Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Shiva45 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Silverclad Ferocidons Highland Lake ---- Woodland Stream Woodland Stream Etali, Primal Storm Timestream Navigator Luminous Bonds
1 - 2 Admiral's Order Impale ---- Silverclad Ferocidons Azor's Gateway  Flip Dire Fleet Daredevil Bombard Sadistic Skymarcher
1 - 3 Luminous Bonds Mausoleum Harpy ---- Deadeye Brawler Swift Warden Deadeye Brawler Impale Charging Tuskodon
1 - 4 Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Forerunner of the Coalition ---- Luminous Bonds Thrashing Brontodon Frilled Deathspitter Squire's Devotion Raging Regisaur
1 - 5 Dusk Legion Zealot Exultant Skymarcher ---- Cherished Hatchling Famished Paladin Mist-Cloaked Herald Mist-Cloaked Herald Voracious Vampire
1 - 6 Dinosaur Hunter Pride of Conquerors ---- Daring Buccaneer Cacophodon Kitesail Corsair Sanguine Glorifier Mutiny
1 - 7 Strength of the Pack Aquatic Incursion ---- Thunderherd Migration Dusk Legion Zealot Sanguine Glorifier Pride of Conquerors Deadeye Rig-Hauler
1 - 8 Buccaneer's Bravado Fanatical Firebrand ---- Squire's Devotion Giltgrove Stalker Jungleborn Pioneer Knight of the Stampede Pirate's Pillage
1 - 9 Deadeye Rig-Hauler Jadecraft Artisan ---- Jadecraft Artisan Frilled Deathspitter Deadeye Rig-Hauler Dinosaur Hunter Spire Winder
1 - 10 Sun-Collared Raptor Crashing Tide ---- Pitiless Plunderer Hardy Veteran Mutiny Crashing Tide Fathom Fleet Boarder
1 - 11 Jadecraft Artisan Hardy Veteran ---- Jade Bearer Brazen Freebooter Brazen Freebooter Stampeding Horncrest Sun Sentinel
1 - 12 Brazen Freebooter Brazen Freebooter ---- Grasping Scoundrel Orazca Frillback Gleaming Barrier Gleaming Barrier Sun Sentinel
1 - 13 Sun-Collared Raptor Gleaming Barrier ---- Jade Bearer Overgrown Armasaur Overgrown Armasaur Swab Goblin Dusk Charger
1 - 14 Dark Inquiry Overgrown Armasaur ---- Overgrown Armasaur Gleaming Barrier Dark Inquiry Awakened Amalgam Dark Inquiry
2 - 1 Etali, Primal Storm Dire Fleet Daredevil ---- Temple Altisaur Vona's Hunger Golden Guardian  Flip Temple Altisaur Tomb of the Dusk Rose
2 - 2 Bombard Hadana's Climb  Flip ---- Bombard Relentless Raptor Forerunner of the Heralds Reckless Rage Luminous Bonds
2 - 3 Dire Fleet Neckbreaker Riverwise Augur ---- Frilled Deathspitter Luminous Bonds Luminous Bonds Everdawn Champion Sadistic Skymarcher
2 - 4 Thunderherd Migration Needletooth Raptor ---- Swift Warden Forerunner of the Coalition Waterknot Luminous Bonds Famished Paladin
2 - 5 Luminous Bonds Buccaneer's Bravado ---- Kitesail Corsair Oathsworn Vampire Thrashing Brontodon Thunderherd Migration Dinosaur Hunter
2 - 6 Fathom Fleet Boarder Majestic Heliopterus ---- Exultant Skymarcher Majestic Heliopterus Stampeding Horncrest Giltgrove Stalker Dusk Legion Zealot
2 - 7 Dusk Legion Zealot Exultant Skymarcher ---- Kitesail Corsair Jadecraft Artisan Knight of the Stampede Enter the Unknown Soul of the Rapids
2 - 8 Jungleborn Pioneer Frilled Deathspitter ---- Snubhorn Sentry Tilonalli's Crown Vraska's Conquistador Spire Winder Moment of Triumph
2 - 9 Strength of the Pack Squire's Devotion ---- Grasping Scoundrel Soul of the Rapids Pitiless Plunderer Fanatical Firebrand Goblin Trailblazer
2 - 10 Moment of Triumph Orazca Raptor ---- Sun-Collared Raptor Sun-Crested Pterodon Sun-Collared Raptor Secrets of the Golden City Deadeye Rig-Hauler
2 - 11 Gruesome Fate Orazca Frillback ---- Hornswoggle Swaggering Corsair Orazca Frillback Buccaneer's Bravado Sanguine Glorifier
2 - 12 Overgrown Armasaur Grasping Scoundrel ---- Grasping Scoundrel Overgrown Armasaur Grasping Scoundrel Brazen Freebooter Sea Legs
2 - 13 Jade Bearer Orazca Frillback ---- Gruesome Fate Dusk Charger Orazca Frillback Sworn Guardian Sworn Guardian
2 - 14 Canal Monitor Hardy Veteran ---- Orazca Relic Dark Inquiry Canal Monitor Canal Monitor Cleansing Ray
3 - 1 Radiant Destiny Merfolk Mistbinder ---- Champion of Dusk Stone Quarry Temple Altisaur Journey to Eternity  Flip Protean Raider
3 - 2 Raging Regisaur Riverwise Augur ---- Silverclad Ferocidons Bombard Slaughter the Strong Sadistic Skymarcher Luminous Bonds
3 - 3 Relentless Raptor Waterknot ---- Gold-Forge Garrison  Flip Needletooth Raptor Luminous Bonds Baffling End Deadeye Brawler
3 - 4 Swift Warden Martyr of Dusk ---- Cacophodon Relentless Raptor Forerunner of the Legion Forerunner of the Coalition Jungleborn Pioneer
3 - 5 Arterial Flow Jungleborn Pioneer ---- Dire Fleet Neckbreaker Dinosaur Hunter Forerunner of the Coalition Forerunner of the Coalition Majestic Heliopterus
3 - 6 Kitesail Corsair Vampire Revenant ---- Squire's Devotion Dusk Legion Zealot Fathom Fleet Boarder Exultant Skymarcher Squire's Devotion
3 - 7 Deadeye Rig-Hauler Storm Fleet Sprinter ---- Goblin Trailblazer Pirate's Pillage Sanguine Glorifier Sun Sentinel Squire's Devotion
3 - 8 Frilled Deathspitter Knight of the Stampede ---- Sun Sentinel Giltgrove Stalker Buccaneer's Bravado Pirate's Pillage Sun-Collared Raptor
3 - 9 Sun-Crested Pterodon Goblin Trailblazer ---- Jungleborn Pioneer Tilonalli's Crown Sanguine Glorifier Fanatical Firebrand Knight of the Stampede
3 - 10 Fanatical Firebrand Hardy Veteran ---- Buccaneer's Bravado Deadeye Rig-Hauler Jade Bearer Sun Sentinel Shake the Foundations
3 - 11 Swaggering Corsair Sun-Collared Raptor ---- Moment of Triumph Vampire Revenant Vampire Revenant Snubhorn Sentry Sun-Collared Raptor
3 - 12 Orazca Relic Grasping Scoundrel ---- Orazca Frillback Sanguine Glorifier Spire Winder Swaggering Corsair Dusk Charger
3 - 13 Cleansing Ray Swab Goblin ---- Snubhorn Sentry Dusk Charger Deadeye Rig-Hauler Snubhorn Sentry Orazca Frillback
3 - 14 Swab Goblin Canal Monitor ---- Hardy Veteran Dusk Charger Cleansing Ray Tilonalli's Crown Cleansing Ray