elijah 2017 cube update

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart bigclick900 pie chart DraftBot pie chart baxter_ pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Arlinn Kord  Flip Coalition Relic Glorybringer ---- Scattered Groves ---- Tidings Archangel Avacyn  Flip
1 - 2 Sorin, Grim Nemesis Mana Leak Grave Titan ---- Counterspell ---- Control Magic Dig Through Time
1 - 3 Chainer's Edict Cultivator's Caravan Exhumefoil ---- Nissa, Steward of Elements ---- Whirler Rogue Devoted Druid
1 - 4 Woodland Wanderer Lotus Cobra Impulse ---- Stoneforge Mystic ---- Verdurous Gearhulk Ponder
1 - 5 Frost Titan Greenwarden of Murasa Wretched Confluence ---- Angelic Destiny ---- Upheaval Elvish Mystic
1 - 6 Craterhoof Behemoth Living Deathfoil Fetid Pools ---- Opposition ---- Scab-Clan Berserker Hornet Queen
1 - 7 Sun Titan Thundermaw Hellkite Vivid Creek ---- Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker ---- Blood Cryptfoil Oracle of Mul Daya
1 - 8 Boon Satyr Toxic Deluge Victim of Night ---- Hallowed Fountainfoil ---- Joraga Treespeaker Anguished Unmaking
1 - 9 Temple Gardenfoil Polukranos, World Eater Thirst for Knowledge ---- Gideon's Lawkeeper ---- Gilt-Leaf Winnower Hallowed Fountainfoil
1 - 10 Overgrown Tombfoil Burst Lightning Stormbreath Dragon ---- Banisher Priest ---- Harsh Mentor Mirran Crusader
1 - 11 Bonfire of the Damned Nekrataal Sacred Foundryfoil ---- Daring Skyjek ---- Wolfir Silverheart Shriekmaw
1 - 12 Grafted Wargear Exquisite Firecraft Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip ---- Accorder Paladin ---- Zurgo Bellstriker Engineered Explosives
1 - 13 Beast Within Faith's Fetters Ash Zealot ---- Stomping Groundfoil ---- Figure of Destiny Bituminous Blast
1 - 14 Vivid Crag Flickerwisp Temple Gardenfoil ---- Terramorphic Expanse ---- Isolated Chapel Search for Tomorrow
1 - 15 Krosan Grip Mogis's Warhound Jackal Pup ---- Sin Collector ---- Honor of the Pure Shrine of Burning Rage
2 - 1 Solemn Simulacrum Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh Cryptic Command *list* ---- Treachery ---- Skullclamp Umezawa's Jitte
2 - 2 Thran Dynamo Oblivion Ring Hour of Devastation ---- Thought-Knot Seer ---- Tamiyo, the Moon Sage Combat Celebrant
2 - 3 Decree of Pain Griselbrand Worn Powerstone ---- Brainstorm ---- Sword of Light and Shadow Geist-Honored Monk
2 - 4 Ancestral Vision Venser, Shaper Savant Merfolk Looter ---- Thoughtseize ---- Syncopate Woodland Bellower
2 - 5 Rampaging Baloths Deathrite Shaman Geist of Saint Traft ---- Bloodgift Demon ---- Precinct Captain Glory-Bound Initiate
2 - 6 Advent of the Wurm Secure the Wastes Orim's Thunder ---- Kodama's Reach ---- Sylvan Caryatid AEtherling
2 - 7 Desecration Demon Martial Coup Woodfall Primus ---- Banishing Light ---- Miscalculation Dragon Whisperer
2 - 8 Chain Lightning Priest of Titania Baneslayer Angel ---- Spellskite ---- Into the Roil Jilt
2 - 9 Chameleon Colossus Unburial Rites Arbor Elf ---- Hymn to Tourach ---- Nevinyrral's Disk Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
2 - 10 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Sheltered Thicket Jace, Architect of Thought ---- Lodestone Golem ---- Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip Exclude
2 - 11 Rancor Xenagos, the Reveler Pack Rat ---- Bloodbraid Elf ---- Staggershock Breeding Poolfoil
2 - 12 Spectral Procession Breeding Poolfoil Shambling Vent ---- Sulfur Falls ---- Psionic Blast Deranged Hermit
2 - 13 Rakdos's Return Cunning Sparkmage Skinrender ---- Ajani, Caller of the Pride ---- Elves of Deep Shadow Prophetic Bolt
2 - 14 Treetop Village Silverblade Paladin Reveillark ---- Righteous Confluence ---- Caves of Koilos Reclamation Sage
2 - 15 Siege-Gang Commander Trygon Predator Thalia, Guardian of Thraben ---- Searing Blaze ---- Lifebane Zombie Gore-House Chainwalker
3 - 1 Ahn-Crop Crasher Noxious Gearhulk Jace, the Mind Sculptor ---- Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip ---- Fact or Fiction Vizier of Many Faces
3 - 2 Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip Batterskull Sword of Fire and Ice ---- Adorned Pouncer ---- Doom Blade Nahiri, the Harbinger
3 - 3 Vedalken Shackles Sword of Body and Mind Ancient Tomb ---- Regal Caracal ---- Sword of Feast and Famine Silumgar Sorcerer
3 - 4 Heart of Kiran Watery Gravefoil Jace Beleren ---- Reanimate ---- Elspeth, Sun's Champion Steam Ventsfoil
3 - 5 Young Pyromancer Stingerfling Spider Marsh Flats ---- Shrine of Loyal Legions ---- Everflowing Chalice Sphinx of Lost Truths
3 - 6 Brimaz, King of Oreskos Ruinous Path Venser, the Sojournerfoil ---- Strip Mine ---- Scalding Tarn Austere Command
3 - 7 Pia and Kiran Nalaar Cultivate Prismatic Lens ---- Thrun, the Last Troll ---- Reality Smasher Go for the Throat
3 - 8 Sakura-Tribe Elder Inferno Titan Vraska the Unseen ---- Magister of Worth ---- Courser of Kruphix Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
3 - 9 Eternal Witness Garruk, Primal Hunter Wooded Foothills ---- Wall of Roots ---- Fauna Shaman Farseek
3 - 10 Condescend Man-o'-War Day of Judgment ---- Ultimate Price ---- Blinkmoth Nexus Wall of Omens
3 - 11 Flamewake Phoenix Sphinx's Revelation Domri Rade ---- Birthing Pod ---- Strangleroot Geist Edric, Spymaster of Trest
3 - 12 Cloudgoat Ranger Profane Command Bone Shredder ---- Mirari's Wake ---- Terminus Herald of Torment
3 - 13 Dromoka's Command Rakdos Cackler Firebolt ---- Chandra's Phoenix ---- Rift Bolt Stromkirk Noble
3 - 14 Falkenrath Aristocrat Vivid Meadow Boros Charmfoil ---- Stormblood Berserker ---- Student of Warfare Porcelain Legionnaire
3 - 15 Temple of Triumph Mishra's Factory Wildfire ---- Avalanche Riders ---- Glorious Anthem Greater Gargadon