Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart dragonsama pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Timely Hordemate ---- Chief of the Edge Hordeling Outburst Temur Charm Abzan Battle Priest Mardu Roughrider Rattleclaw Mystic
1 - 2 Arc Lightning ---- Mardu Charm Ruthless Ripper Temur Charm Monastery Swiftspear Monastery Swiftspear Ghostfire Blade
1 - 3 Roar of Challenge ---- Take Up Arms Become Immense Become Immense Seeker of the Way Horde Ambusher Kheru Lich Lord
1 - 4 Seeker of the Way ---- Sandsteppe Citadel Thousand Winds Sandsteppe Citadel Utter End Polluted Delta Jeskai Windscout
1 - 5 Mardu Skullhunter ---- Sultai Soothsayer Treasure Cruise Sultai Soothsayer Smite the Monstrous Savage Punch Savage Punch
1 - 6 Treasure Cruise ---- Ponyback Brigade Woolly Loxodon Mardu Hateblade Mardu Warshrieker Snowhorn Rider Jeskai Windscout
1 - 7 Disowned Ancestor ---- Bloodfell Caves Throttle Jungle Hollow Highland Game Arrow Storm Force Away
1 - 8 Bring Low ---- Hooting Mandrills Swiftwater Cliffs Ride Down Jeskai Student Bloodfire Expert Tranquil Cove
1 - 9 Dragonscale Boon ---- Ponyback Brigade Efreet Weaponmaster Mardu Hateblade Smite the Monstrous Force Away Dragonscale Boon
1 - 10 Unyielding Krumar ---- Trumpet Blast Crippling Chill Swiftwater Cliffs Jungle Hollow Crippling Chill Highland Game
1 - 11 Awaken the Bear ---- Siegecraft Scaldkin Thornwood Falls Bloodfell Caves Sagu Archer Singing Bell Strike
1 - 12 Rotting Mastodon ---- Erase Scout the Borders Summit Prowler Kin-Tree Warden Molting Snakeskin Kin-Tree Warden
1 - 13 Rite of the Serpent ---- Embodiment of Spring Set Adrift Sage-Eye Harrier Weave Fate Rite of the Serpent Tormenting Voice
1 - 14 Rakshasa's Secret ---- Cancel Weave Fate Weave Fate Summit Prowler Firehoof Cavalry Firehoof Cavalry
2 - 1 Battlefront Krushok ---- Wandering Champion Ojutai, Soul of Winter Dragonscale General Mardu Shadowspear Dragonrage Sibsig Muckdraggers
2 - 2 Hungering Yeti ---- Bathe in Dragonfire Sandblast Noxious Dragon Mardu Strike Leader Rite of Undoing Ruthless Instincts
2 - 3 Battle Brawler ---- Honor's Reward Bathe in Dragonfire Mardu Scout Monastery Siege Shamanic Revelation Elite Scaleguard
2 - 4 Abzan Beastmaster ---- Rally the Ancestors Sultai Emissary Wild Slash Polluted Delta Monastery Siege Arashin War Beast
2 - 5 Humble Defector ---- Break Through the Line Sandsteppe Outcast Merciless Executioner Hunt the Weak Crucible of the Spirit Dragon Reach of Shadows
2 - 6 Whisperer of the Wilds ---- Lightning Shrieker Dragon Bell Monk Jeskai Barricade Arashin Cleric Map the Wastes Refocus
2 - 7 Fruit of the First Tree ---- Sultai Emissary Sandsteppe Outcast Grim Contest Frontier Mastodon Return to the Earth Jeskai Sage
2 - 8 Formless Nurturing ---- Dragon Bell Monk Formless Nurturing Douse in Gloom Douse in Gloom Frontier Mastodon Aven Surveyor
2 - 9 Feral Krushok ---- Typhoid Rats Lotus-Eye Mystics Sibsig Host Hungering Yeti Aven Skirmisher Jeskai Runemark
2 - 10 Aven Surveyor ---- Mardu Runemark Arashin Cleric Feral Krushok Ancestral Vengeance Write into Being Return to the Earth
2 - 11 Return to the Earth ---- Fierce Invocation Ethereal Ambush Write into Being Harsh Sustenance Ambush Krotiq Gurmag Angler
2 - 12 Ancestral Vengeance ---- Sultai Runemark Thornwood Falls Arashin Cleric Pressure Point Arashin Cleric Map the Wastes
2 - 13 Enhanced Awareness ---- Jeskai Runemark Enhanced Awareness Defiant Ogre Scoured Barrens Write into Being Wind-Scarred Crag
2 - 14 Tranquil Cove ---- Rugged Highlands Tasigur's Cruelty Collateral Damage Tranquil Cove Collateral Damage Ambush Krotiq
2 - 15 Ambush Krotiq ---- Great-Horn Krushok Defiant Ogre Tasigur's Cruelty Tasigur's Cruelty Smoldering Efreet Ambush Krotiq
3 - 1 Savage Ventmaw ---- Spidersilk Net Ire Shaman Pristine Skywise Kolaghan's Command Sunscorch Regent Dragonlord Silumgar
3 - 2 Shambling Goblin ---- Sarkhan Unbroken Stormwing Dragon Pacifism Shambling Goblin Orator of Ojutai Shieldhide Dragon
3 - 3 Flatten ---- Forest Dragonloft Idol Ire Shaman Dragon Fodder Cunning Breezedancer Dromoka Monument
3 - 4 Sandcrafter Mage ---- Twin Bolt Echoes of the Kin Tree Anticipate Lightning Beserker Salt Road Quartermasters Screamreach Brawler
3 - 5 Enduring Victory ---- Stampeding Elk Herd Scaleguard Sentinels Herald of Dromoka Shambling Goblin Dragon Fodder Ojutai's Breath
3 - 6 Foul-Tongue Shriek ---- Pacifism Kolaghan Stormsinger Screamreach Brawler Pacifism Defeat Sandcrafter Mage
3 - 7 Anticipate ---- Silumgar Monument Flatten Atarka Beastbreaker Dragon Fodder Living Lore Revealing Wind
3 - 8 Coat with Venom ---- Atarka Beastbreaker Sabertooth Outrider Ruthless Deathfang Sight of the Scalelords Qal Sisma Behemoth Servant of the Scale
3 - 9 Kolaghan Aspirant ---- Marang River Skeleton Enduring Victory Center Soul Palace Familiar Sheltered Aerie Keeper of the Lens
3 - 10 Vulturous Aven ---- Ancestral Statue Keeper of the Lens Servant of the Scale Inspiring Call Elusive Spellfist Servant of the Scale
3 - 11 Ojutai's Summons ---- Dragon's Eye Sentry Scion of Ugin Dragon-Scarred Bear Surge of Righteousness Dromoka Dunecaster Champion of Arashin
3 - 12 Atarka Efreet ---- Foul-Tongue Invocation Lose Calm Conifer Strider Champion of Arashin Butcher's Glee Marsh Hulk
3 - 13 Conifer Strider ---- Zephyr Scribe Glade Watcher Segmented Krotiq Naturalize Ojutai Interceptor Pinion Feast
3 - 14 Gurmag Drowner ---- Taigam's Strike Segmented Krotiq Updraft Elemental Vandalize Ancient Carp Sandsteppe Scavenger