulean Sphinx
1 - 2 Remand Vigor Mortis ---- Last Gasp Pollenbright Wings Darkblast Remand Putrefy
1 - 3 Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion Selesnya Evangel ---- Shambling Shell Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi Goliath Spider Nightguard Patrol Razia's Purification
1 - 4 Golgari Rot Farm Civic Wayfinder ---- Seeds of Strength Nightmare Void Selesnya Sagittars Keening Banshee Frenzied Goblin
1 - 5 Perplex Netherborn Phalanx ---- Dimir Signet Boros Recruit Flight of Fancy Golgari Brownscale Disembowel
1 - 6 Shambling Shell Courier Hawk ---- Gaze of the Gorgon Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi Cloudstone Curio Perplex Netherborn Phalanx
1 - 7 Dimir Infiltrator Siege Wurm ---- Benevolent Ancestor Golgari Brownscale Dimir House Guard Strands of Undeath Golgari Brownscale
1 - 8 Netherborn Phalanx Fiery Conclusion ---- Muddle the Mixture Stone-Seeder Hierophant Stoneshaker Shaman Clinging Darkness Dimir House Guard
1 - 9 Veteran Armorer Seismic Spike ---- Perplex Snapping Drake Lurking Informant Muddle the Mixture Terrarion
1 - 10 Tattered Drake Wojek Siren ---- Lurking Informant Infectious Host Vedalken Entrancer Golgari Germination Seismic Spike
1 - 11 Convolute Blockbuster ---- Dromad Purebred Sabertooth Alley Cat Bramble Elemental Thoughtpicker Witch Seismic Spike
1 - 12 Necromantic Thirst Dryad's Caress ---- Perilous Forays Convolute Induce Paranoia Screeching Griffin Woodwraith Strangler
1 - 13 Quickchange Drake Familiar ---- Terraformer Roofstalker Wight Tattered Drake Duskmantle, House of Shadow Dogpile
1 - 14 Viashino Slasher Blood Funnel ---- Mortipede Dizzy Spell Greater Mossdog Vedalken Dismisser Surge of Zeal
2 - 1 Temple Gardenfoil Firemane Angel ---- Glare of Subdual Watchwolf Last Gasp Dimir Cutpurse Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion
2 - 2 Scatter the Seeds Glimpse the Unthinkable ---- Dimir Signet Razia's Purification Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion Vigor Mortis Clutch of the Undercity
2 - 3 Trophy Hunter Compulsive Research ---- Gaze of the Gorgon Vigor Mortis Mausoleum Turnkey Selesnya Signet Golgari Brownscale
2 - 4 Gaze of the Gorgon Vigor Mortis ---- Brainspoil Civic Wayfinder Gaze of the Gorgon Dimir Machinations Mark of Eviction
2 - 5 Scion of the Wild Auratouched Mage ---- Shambling Shell Frenzied Goblin Snapping Drake Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi Selesnya Sanctuary
2 - 6 Golgari Signet Golgari Signet ---- Ribbons of Night Thundersong Trumpeter Consult the Necrosages Courier Hawk Seeds of Strength
2 - 7 Courier Hawk Boros Fury-Shield ---- Perilous Forays Selesnya Signet Root-Kin Ally Boros Fury-Shield Grifter's Blade
2 - 8 Dimir Aqueduct Perplex ---- Stone-Seeder Hierophant Fiery Conclusion Snapping Drake Strands of Undeath Sparkmage Apprentice
2 - 9 Infectious Host Ivy Dancer ---- Bramble Elemental Vedalken Entrancer Surveilling Sprite Greater Forgeling Clinging Darkness
2 - 10 Elvish Skysweeper Votary of the Conclave ---- Greater Mossdog Wojek Siren Convolute Drift of Phantasms Peel from Reality
2 - 11 Wojek Siren Wizened Snitches ---- Sabertooth Alley Cat Screeching Griffin War-Torch Goblin Convolute Dryad's Caress
2 - 12 Dryad's Caress Sadistic Augermage ---- Vedalken Dismisser Convolute Sadistic Augermage Goblin Spelunkers Incite Hysteria
2 - 13 Tidewater Minion Tidewater Minion ---- Leave No Trace Caregiver Rain of Embers Greater Mossdog Smash
2 - 14 Surge of Zeal Ordruun Commando ---- Viashino Slasher Goblin Fire Fiend Dryad's Caress Shred Memory Vedalken Dismisser
3 - 1 Followed Footsteps Goliath Spider ---- Crown of Convergence Helldozer Empty the Catacombs Szadek, Lord of Secrets Circu, Dimir Lobotomist
3 - 2 Twisted Justice Twisted Justice ---- Recollect Carrion Howler Carrion Howler Twisted Justice Halcyon Glaze
3 - 3 Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion Shambling Shell ---- Primordial Sage Pariah's Shield Dimir Signet Centaur Safeguard Seeds of Strength
3 - 4 Selesnya Sagittars Consult the Necrosages ---- Halcyon Glaze Last Gasp Svogthos, the Restless Tomb Brainspoil Viashino Fangtail
3 - 5 Flame-Kin Zealot Golgari Signet ---- Dimir Aqueduct Nightguard Patrol Selesnya Evangel Golgari Signet Svogthos, the Restless Tomb
3 - 6 Infectious Host Peel from Reality ---- Scatter the Seeds Bramble Elemental Stinkweed Imp Nightguard Patrol Strands of Undeath
3 - 7 Thundersong Trumpeter Elves of Deep Shadow ---- Dimir Infiltrator Civic Wayfinder Sabertooth Alley Cat Fists of Ironwood Boros Recruit
3 - 8 Infectious Host Woodwraith Strangler ---- Junktroller Drooling Groodion Transluminant Dogpile Seismic Spike
3 - 9 Reroute Wojek Embermage ---- Voyager Staff Woodwraith Strangler Muddle the Mixture Convolute Ordruun Commando
3 - 10 Dryad's Caress Drift of Phantasms ---- Sewerdreg Woodwraith Strangler Drift of Phantasms Surveilling Sprite Dryad's Caress
3 - 11 Stasis Cell Leave No Trace ---- Elvish Skysweeper Torpid Moloch Elvish Skysweeper Convolute Bramble Elemental
3 - 12 Roofstalker Wight Barbarian Riftcutter ---- Necromantic Thirst Tattered Drake Viashino Slasher Dogpile Conclave's Blessing
3 - 13 Surge of Zeal Elvish Skysweeper ---- Terraformer Rain of Embers Shred Memory Shred Memory Coalhauler Swine
3 - 14 Surge of Zeal Shred Memory ---- Shred Memory Goblin Fire Fiend Shred Memory Dizzy Spell Zephyr Spirit